© 2024 Algonquian Language Revitalization Project
Translations of 'make' | |
kutayiyawush | I make you |
kutayiyawurumuw | I make yall |
kutayiyawurumun | We make you |
kutayiyaw | You make me |
kutayiyawumun | You make us |
nutayiyawôm | I make a NA |
nutayum | I make a NI |
kutayiyawurumun | We make yall |
kutayiyawumuw | Yall make me |
kutayiyawumun | Yall make us |
nutayiyawômun | We make a NA |
nutayumumun | We make a NI |
kutayiyawôm | You make a NA |
kutayum | You make a NI |
nutayiyawuq | A NA makes me |
nutayiyawukomun | A NA makes us |
kutayiyawuq | A NA makes you |
kutayiyawômuw | Yall make a NA |
kutayumumuw | Yall make a NI |
nutayiyaw | I make that NA |
nutayumun | I make that NI |
kutayiyawukomuw | A NA makes yall |
nutayiyawômuw | I make some NAs |
nutayumumuw | I make some NIs |
nutayiyawôwun | We make that NA |
nutayumunán | We make that NI |
ayiyaw | A NA makes a NA |
ayumuw | A NA makes a NI |
kutayiyawômun | We-inc make a NA |
kutayumumun | We-inc make a NI |
kutayiyaw | You make that NA |
kutayumun | You make that NI |
nutayiyawôwuwôwak | I make those NAs |
nutayumunáwôwash | I make those NIs |
nutáypôniht | I make a NI calm |
nutayiyawukomuw | Some NAs make me |
nutayiyawukomun | Some NAs make us |
nutayiyawukow | That NA makes me |
nutayiyawukowun | That NA makes us |
nutayiyawômun | We make some NAs |
nutayumumun | We make some NIs |
kutayiyawukomun | A NA makes us-inc |
kutayiyawurow | I do not make you |
kutayiyawukomuw | Some NAs make you |
kutayiyawukow | That NA makes you |
kutayiyawôwuw | Yall make that NA |
kutayumunáw | Yall make that NI |
kutayiyawômuw | You make some NAs |
kutayumumuw | You make some NIs |
nutayiyawukowuw | Those NAs make me |
nutayiyawukowun | Those NAs make us |
nutayiyawôwunônak | We make those NAs |
nutayumunánônash | We make those NIs |
nutáypônihtumun | We make a NI calm |
kutayiyawurowumuw | I do not make yall |
kutayiyawukomuw | Some NAs make yall |
kutayiyawukowuw | That NA makes yall |
kutayiyawukowuw | Those NAs make you |
kutayiyawurowumun | We do not make you |
kutayiyawômuw | Yall make some NAs |
kutayumumuw | Yall make some NIs |
kutayiyawuw | You do not make me |
kutayiyawuwumun | You do not make us |
kutayiyawôwuwôwak | You make those NAs |
kutayumunáwôwash | You make those NIs |
kutáypôniht | You make a NI calm |
nutayiyawôw | I do not make a NA |
nutayumuw | I do not make a NI |
ayiyaw | A NA makes that NA |
ayumun | A NA makes that NI |
ayiyawôwuw | Some NAs make a NA |
ayumuwuw | Some NAs make a NI |
ayiyaw | That NA makes a NA |
ayumuw | That NA makes a NI |
kutayiyawukowuw | Those NAs make yall |
kutayiyawurowumun | We do not make yall |
kutayiyawôwun | We-inc make that NA |
kutayumunán | We-inc make that NI |
kutayiyawuwumuw | Yall do not make me |
kutayiyawuwumun | Yall do not make us |
kutayiyawôwuwôwak | Yall make those NAs |
kutayumunáwôwash | Yall make those NIs |
kutáypônihtumuw | Yall make a NI calm |
nutáypônihtun | I make that NI calm |
nutayiyawôwumun | We do not make a NA |
nutayumuwumun | We do not make a NI |
ayiyawôwuw | A NA makes some NAs |
ayumuwuw | A NA makes some NIs |
ayiyawôwuw | Those NAs make a NA |
ayumuwuw | Those NAs make a NI |
kutayiyawukomun | Some NAs make us-inc |
kutayiyawukowun | That NA makes us-inc |
kutayiyawômun | We-inc make some NAs |
kutayumumun | We-inc make some NIs |
kutayiyawôw | You do not make a NA |
kutayumuw | You do not make a NI |
nutáypônihtumuw | I make some NIs calm |
nutáypônihtunán | We make that NI calm |
wutáypônihtuw | A NA makes a NI calm |
ayiyawôwuwôwak | A NA makes those NAs |
ayumunáwôwash | A NA makes those NIs |
kutayiyawukowun | Those NAs make us-inc |
kutayiyawôwunônak | We-inc make those NAs |
kutayumunánônash | We-inc make those NIs |
