Algonquian Language Tool

© 2024 Algonquian Language Revitalization Project

Translations of 'make'
kutayiyawushI make you
kutayiyawurumuwI make yall
kutayiyawurumunWe make you
kutayiyawYou make me
kutayiyawumunYou make us
nutayiyawômI make a NA
nutayumI make a NI
kutayiyawurumunWe make yall
kutayiyawumuwYall make me
kutayiyawumunYall make us
nutayiyawômunWe make a NA
nutayumumunWe make a NI
kutayiyawômYou make a NA
kutayumYou make a NI
nutayiyawuqA NA makes me
nutayiyawukomunA NA makes us
kutayiyawuqA NA makes you
kutayiyawômuwYall make a NA
kutayumumuwYall make a NI
nutayiyawI make that NA
nutayumunI make that NI
kutayiyawukomuwA NA makes yall
nutayiyawômuwI make some NAs
nutayumumuwI make some NIs
nutayiyawôwunWe make that NA
nutayumunánWe make that NI
ayiyawA NA makes a NA
ayumuwA NA makes a NI
kutayiyawômunWe-inc make a NA
kutayumumunWe-inc make a NI
kutayiyawYou make that NA
kutayumunYou make that NI
nutayiyawôwuwôwakI make those NAs
nutayumunáwôwashI make those NIs
nutáypônihtI make a NI calm
nutayiyawukomuwSome NAs make me
nutayiyawukomunSome NAs make us
nutayiyawukowThat NA makes me
nutayiyawukowunThat NA makes us
nutayiyawômunWe make some NAs
nutayumumunWe make some NIs
kutayiyawukomunA NA makes us-inc
kutayiyawurowI do not make you
kutayiyawukomuwSome NAs make you
kutayiyawukowThat NA makes you
kutayiyawôwuwYall make that NA
kutayumunáwYall make that NI
kutayiyawômuwYou make some NAs
kutayumumuwYou make some NIs
nutayiyawukowuwThose NAs make me
nutayiyawukowunThose NAs make us
nutayiyawôwunônakWe make those NAs
nutayumunánônashWe make those NIs
nutáypônihtumunWe make a NI calm
kutayiyawurowumuwI do not make yall
kutayiyawukomuwSome NAs make yall
kutayiyawukowuwThat NA makes yall
kutayiyawukowuwThose NAs make you
kutayiyawurowumunWe do not make you
kutayiyawômuwYall make some NAs
kutayumumuwYall make some NIs
kutayiyawuwYou do not make me
kutayiyawuwumunYou do not make us
kutayiyawôwuwôwakYou make those NAs
kutayumunáwôwashYou make those NIs
kutáypônihtYou make a NI calm
nutayiyawôwI do not make a NA
nutayumuwI do not make a NI
ayiyawA NA makes that NA
ayumunA NA makes that NI
ayiyawôwuwSome NAs make a NA
ayumuwuwSome NAs make a NI
ayiyawThat NA makes a NA
ayumuwThat NA makes a NI
kutayiyawukowuwThose NAs make yall
kutayiyawurowumunWe do not make yall
kutayiyawôwunWe-inc make that NA
kutayumunánWe-inc make that NI
kutayiyawuwumuwYall do not make me
kutayiyawuwumunYall do not make us
kutayiyawôwuwôwakYall make those NAs
kutayumunáwôwashYall make those NIs
kutáypônihtumuwYall make a NI calm
nutáypônihtunI make that NI calm
nutayiyawôwumunWe do not make a NA
nutayumuwumunWe do not make a NI
ayiyawôwuwA NA makes some NAs
ayumuwuwA NA makes some NIs
ayiyawôwuwThose NAs make a NA
ayumuwuwThose NAs make a NI
kutayiyawukomunSome NAs make us-inc
kutayiyawukowunThat NA makes us-inc
kutayiyawômunWe-inc make some NAs
kutayumumunWe-inc make some NIs
kutayiyawôwYou do not make a NA
kutayumuwYou do not make a NI
nutáypônihtumuwI make some NIs calm
nutáypônihtunánWe make that NI calm
wutáypônihtuwA NA makes a NI calm
ayiyawôwuwôwakA NA makes those NAs
ayumunáwôwashA NA makes those NIs
kutayiyawukowunThose NAs make us-inc
kutayiyawôwunônakWe-inc make those NAs
kutayumunánônashWe-inc make those NIs
kutáypônihtumunWe-inc make a NI calm
kutayiyawôwumuwYall do not make a NA
kutayumuwumuwYall do not make a NI
