Algonquian Language Tool

© 2024 Algonquian Language Revitalization Project

Translations of 'sting'
nucáhkowI sting
nucáhkowumunWe sting
kucáhkowYou sting
kucáhkowumuwYall sting
kucáhkowáushI sting you
wucáhkowuwA NA stings
kucáhkowáurumuwI sting yall
kucáhkowáurumunWe sting you
kucáhkowumunWe-inc sting
kucáhkowáYou sting me
kucáhkowáumunYou sting us
nucáhkowáômI sting a NA
kucáhkowáurumunWe sting yall
kucáhkowáumuwYall sting me
kucáhkowáumunYall sting us
nucáhkowáômunWe sting a NA
kucáhkowáômYou sting a NA
nucáhkowáuqA NA stings me
nucáhkowáukomunA NA stings us
nucáhkowuwI do not sting
wucáhkowuwSome NAs sting
wucáhkowuwThat NA stings
kucáhkowáuqA NA stings you
kucáhkowáômuwYall sting a NA
nucáhkowáôwI sting that NA
nucáhkowuwumunWe do not sting
wucáhkowuwakThose NAs sting
kucáhkowáukomuwA NA stings yall
kucáhkowuwYou do not sting
nucáhkowáômuwI sting some NAs
nucáhkowáôwunWe sting that NA
wucáhkowáôwA NA stings a NA
kucáhkowáômunWe-inc sting a NA
kucáhkowuwumuwYall do not sting
kucáhkowáôwYou sting that NA
nucáhkowáôwuwôwakI sting those NAs
nucáhkowáukomuwSome NAs sting me
nucáhkowáukomunSome NAs sting us
nucáhkowáukowThat NA stings me
nucáhkowáukowunThat NA stings us
nucáhkowáômunWe sting some NAs
kucáhkowáukomunA NA stings us-inc
kucáhkowáurowI do not sting you
kucáhkowáukomuwSome NAs sting you
kucáhkowáukowThat NA stings you
kucáhkowáôwuwYall sting that NA
kucáhkowáômuwYou sting some NAs
nucáhkowáukowuwThose NAs sting me
nucáhkowáukowunThose NAs sting us
nucáhkowáôwunônakWe sting those NAs
kucáhkowáurowumuwI do not sting yall
kucáhkowáukomuwSome NAs sting yall
kucáhkowáukowuwThat NA stings yall
kucáhkowáukowuwThose NAs sting you
kucáhkowáurowumunWe do not sting you
kucáhkowuwumunWe-inc do not sting
kucáhkowáômuwYall sting some NAs
kucáhkowáuwYou do not sting me
kucáhkowáuwumunYou do not sting us
kucáhkowáôwuwôwakYou sting those NAs
nucáhkowáôwI do not sting a NA
wucáhkowuwuwA NA does not sting
wucáhkowáôwA NA stings that NA
wucáhkowáôwuwSome NAs sting a NA
wucáhkowáôwThat NA stings a NA
kucáhkowáukowuwThose NAs sting yall
kucáhkowáurowumunWe do not sting yall
kucáhkowáôwunWe-inc sting that NA
kucáhkowáuwumuwYall do not sting me
kucáhkowáuwumunYall do not sting us
kucáhkowáôwuwôwakYall sting those NAs
nucáhkowáôwumunWe do not sting a NA
wucáhkowáôwuwA NA stings some NAs
wucáhkowáôwuwThose NAs sting a NA
kucáhkowáukomunSome NAs sting us-inc
kucáhkowáukowunThat NA stings us-inc
kucáhkowáômunWe-inc sting some NAs
kucáhkowáôwYou do not sting a NA
wucáhkowáôwuwôwakA NA stings those NAs
wucáhkowuwuwSome NAs do not sting
kucáhkowáukowunThose NAs sting us-inc
kucáhkowáôwunônakWe-inc sting those NAs
kucáhkowáôwumuwYall do not sting a NA
nucáhkowáukowA NA does not sting me
nucáhkowáukowumunA NA does not sting us
nucáhkowáôwuwI do not sting that NA
wucáhkowáôwuwSome NAs sting that NA
wucáhkowuwuwThat NA does not sting
wucáhkowáôwahThat NA stings that NA
wucáhkowuwuwakThose NAs do not sting
kucáhkowáukowA NA does not sting you
nucáhkowáôwumuwI do not sting some NAs
nucáhkowáôwuwunWe do not sting that NA
wucáhkowáôwuwSome NAs sting some NAs
wucáhkowáôwuwThat NA stings some NAs
wucáhkowáôwuwôwahThose NAs sting that NA
kucáhkowáukowumuwA NA does not sting yall
kucáhkowáôwumunWe-inc do not sting a NA
kucáhkowáôwuwYou do not sting that NA
nucáhkowáôwuwuwôwakI do not sting those NAs
nucáhkowáukowumuwSome NAs do not sting me
nucáhkowáukowumunSome NAs do not sting us
nucáhkowáôwumunWe do not sting some NAs
wucáhkowáôwuwA NA does not sting a NA
wucáhkowáôwuwôwakSome NAs sting those NAs
wucáhkowáôwuwôwahThat NA stings those NAs
wucáhkowáôwuwThose NAs sting some NAs
kucáhkowáukowumuwSome NAs do not sting you
kucáhkowáôwuwuwYall do not sting that NA
kucáhkowáôwumuwYou do not sting some NAs
nucáhkowáukowuwThat NA does not sting me
nucáhkowáukowuwunThat NA does not sting us
nucáhkowáukowuwuwThose NAs do not sting me
nucáhkowáukowuwunThose NAs do not sting us
nucáhkowáôwuwunônakWe do not sting those NAs
wucáhkowáôwuwôwahThose NAs sting those NAs
kucáhkowáukowumunA NA does not sting us-inc
kucáhkowáukowumuwSome NAs do not sting yall
kucáhkowáukowuwThat NA does not sting you
kucáhkowáukowuwuwThose NAs do not sting you
kucáhkowáôwumuwYall do not sting some NAs
kucáhkowáôwuwuwôwakYou do not sting those NAs
wucáhkowáôwuwuwSome NAs do not sting a NA
kucáhkowáukowuwuwThat NA does not sting yall
kucáhkowáukowuwuwThose NAs do not sting yall
kucáhkowáôwuwunWe-inc do not sting that NA
kucáhkowáôwuwuwôwakYall do not sting those NAs
wucáhkowáôwuwA NA does not sting that NA
wucáhkowáôwuwThat NA does not sting a NA
wucáhkowáôwuwuwThose NAs do not sting a NA
kucáhkowáukowumunSome NAs do not sting us-inc
kucáhkowáôwumunWe-inc do not sting some NAs
wucáhkowáôwuwuwA NA does not sting some NAs
kucáhkowáukowuwunThat NA does not sting us-inc
kucáhkowáukowuwunThose NAs do not sting us-inc
kucáhkowáôwuwunônakWe-inc do not sting those NAs
wucáhkowáôwuwuwôwakA NA does not sting those NAs
wucáhkowáôwuwuwSome NAs do not sting that NA
wucáhkowáôwuwuwSome NAs do not sting some NAs
wucáhkowáôwuwahThat NA does not sting that NA
wucáhkowáôwuwuwôwahThose NAs do not sting that NA
wucáhkowáôwuwuwôwakSome NAs do not sting those NAs
wucáhkowáôwuwuwThat NA does not sting some NAs
wucáhkowáôwuwuwThose NAs do not sting some NAs
wucáhkowáôwuwuwôwahThat NA does not sting those NAs
wucáhkowáôwuwuwôwahThose NAs do not sting those NAs