kutáypônihtumun | We-inc make a NI calm |
kutayiyawôwumuw | Yall do not make a NA |
kutayumuwumuw | Yall do not make a NI |
kutáypônihtun | You make that NI calm |
nutayiyawukow | A NA does not make me |
nutayiyawukowumun | A NA does not make us |
nutayiyawôwuw | I do not make that NA |
nutayumuwun | I do not make that NI |
nutáypônihtunáwôwash | I make those NIs calm |
nutáypônihtumun | We make some NIs calm |
ayiyawôwuw | Some NAs make that NA |
ayumunáw | Some NAs make that NI |
ayiyawôwah | That NA makes that NA |
ayumun | That NA makes that NI |
kutayiyawukow | A NA does not make you |
kutáypônihtunáw | Yall make that NI calm |
kutáypônihtumuw | You make some NIs calm |
nutayiyawôwumuw | I do not make some NAs |
nutayumuwumuw | I do not make some NIs |
nutayiyawôwuwun | We do not make that NA |
nutayumuwunán | We do not make that NI |
nutáypônihtunánônash | We make those NIs calm |
ayiyawôwuw | Some NAs make some NAs |
ayumuwuw | Some NAs make some NIs |
ayiyawôwuw | That NA makes some NAs |
ayumuwuw | That NA makes some NIs |
ayiyawôwuwôwah | Those NAs make that NA |
ayumunáw | Those NAs make that NI |
kutayiyawukowumuw | A NA does not make yall |
kutayumawáwush | I make you do something |
kutayiyawôwumun | We-inc do not make a NA |
kutayumuwumun | We-inc do not make a NI |
kutáypônihtumuw | Yall make some NIs calm |
kutayiyawôwuw | You do not make that NA |
kutayumuwun | You do not make that NI |
kutáypônihtunáwôwash | You make those NIs calm |
nutayiyawôwuwuwôwak | I do not make those NAs |
nutayumuwunáwôwash | I do not make those NIs |
nutáypônihtuw | I do not make a NI calm |
nutayiyawukowumuw | Some NAs do not make me |
nutayiyawukowumun | Some NAs do not make us |
nutayiyawôwumun | We do not make some NAs |
nutayumuwumun | We do not make some NIs |
wutáypônihtun | A NA makes that NI calm |
wutáypônihtuwuw | Some NAs make a NI calm |
wutáypônihtuw | That NA makes a NI calm |
ayiyawôwuw | A NA does not make a NA |
ayumuwuw | A NA does not make a NI |
ayiyawôwuwôwak | Some NAs make those NAs |
ayumunáwôwash | Some NAs make those NIs |
ayiyawôwuwôwah | That NA makes those NAs |
ayumunáwôwash | That NA makes those NIs |
ayiyawôwuw | Those NAs make some NAs |
ayumuwuw | Those NAs make some NIs |
kutayumawáwurumuw | I make yall do something |
kutayiyawukowumuw | Some NAs do not make you |
kutayumawáwurumun | We make you do something |
kutáypônihtunán | We-inc make that NI calm |
kutayiyawôwuwuw | Yall do not make that NA |
kutayumuwunáw | Yall do not make that NI |
kutáypônihtunáwôwash | Yall make those NIs calm |
kutayiyawôwumuw | You do not make some NAs |
kutayumuwumuw | You do not make some NIs |
kutayumawáw | You make me do something |
kutayumawáwumun | You make us do something |
nutayumawáwôm | I make a NA do something |
nutayiyawukowuw | That NA does not make me |
nutayiyawukowuwun | That NA does not make us |
nutayiyawukowuwuw | Those NAs do not make me |
nutayiyawukowuwun | Those NAs do not make us |
nutayiyawôwuwunônak | We do not make those NAs |
nutayumuwunánônash | We do not make those NIs |
nutáypônihtuwumun | We do not make a NI calm |
wutáypônihtuwuw | A NA makes some NIs calm |
wutáypônihtuwuw | Those NAs make a NI calm |
ayiyawôwuwôwah | Those NAs make those NAs |
ayumunáwôwash | Those NAs make those NIs |
kutayiyawukowumun | A NA does not make us-inc |
kutayiyawukowumuw | Some NAs do not make yall |
kutayiyawukowuw | That NA does not make you |
kutayiyawukowuwuw | Those NAs do not make you |
kutayumawáwurumun | We make yall do something |
kutáypônihtumun | We-inc make some NIs calm |
kutayiyawôwumuw | Yall do not make some NAs |
kutayumuwumuw | Yall do not make some NIs |
kutayumawáwumuw | Yall make me do something |
kutayumawáwumun | Yall make us do something |