kutáypônihtunYou make that NI calm
nutayiyawukowA NA does not make me
nutayiyawukowumunA NA does not make us
nutayiyawôwuwI do not make that NA
nutayumuwunI do not make that NI
nutáypônihtunáwôwashI make those NIs calm
nutáypônihtumunWe make some NIs calm
ayiyawôwuwSome NAs make that NA
ayumunáwSome NAs make that NI
ayiyawôwahThat NA makes that NA
ayumunThat NA makes that NI
kutayiyawukowA NA does not make you
kutáypônihtunáwYall make that NI calm
kutáypônihtumuwYou make some NIs calm
nutayiyawôwumuwI do not make some NAs
nutayumuwumuwI do not make some NIs
nutayiyawôwuwunWe do not make that NA
nutayumuwunánWe do not make that NI
nutáypônihtunánônashWe make those NIs calm
ayiyawôwuwSome NAs make some NAs
ayumuwuwSome NAs make some NIs
ayiyawôwuwThat NA makes some NAs
ayumuwuwThat NA makes some NIs
ayiyawôwuwôwahThose NAs make that NA
ayumunáwThose NAs make that NI
kutayiyawukowumuwA NA does not make yall
kutayumawáwushI make you do something
kutayiyawôwumunWe-inc do not make a NA
kutayumuwumunWe-inc do not make a NI
kutáypônihtumuwYall make some NIs calm
kutayiyawôwuwYou do not make that NA
kutayumuwunYou do not make that NI
kutáypônihtunáwôwashYou make those NIs calm
nutayiyawôwuwuwôwakI do not make those NAs
nutayumuwunáwôwashI do not make those NIs
nutáypônihtuwI do not make a NI calm
nutayiyawukowumuwSome NAs do not make me
nutayiyawukowumunSome NAs do not make us
nutayiyawôwumunWe do not make some NAs
nutayumuwumunWe do not make some NIs
wutáypônihtunA NA makes that NI calm
wutáypônihtuwuwSome NAs make a NI calm
wutáypônihtuwThat NA makes a NI calm
ayiyawôwuwA NA does not make a NA
ayumuwuwA NA does not make a NI
ayiyawôwuwôwakSome NAs make those NAs
ayumunáwôwashSome NAs make those NIs
ayiyawôwuwôwahThat NA makes those NAs
ayumunáwôwashThat NA makes those NIs
ayiyawôwuwThose NAs make some NAs
ayumuwuwThose NAs make some NIs
kutayumawáwurumuwI make yall do something
kutayiyawukowumuwSome NAs do not make you
kutayumawáwurumunWe make you do something
kutáypônihtunánWe-inc make that NI calm
kutayiyawôwuwuwYall do not make that NA
kutayumuwunáwYall do not make that NI
kutáypônihtunáwôwashYall make those NIs calm
kutayiyawôwumuwYou do not make some NAs
kutayumuwumuwYou do not make some NIs
kutayumawáwYou make me do something
kutayumawáwumunYou make us do something
nutayumawáwômI make a NA do something
nutayiyawukowuwThat NA does not make me
nutayiyawukowuwunThat NA does not make us
nutayiyawukowuwuwThose NAs do not make me
nutayiyawukowuwunThose NAs do not make us
nutayiyawôwuwunônakWe do not make those NAs
nutayumuwunánônashWe do not make those NIs
nutáypônihtuwumunWe do not make a NI calm
wutáypônihtuwuwA NA makes some NIs calm
wutáypônihtuwuwThose NAs make a NI calm
ayiyawôwuwôwahThose NAs make those NAs
ayumunáwôwashThose NAs make those NIs
kutayiyawukowumunA NA does not make us-inc
kutayiyawukowumuwSome NAs do not make yall
kutayiyawukowuwThat NA does not make you
kutayiyawukowuwuwThose NAs do not make you
kutayumawáwurumunWe make yall do something
kutáypônihtumunWe-inc make some NIs calm
kutayiyawôwumuwYall do not make some NAs
kutayumuwumuwYall do not make some NIs
kutayumawáwumuwYall make me do something
kutayumawáwumunYall make us do something
kutayiyawôwuwuwôwakYou do not make those NAs
kutayumuwunáwôwashYou do not make those NIs
kutáypônihtuwYou do not make a NI calm
