Algonquian Language Tool

© 2024 Algonquian Language Revitalization Project

Translations of 'burn'
kucikásáushI burn you
wucikáhtuwA NI burns
kucikásáurumuwI burn yall
kucikásáurumunWe burn you
kucikásáYou burn me
kucikásáumunYou burn us
nucikásumI burn a NI
nucikásáômI burn a NA
kucikásáurumunWe burn yall
kucikásáumuwYall burn me
kucikásáumunYall burn us
nucikásumumunWe burn a NI
nucikásáômunWe burn a NA
kucikásumYou burn a NI
kucikásáômYou burn a NA
nucikásáuqA NA burns me
nucikásáukomunA NA burns us
wucikáhtuwSome NIs burn
wucikáhtuwThat NI burns
kucikásáuqA NA burns you
kucikásumumuwYall burn a NI
kucikásáômuwYall burn a NA
nucikásumunI burn that NI
nucikásáôwI burn that NA
wucikáhtuwashThose NIs burn
kucikásáukomuwA NA burns yall
nucikásumumuwI burn some NIs
nucikásáômuwI burn some NAs
nucikásumunánWe burn that NI
nucikásáôwunWe burn that NA
wucikásumuwA NA burns a NI
wucikásáôwA NA burns a NA
kucikásumumunWe-inc burn a NI
kucikásáômunWe-inc burn a NA
kucikásumunYou burn that NI
kucikásáôwYou burn that NA
nucikásumunáwôwashI burn those NIs
nucikásáôwuwôwakI burn those NAs
nucikásáukomuwSome NAs burn me
nucikásáukomunSome NAs burn us
nucikásáukowThat NA burns me
nucikásáukowunThat NA burns us
nucikásumumunWe burn some NIs
nucikásáômunWe burn some NAs
kucikásáukomunA NA burns us-inc
kucikásáurowI do not burn you
kucikásáukomuwSome NAs burn you
kucikásáukowThat NA burns you
kucikásumunáwYall burn that NI
kucikásáôwuwYall burn that NA
kucikásumumuwYou burn some NIs
kucikásáômuwYou burn some NAs
nucikásáukowuwThose NAs burn me
nucikásáukowunThose NAs burn us
nucikásumunánônashWe burn those NIs
nucikásáôwunônakWe burn those NAs
kucikásáurowumuwI do not burn yall
kucikásáukomuwSome NAs burn yall
kucikásáukowuwThat NA burns yall
kucikásáukowuwThose NAs burn you
kucikásáurowumunWe do not burn you
kucikásumumuwYall burn some NIs
kucikásáômuwYall burn some NAs
kucikásáuwYou do not burn me
kucikásáuwumunYou do not burn us
kucikásumunáwôwashYou burn those NIs
kucikásáôwuwôwakYou burn those NAs
nucikásumuwI do not burn a NI
nucikásáôwI do not burn a NA
wucikásumunA NA burns that NI
wucikásáôwA NA burns that NA
wucikáhtuwuwA NI does not burn
wucikásumuwuwSome NAs burn a NI
wucikásáôwuwSome NAs burn a NA
wucikásumuwThat NA burns a NI
wucikásáôwThat NA burns a NA
kucikásáukowuwThose NAs burn yall
kucikásáurowumunWe do not burn yall
kucikásumunánWe-inc burn that NI
kucikásáôwunWe-inc burn that NA
kucikásáuwumuwYall do not burn me
kucikásáuwumunYall do not burn us
kucikásumunáwôwashYall burn those NIs
kucikásáôwuwôwakYall burn those NAs
nucikásumuwumunWe do not burn a NI
nucikásáôwumunWe do not burn a NA
wucikásumuwuwA NA burns some NIs
wucikásáôwuwA NA burns some NAs
wucikásumuwuwThose NAs burn a NI
wucikásáôwuwThose NAs burn a NA
kucikásáukomunSome NAs burn us-inc
kucikásáukowunThat NA burns us-inc
kucikásumumunWe-inc burn some NIs
kucikásáômunWe-inc burn some NAs
kucikásumuwYou do not burn a NI
kucikásáôwYou do not burn a NA
wucikásumunáwôwashA NA burns those NIs
wucikásáôwuwôwakA NA burns those NAs
wucikáhtuwuwSome NIs do not burn
kucikásáukowunThose NAs burn us-inc
kucikásumunánônashWe-inc burn those NIs
kucikásáôwunônakWe-inc burn those NAs
kucikásumuwumuwYall do not burn a NI
kucikásáôwumuwYall do not burn a NA
nucikásáukowA NA does not burn me
nucikásáukowumunA NA does not burn us
nucikásumuwunI do not burn that NI
nucikásáôwuwI do not burn that NA
wucikásumunáwSome NAs burn that NI
wucikásáôwuwSome NAs burn that NA
wucikásumunThat NA burns that NI
wucikásáôwahThat NA burns that NA
wucikáhtuwuwThat NI does not burn
wucikáhtuwuwashThose NIs do not burn
kucikásáukowA NA does not burn you
nucikásumuwumuwI do not burn some NIs
nucikásáôwumuwI do not burn some NAs
nucikásumuwunánWe do not burn that NI