kutayiyawôwuwuwôwak | You do not make those NAs |
kutayumuwunáwôwash | You do not make those NIs |
kutáypônihtuw | You do not make a NI calm |
nutayumawáwômun | We make a NA do something |
wutáypônihtunáwôwash | A NA makes those NIs calm |
ayiyawôwuwuw | Some NAs do not make a NA |
ayumuwuwuw | Some NAs do not make a NI |
kutayiyawukowuwuw | That NA does not make yall |
kutayiyawukowuwuw | Those NAs do not make yall |
kutayiyawôwuwun | We-inc do not make that NA |
kutayumuwunán | We-inc do not make that NI |
kutáypônihtunánônash | We-inc make those NIs calm |
kutayiyawôwuwuwôwak | Yall do not make those NAs |
kutayumuwunáwôwash | Yall do not make those NIs |
kutáypônihtuwumuw | Yall do not make a NI calm |
kutayumawáwôm | You make a NA do something |
nutayumawáwuq | A NA makes me do something |
nutayumawáwukomun | A NA makes us do something |
nutáypônihtuwun | I do not make that NI calm |
wutáypônihtunáw | Some NAs make that NI calm |
wutáypônihtun | That NA makes that NI calm |
ayiyawôwuw | A NA does not make that NA |
ayumuwun | A NA does not make that NI |
ayiyawôwuw | That NA does not make a NA |
ayumuwuw | That NA does not make a NI |
ayiyawôwuwuw | Those NAs do not make a NA |
ayumuwuwuw | Those NAs do not make a NI |
kutayumawáwuq | A NA makes you do something |
kutayiyawukowumun | Some NAs do not make us-inc |
kutayiyawôwumun | We-inc do not make some NAs |
kutayumuwumun | We-inc do not make some NIs |
kutayumawáwômuw | Yall make a NA do something |
nutáypônihtuwumuw | I do not make some NIs calm |
nutayumawáw | I make that NA do something |
nutáypônihtuwunán | We do not make that NI calm |
wutáypônihtuwuw | Some NAs make some NIs calm |
wutáypônihtuwuw | That NA makes some NIs calm |
wutáypônihtunáw | Those NAs make that NI calm |
ayiyawôwuwuw | A NA does not make some NAs |
ayumuwuwuw | A NA does not make some NIs |
kutayumawáwukomuw | A NA makes yall do something |
kutayiyawukowuwun | That NA does not make us-inc |
kutayiyawukowuwun | Those NAs do not make us-inc |
kutayiyawôwuwunônak | We-inc do not make those NAs |
kutayumuwunánônash | We-inc do not make those NIs |
kutáypônihtuwumun | We-inc do not make a NI calm |
kutáypônihtuwun | You do not make that NI calm |
nutáypônihtuwunáwôwash | I do not make those NIs calm |
nutayumawáwômuw | I make some NAs do something |
nutáypônihtuwumun | We do not make some NIs calm |
nutayumawáwôwun | We make that NA do something |
wutáypônihtuwuw | A NA does not make a NI calm |
wutáypônihtunáwôwash | Some NAs make those NIs calm |
wutáypônihtunáwôwash | That NA makes those NIs calm |
wutáypônihtuwuw | Those NAs make some NIs calm |
ayiyawôwuwuwôwak | A NA does not make those NAs |
ayumuwunáwôwash | A NA does not make those NIs |
ayumawáw | A NA makes a NA do something |
ayiyawôwuwuw | Some NAs do not make that NA |
ayumuwunáw | Some NAs do not make that NI |
kutayumawáwômun | We-inc make a NA do something |
kutáypônihtuwunáw | Yall do not make that NI calm |
kutáypônihtuwumuw | You do not make some NIs calm |
kutayumawáw | You make that NA do something |
nutayumawáwôwuwôwak | I make those NAs do something |
nutayumawáwukomuw | Some NAs make me do something |
nutayumawáwukomun | Some NAs make us do something |
nutayumawáwukow | That NA makes me do something |
nutayumawáwukowun | That NA makes us do something |
nutáypônihtuwunánônash | We do not make those NIs calm |
nutayumawáwômun | We make some NAs do something |
wutáypônihtunáwôwash | Those NAs make those NIs calm |
ayiyawôwuwuw | Some NAs do not make some NAs |
ayumuwuwuw | Some NAs do not make some NIs |
ayiyawôwuwah | That NA does not make that NA |
ayumuwun | That NA does not make that NI |
ayiyawôwuwuwôwah | Those NAs do not make that NA |
ayumuwunáw | Those NAs do not make that NI |