nutayumawáwômunWe make a NA do something
wutáypônihtunáwôwashA NA makes those NIs calm
ayiyawôwuwuwSome NAs do not make a NA
ayumuwuwuwSome NAs do not make a NI
kutayiyawukowuwuwThat NA does not make yall
kutayiyawukowuwuwThose NAs do not make yall
kutayiyawôwuwunWe-inc do not make that NA
kutayumuwunánWe-inc do not make that NI
kutáypônihtunánônashWe-inc make those NIs calm
kutayiyawôwuwuwôwakYall do not make those NAs
kutayumuwunáwôwashYall do not make those NIs
kutáypônihtuwumuwYall do not make a NI calm
kutayumawáwômYou make a NA do something
nutayumawáwuqA NA makes me do something
nutayumawáwukomunA NA makes us do something
nutáypônihtuwunI do not make that NI calm
wutáypônihtunáwSome NAs make that NI calm
wutáypônihtunThat NA makes that NI calm
ayiyawôwuwA NA does not make that NA
ayumuwunA NA does not make that NI
ayiyawôwuwThat NA does not make a NA
ayumuwuwThat NA does not make a NI
ayiyawôwuwuwThose NAs do not make a NA
ayumuwuwuwThose NAs do not make a NI
kutayumawáwuqA NA makes you do something
kutayiyawukowumunSome NAs do not make us-inc
kutayiyawôwumunWe-inc do not make some NAs
kutayumuwumunWe-inc do not make some NIs
kutayumawáwômuwYall make a NA do something
nutáypônihtuwumuwI do not make some NIs calm
nutayumawáwI make that NA do something
nutáypônihtuwunánWe do not make that NI calm
wutáypônihtuwuwSome NAs make some NIs calm
wutáypônihtuwuwThat NA makes some NIs calm
wutáypônihtunáwThose NAs make that NI calm
ayiyawôwuwuwA NA does not make some NAs
ayumuwuwuwA NA does not make some NIs
kutayumawáwukomuwA NA makes yall do something
kutayiyawukowuwunThat NA does not make us-inc
kutayiyawukowuwunThose NAs do not make us-inc
kutayiyawôwuwunônakWe-inc do not make those NAs
kutayumuwunánônashWe-inc do not make those NIs
kutáypônihtuwumunWe-inc do not make a NI calm
kutáypônihtuwunYou do not make that NI calm
nutáypônihtuwunáwôwashI do not make those NIs calm
nutayumawáwômuwI make some NAs do something
nutáypônihtuwumunWe do not make some NIs calm
nutayumawáwôwunWe make that NA do something
wutáypônihtuwuwA NA does not make a NI calm
wutáypônihtunáwôwashSome NAs make those NIs calm
wutáypônihtunáwôwashThat NA makes those NIs calm
wutáypônihtuwuwThose NAs make some NIs calm
ayiyawôwuwuwôwakA NA does not make those NAs
ayumuwunáwôwashA NA does not make those NIs
ayumawáwA NA makes a NA do something
ayiyawôwuwuwSome NAs do not make that NA
ayumuwunáwSome NAs do not make that NI
kutayumawáwômunWe-inc make a NA do something
kutáypônihtuwunáwYall do not make that NI calm
kutáypônihtuwumuwYou do not make some NIs calm
kutayumawáwYou make that NA do something
nutayumawáwôwuwôwakI make those NAs do something
nutayumawáwukomuwSome NAs make me do something
nutayumawáwukomunSome NAs make us do something
nutayumawáwukowThat NA makes me do something
nutayumawáwukowunThat NA makes us do something
nutáypônihtuwunánônashWe do not make those NIs calm
nutayumawáwômunWe make some NAs do something
wutáypônihtunáwôwashThose NAs make those NIs calm
ayiyawôwuwuwSome NAs do not make some NAs
ayumuwuwuwSome NAs do not make some NIs
ayiyawôwuwahThat NA does not make that NA
ayumuwunThat NA does not make that NI
ayiyawôwuwuwôwahThose NAs do not make that NA
ayumuwunáwThose NAs do not make that NI
kutayumawáwukomunA NA makes us-inc do something
kutayumawáwurowI do not make you do something
kutayumawáwukomuwSome NAs make you do something