nucikásáôwuwunWe do not burn that NA
wucikásumuwuwSome NAs burn some NIs
wucikásáôwuwSome NAs burn some NAs
wucikásumuwuwThat NA burns some NIs
wucikásáôwuwThat NA burns some NAs
wucikásumunáwThose NAs burn that NI
wucikásáôwuwôwahThose NAs burn that NA
kucikásáukowumuwA NA does not burn yall
kucikásumuwumunWe-inc do not burn a NI
kucikásáôwumunWe-inc do not burn a NA
kucikásumuwunYou do not burn that NI
kucikásáôwuwYou do not burn that NA
nucikásumuwunáwôwashI do not burn those NIs
nucikásáôwuwuwôwakI do not burn those NAs
nucikásáukowumuwSome NAs do not burn me
nucikásáukowumunSome NAs do not burn us
nucikásumuwumunWe do not burn some NIs
nucikásáôwumunWe do not burn some NAs
wucikásumuwuwA NA does not burn a NI
wucikásáôwuwA NA does not burn a NA
wucikásumunáwôwashSome NAs burn those NIs
wucikásáôwuwôwakSome NAs burn those NAs
wucikásumunáwôwashThat NA burns those NIs
wucikásáôwuwôwahThat NA burns those NAs
wucikásumuwuwThose NAs burn some NIs
wucikásáôwuwThose NAs burn some NAs
kucikásáukowumuwSome NAs do not burn you
kucikásumuwunáwYall do not burn that NI
kucikásáôwuwuwYall do not burn that NA
kucikásumuwumuwYou do not burn some NIs
kucikásáôwumuwYou do not burn some NAs
nucikásáukowuwThat NA does not burn me
nucikásáukowuwunThat NA does not burn us
nucikásáukowuwuwThose NAs do not burn me
nucikásáukowuwunThose NAs do not burn us
nucikásumuwunánônashWe do not burn those NIs
nucikásáôwuwunônakWe do not burn those NAs
wucikásumunáwôwashThose NAs burn those NIs
wucikásáôwuwôwahThose NAs burn those NAs
kucikásáukowumunA NA does not burn us-inc
kucikásáukowumuwSome NAs do not burn yall
kucikásáukowuwThat NA does not burn you
kucikásáukowuwuwThose NAs do not burn you
kucikásumuwumuwYall do not burn some NIs
kucikásáôwumuwYall do not burn some NAs
kucikásumuwunáwôwashYou do not burn those NIs
kucikásáôwuwuwôwakYou do not burn those NAs
wucikásumuwuwuwSome NAs do not burn a NI
wucikásáôwuwuwSome NAs do not burn a NA
kucikásáukowuwuwThat NA does not burn yall
kucikásáukowuwuwThose NAs do not burn yall
kucikásumuwunánWe-inc do not burn that NI
kucikásáôwuwunWe-inc do not burn that NA
kucikásumuwunáwôwashYall do not burn those NIs
kucikásáôwuwuwôwakYall do not burn those NAs
wucikásumuwunA NA does not burn that NI
wucikásáôwuwA NA does not burn that NA
wucikásumuwuwThat NA does not burn a NI
wucikásáôwuwThat NA does not burn a NA
wucikásumuwuwuwThose NAs do not burn a NI
wucikásáôwuwuwThose NAs do not burn a NA
kucikásáukowumunSome NAs do not burn us-inc
kucikásumuwumunWe-inc do not burn some NIs
kucikásáôwumunWe-inc do not burn some NAs
wucikásumuwuwuwA NA does not burn some NIs
wucikásáôwuwuwA NA does not burn some NAs
kucikásáukowuwunThat NA does not burn us-inc
kucikásáukowuwunThose NAs do not burn us-inc
kucikásumuwunánônashWe-inc do not burn those NIs
kucikásáôwuwunônakWe-inc do not burn those NAs
wucikásumuwunáwôwashA NA does not burn those NIs
wucikásáôwuwuwôwakA NA does not burn those NAs
wucikásumuwunáwSome NAs do not burn that NI
wucikásáôwuwuwSome NAs do not burn that NA
wucikásumuwuwuwSome NAs do not burn some NIs
wucikásáôwuwuwSome NAs do not burn some NAs
wucikásumuwunThat NA does not burn that NI
wucikásáôwuwahThat NA does not burn that NA
wucikásumuwunáwThose NAs do not burn that NI
wucikásáôwuwuwôwahThose NAs do not burn that NA
wucikásumuwunáwôwashSome NAs do not burn those NIs
wucikásáôwuwuwôwakSome NAs do not burn those NAs
wucikásumuwuwuwThat NA does not burn some NIs
wucikásáôwuwuwThat NA does not burn some NAs
wucikásumuwuwuwThose NAs do not burn some NIs
wucikásáôwuwuwThose NAs do not burn some NAs
wucikásumuwunáwôwashThat NA does not burn those NIs
wucikásáôwuwuwôwahThat NA does not burn those NAs
wucikásumuwunáwôwashThose NAs do not burn those NIs
wucikásáôwuwuwôwahThose NAs do not burn those NAs