kutayumawáwukomun | A NA makes us-inc do something |
kutayumawáwurow | I do not make you do something |
kutayumawáwukomuw | Some NAs make you do something |
kutayumawáwukow | That NA makes you do something |
kutáypônihtuwumuw | Yall do not make some NIs calm |
kutayumawáwôwuw | Yall make that NA do something |
kutáypônihtuwunáwôwash | You do not make those NIs calm |
kutayumawáwômuw | You make some NAs do something |
nutayumawáwukowuw | Those NAs make me do something |
nutayumawáwukowun | Those NAs make us do something |
nutayumawáwôwunônak | We make those NAs do something |
wutáypônihtuwuwuw | Some NAs do not make a NI calm |
ayiyawôwuwuwôwak | Some NAs do not make those NAs |
ayumuwunáwôwash | Some NAs do not make those NIs |
ayiyawôwuwuw | That NA does not make some NAs |
ayumuwuwuw | That NA does not make some NIs |
ayiyawôwuwuw | Those NAs do not make some NAs |
ayumuwuwuw | Those NAs do not make some NIs |
kutayumawáwurowumuw | I do not make yall do something |
kutayumawáwukomuw | Some NAs make yall do something |
kutayumawáwukowuw | That NA makes yall do something |
kutayumawáwukowuw | Those NAs make you do something |
kutayumawáwurowumun | We do not make you do something |
kutáypônihtuwunán | We-inc do not make that NI calm |
kutáypônihtuwunáwôwash | Yall do not make those NIs calm |
kutayumawáwômuw | Yall make some NAs do something |
kutayumawáwuw | You do not make me do something |
kutayumawáwuwumun | You do not make us do something |
kutayumawáwôwuwôwak | You make those NAs do something |
nutayumawáwôw | I do not make a NA do something |
wutáypônihtuwun | A NA does not make that NI calm |
wutáypônihtuwuw | That NA does not make a NI calm |
wutáypônihtuwuwuw | Those NAs do not make a NI calm |
ayumawáw | A NA makes that NA do something |
ayumawáwôwuw | Some NAs make a NA do something |
ayiyawôwuwuwôwah | That NA does not make those NAs |
ayumuwunáwôwash | That NA does not make those NIs |
ayumawáw | That NA makes a NA do something |
ayiyawôwuwuwôwah | Those NAs do not make those NAs |
ayumuwunáwôwash | Those NAs do not make those NIs |
kutayumawáwukowuw | Those NAs make yall do something |
kutayumawáwurowumun | We do not make yall do something |
kutáypônihtuwumun | We-inc do not make some NIs calm |
kutayumawáwôwun | We-inc make that NA do something |
kutayumawáwuwumuw | Yall do not make me do something |
kutayumawáwuwumun | Yall do not make us do something |
kutayumawáwôwuwôwak | Yall make those NAs do something |
nutayumawáwôwumun | We do not make a NA do something |
wutáypônihtuwuwuw | A NA does not make some NIs calm |
ayumawáwôwuw | A NA makes some NAs do something |
ayumawáwôwuw | Those NAs make a NA do something |
kutayumawáwukomun | Some NAs make us-inc do something |
kutayumawáwukowun | That NA makes us-inc do something |
kutáypônihtuwunánônash | We-inc do not make those NIs calm |
kutayumawáwômun | We-inc make some NAs do something |
kutayumawáwôw | You do not make a NA do something |
wutáypônihtuwunáwôwash | A NA does not make those NIs calm |
wutáypônihtuwunáw | Some NAs do not make that NI calm |
ayumawáwôwuwôwak | A NA makes those NAs do something |
kutayumawáwukowun | Those NAs make us-inc do something |
kutayumawáwôwunônak | We-inc make those NAs do something |
kutayumawáwôwumuw | Yall do not make a NA do something |
nutayumawáwukow | A NA does not make me do something |
nutayumawáwukowumun | A NA does not make us do something |
nutayumawáwôwuw | I do not make that NA do something |
wutáypônihtuwuwuw | Some NAs do not make some NIs calm |
wutáypônihtuwun | That NA does not make that NI calm |
wutáypônihtuwunáw | Those NAs do not make that NI calm |
ayumawáwôwuw | Some NAs make that NA do something |
ayumawáwôwah | That NA makes that NA do something |
kutayumawáwukow | A NA does not make you do something |