kutayumawáwukowThat NA makes you do something
kutáypônihtuwumuwYall do not make some NIs calm
kutayumawáwôwuwYall make that NA do something
kutáypônihtuwunáwôwashYou do not make those NIs calm
kutayumawáwômuwYou make some NAs do something
nutayumawáwukowuwThose NAs make me do something
nutayumawáwukowunThose NAs make us do something
nutayumawáwôwunônakWe make those NAs do something
wutáypônihtuwuwuwSome NAs do not make a NI calm
ayiyawôwuwuwôwakSome NAs do not make those NAs
ayumuwunáwôwashSome NAs do not make those NIs
ayiyawôwuwuwThat NA does not make some NAs
ayumuwuwuwThat NA does not make some NIs
ayiyawôwuwuwThose NAs do not make some NAs
ayumuwuwuwThose NAs do not make some NIs
kutayumawáwurowumuwI do not make yall do something
kutayumawáwukomuwSome NAs make yall do something
kutayumawáwukowuwThat NA makes yall do something
kutayumawáwukowuwThose NAs make you do something
kutayumawáwurowumunWe do not make you do something
kutáypônihtuwunánWe-inc do not make that NI calm
kutáypônihtuwunáwôwashYall do not make those NIs calm
kutayumawáwômuwYall make some NAs do something
kutayumawáwuwYou do not make me do something
kutayumawáwuwumunYou do not make us do something
kutayumawáwôwuwôwakYou make those NAs do something
nutayumawáwôwI do not make a NA do something
wutáypônihtuwunA NA does not make that NI calm
wutáypônihtuwuwThat NA does not make a NI calm
wutáypônihtuwuwuwThose NAs do not make a NI calm
ayumawáwA NA makes that NA do something
ayumawáwôwuwSome NAs make a NA do something
ayiyawôwuwuwôwahThat NA does not make those NAs
ayumuwunáwôwashThat NA does not make those NIs
ayumawáwThat NA makes a NA do something
ayiyawôwuwuwôwahThose NAs do not make those NAs
ayumuwunáwôwashThose NAs do not make those NIs
kutayumawáwukowuwThose NAs make yall do something
kutayumawáwurowumunWe do not make yall do something
kutáypônihtuwumunWe-inc do not make some NIs calm
kutayumawáwôwunWe-inc make that NA do something
kutayumawáwuwumuwYall do not make me do something
kutayumawáwuwumunYall do not make us do something
kutayumawáwôwuwôwakYall make those NAs do something
nutayumawáwôwumunWe do not make a NA do something
wutáypônihtuwuwuwA NA does not make some NIs calm
ayumawáwôwuwA NA makes some NAs do something
ayumawáwôwuwThose NAs make a NA do something
kutayumawáwukomunSome NAs make us-inc do something
kutayumawáwukowunThat NA makes us-inc do something
kutáypônihtuwunánônashWe-inc do not make those NIs calm
kutayumawáwômunWe-inc make some NAs do something
kutayumawáwôwYou do not make a NA do something
wutáypônihtuwunáwôwashA NA does not make those NIs calm
wutáypônihtuwunáwSome NAs do not make that NI calm
ayumawáwôwuwôwakA NA makes those NAs do something
kutayumawáwukowunThose NAs make us-inc do something
kutayumawáwôwunônakWe-inc make those NAs do something
kutayumawáwôwumuwYall do not make a NA do something
nutayumawáwukowA NA does not make me do something
nutayumawáwukowumunA NA does not make us do something
nutayumawáwôwuwI do not make that NA do something
wutáypônihtuwuwuwSome NAs do not make some NIs calm
wutáypônihtuwunThat NA does not make that NI calm
wutáypônihtuwunáwThose NAs do not make that NI calm
ayumawáwôwuwSome NAs make that NA do something
ayumawáwôwahThat NA makes that NA do something
kutayumawáwukowA NA does not make you do something