nutayumawáwôwumuw | I do not make some NAs do something |
nutayumawáwôwuwun | We do not make that NA do something |
wutáypônihtuwunáwôwash | Some NAs do not make those NIs calm |
wutáypônihtuwuwuw | That NA does not make some NIs calm |
wutáypônihtuwuwuw | Those NAs do not make some NIs calm |
ayumawáwôwuw | Some NAs make some NAs do something |
ayumawáwôwuw | That NA makes some NAs do something |
ayumawáwôwuwôwah | Those NAs make that NA do something |
kutayumawáwukowumuw | A NA does not make yall do something |
kutayumawáwôwumun | We-inc do not make a NA do something |
kutayumawáwôwuw | You do not make that NA do something |
nutayumawáwôwuwuwôwak | I do not make those NAs do something |
nutayumawáwukowumuw | Some NAs do not make me do something |
nutayumawáwukowumun | Some NAs do not make us do something |
nutayumawáwôwumun | We do not make some NAs do something |
wutáypônihtuwunáwôwash | That NA does not make those NIs calm |
wutáypônihtuwunáwôwash | Those NAs do not make those NIs calm |
ayumawáwôwuw | A NA does not make a NA do something |
ayumawáwôwuwôwak | Some NAs make those NAs do something |
ayumawáwôwuwôwah | That NA makes those NAs do something |
ayumawáwôwuw | Those NAs make some NAs do something |
kutayumawáwukowumuw | Some NAs do not make you do something |
kutayumawáwôwuwuw | Yall do not make that NA do something |
kutayumawáwôwumuw | You do not make some NAs do something |
nutayumawáwukowuw | That NA does not make me do something |
nutayumawáwukowuwun | That NA does not make us do something |
nutayumawáwukowuwuw | Those NAs do not make me do something |
nutayumawáwukowuwun | Those NAs do not make us do something |
nutayumawáwôwuwunônak | We do not make those NAs do something |
ayumawáwôwuwôwah | Those NAs make those NAs do something |
kutayumawáwukowumun | A NA does not make us-inc do something |
kutayumawáwukowumuw | Some NAs do not make yall do something |
kutayumawáwukowuw | That NA does not make you do something |
kutayumawáwukowuwuw | Those NAs do not make you do something |
kutayumawáwôwumuw | Yall do not make some NAs do something |
kutayumawáwôwuwuwôwak | You do not make those NAs do something |
ayumawáwôwuwuw | Some NAs do not make a NA do something |
kutayumawáwukowuwuw | That NA does not make yall do something |
kutayumawáwukowuwuw | Those NAs do not make yall do something |
kutayumawáwôwuwun | We-inc do not make that NA do something |
kutayumawáwôwuwuwôwak | Yall do not make those NAs do something |
ayumawáwôwuw | A NA does not make that NA do something |
ayumawáwôwuw | That NA does not make a NA do something |
ayumawáwôwuwuw | Those NAs do not make a NA do something |
kutayumawáwukowumun | Some NAs do not make us-inc do something |
kutayumawáwôwumun | We-inc do not make some NAs do something |
ayumawáwôwuwuw | A NA does not make some NAs do something |
kutayumawáwukowuwun | That NA does not make us-inc do something |
kutayumawáwukowuwun | Those NAs do not make us-inc do something |
kutayumawáwôwuwunônak | We-inc do not make those NAs do something |
ayumawáwôwuwuwôwak | A NA does not make those NAs do something |
ayumawáwôwuwuw | Some NAs do not make that NA do something |
ayumawáwôwuwuw | Some NAs do not make some NAs do something |
ayumawáwôwuwah | That NA does not make that NA do something |
ayumawáwôwuwuwôwah | Those NAs do not make that NA do something |
ayumawáwôwuwuwôwak | Some NAs do not make those NAs do something |
ayumawáwôwuwuw | That NA does not make some NAs do something |
ayumawáwôwuwuw | Those NAs do not make some NAs do something |
ayumawáwôwuwuwôwah | That NA does not make those NAs do something |
ayumawáwôwuwuwôwah | Those NAs do not make those NAs do something |
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