nutayumawáwôwumuwI do not make some NAs do something
nutayumawáwôwuwunWe do not make that NA do something
wutáypônihtuwunáwôwashSome NAs do not make those NIs calm
wutáypônihtuwuwuwThat NA does not make some NIs calm
wutáypônihtuwuwuwThose NAs do not make some NIs calm
ayumawáwôwuwSome NAs make some NAs do something
ayumawáwôwuwThat NA makes some NAs do something
ayumawáwôwuwôwahThose NAs make that NA do something
kutayumawáwukowumuwA NA does not make yall do something
kutayumawáwôwumunWe-inc do not make a NA do something
kutayumawáwôwuwYou do not make that NA do something
nutayumawáwôwuwuwôwakI do not make those NAs do something
nutayumawáwukowumuwSome NAs do not make me do something
nutayumawáwukowumunSome NAs do not make us do something
nutayumawáwôwumunWe do not make some NAs do something
wutáypônihtuwunáwôwashThat NA does not make those NIs calm
wutáypônihtuwunáwôwashThose NAs do not make those NIs calm
ayumawáwôwuwA NA does not make a NA do something
ayumawáwôwuwôwakSome NAs make those NAs do something
ayumawáwôwuwôwahThat NA makes those NAs do something
ayumawáwôwuwThose NAs make some NAs do something
kutayumawáwukowumuwSome NAs do not make you do something
kutayumawáwôwuwuwYall do not make that NA do something
kutayumawáwôwumuwYou do not make some NAs do something
nutayumawáwukowuwThat NA does not make me do something
nutayumawáwukowuwunThat NA does not make us do something
nutayumawáwukowuwuwThose NAs do not make me do something
nutayumawáwukowuwunThose NAs do not make us do something
nutayumawáwôwuwunônakWe do not make those NAs do something
ayumawáwôwuwôwahThose NAs make those NAs do something
kutayumawáwukowumunA NA does not make us-inc do something
kutayumawáwukowumuwSome NAs do not make yall do something
kutayumawáwukowuwThat NA does not make you do something
kutayumawáwukowuwuwThose NAs do not make you do something
kutayumawáwôwumuwYall do not make some NAs do something
kutayumawáwôwuwuwôwakYou do not make those NAs do something
ayumawáwôwuwuwSome NAs do not make a NA do something
kutayumawáwukowuwuwThat NA does not make yall do something
kutayumawáwukowuwuwThose NAs do not make yall do something
kutayumawáwôwuwunWe-inc do not make that NA do something
kutayumawáwôwuwuwôwakYall do not make those NAs do something
ayumawáwôwuwA NA does not make that NA do something
ayumawáwôwuwThat NA does not make a NA do something
ayumawáwôwuwuwThose NAs do not make a NA do something
kutayumawáwukowumunSome NAs do not make us-inc do something
kutayumawáwôwumunWe-inc do not make some NAs do something
ayumawáwôwuwuwA NA does not make some NAs do something
kutayumawáwukowuwunThat NA does not make us-inc do something
kutayumawáwukowuwunThose NAs do not make us-inc do something
kutayumawáwôwuwunônakWe-inc do not make those NAs do something
ayumawáwôwuwuwôwakA NA does not make those NAs do something
ayumawáwôwuwuwSome NAs do not make that NA do something
ayumawáwôwuwuwSome NAs do not make some NAs do something
ayumawáwôwuwahThat NA does not make that NA do something
ayumawáwôwuwuwôwahThose NAs do not make that NA do something
ayumawáwôwuwuwôwakSome NAs do not make those NAs do something
ayumawáwôwuwuwThat NA does not make some NAs do something
ayumawáwôwuwuwThose NAs do not make some NAs do something
ayumawáwôwuwuwôwahThat NA does not make those NAs do something
ayumawáwôwuwuwôwahThose NAs do not make those NAs do something