Algonquian Language Tool

© 2024 Algonquian Language Revitalization Project

Translations of 'eat'
numitsI eat
numitsumunWe eat
kumitsYou eat
kumitsumuwYall eat
kumohushI eat you
wumitsuwA NA eats
kumohurumuwI eat yall
kumohurumunWe eat you
kumitsumunWe-inc eat
kumohYou eat me
kumohumunYou eat us
numicmI eat a NI
numohômI eat a NA
kumohurumunWe eat yall
kumohumuwYall eat me
kumohumunYall eat us
numicmunWe eat a NI
numohômunWe eat a NA
kumicmYou eat a NI
kumohômYou eat a NA
numohuqA NA eats me
numohukomunA NA eats us
numitsuwI do not eat
wumitsuwSome NAs eat
wumitsuwThat NA eats
kumohuqA NA eats you
kumicmuwYall eat a NI
kumohômuwYall eat a NA
numicinI eat that NI
numohôwI eat that NA
numitsuwumunWe do not eat
wumitsuwakThose NAs eat
kumohukomuwA NA eats yall
kumitsuwYou do not eat
numicmuwI eat some NIs
numohômuwI eat some NAs
numicinánWe eat that NI
numohôwunWe eat that NA
wumicwA NA eats a NI
wumohôwA NA eats a NA
kumicmunWe-inc eat a NI
kumohômunWe-inc eat a NA
kumitsuwumuwYall do not eat
kumicinYou eat that NI
kumohôwYou eat that NA
numicináwôwashI eat those NIs
numohôwuwôwakI eat those NAs
numohukomuwSome NAs eat me
numohukomunSome NAs eat us
numohukowThat NA eats me
numohukowunThat NA eats us
numicmunWe eat some NIs
numohômunWe eat some NAs
kumohukomunA NA eats us-inc
kumohurowI do not eat you
kumohukomuwSome NAs eat you
kumohukowThat NA eats you
kumicináwYall eat that NI
kumohôwuwYall eat that NA
kumicmuwYou eat some NIs
kumohômuwYou eat some NAs
numohukowuwThose NAs eat me
numohukowunThose NAs eat us
numicinánônashWe eat those NIs
numohôwunônakWe eat those NAs
kumohurowumuwI do not eat yall
kumohukomuwSome NAs eat yall
kumohukowuwThat NA eats yall
kumohukowuwThose NAs eat you
kumohurowumunWe do not eat you
kumitsuwumunWe-inc do not eat
kumicmuwYall eat some NIs
kumohômuwYall eat some NAs
kumohuwYou do not eat me
kumohuwumunYou do not eat us
kumicináwôwashYou eat those NIs
kumohôwuwôwakYou eat those NAs
numicwI do not eat a NI
numohôwI do not eat a NA
wumitsuwuwA NA does not eat
wumicinA NA eats that NI
wumohôwA NA eats that NA
wumicwuwSome NAs eat a NI
wumohôwuwSome NAs eat a NA
wumicwThat NA eats a NI
wumohôwThat NA eats a NA
kumohukowuwThose NAs eat yall
kumohurowumunWe do not eat yall
kumicinánWe-inc eat that NI
kumohôwunWe-inc eat that NA
kumohuwumuwYall do not eat me
kumohuwumunYall do not eat us
kumicináwôwashYall eat those NIs
kumohôwuwôwakYall eat those NAs
numicwumunWe do not eat a NI
numohôwumunWe do not eat a NA
wumicwuwA NA eats some NIs
wumohôwuwA NA eats some NAs
wumicwuwThose NAs eat a NI
wumohôwuwThose NAs eat a NA
kumohukomunSome NAs eat us-inc
kumohukowunThat NA eats us-inc
kumicmunWe-inc eat some NIs
kumohômunWe-inc eat some NAs
kumicwYou do not eat a NI
kumohôwYou do not eat a NA
wumicináwôwashA NA eats those NIs
wumohôwuwôwakA NA eats those NAs
wumitsuwuwSome NAs do not eat
kumohukowunThose NAs eat us-inc
kumicinánônashWe-inc eat those NIs
kumohôwunônakWe-inc eat those NAs
kumicwumuwYall do not eat a NI
kumohôwumuwYall do not eat a NA
numohukowA NA does not eat me
numohukowumunA NA does not eat us
numicwunI do not eat that NI
numohôwuwI do not eat that NA
wumicináwSome NAs eat that NI
wumohôwuwSome NAs eat that NA
wumitsuwuwThat NA does not eat
wumicinThat NA eats that NI
wumohôwahThat NA eats that NA
wumitsuwuwakThose NAs do not eat
kumohukowA NA does not eat you
numicwumuwI do not eat some NIs
numohôwumuwI do not eat some NAs
numicwunánWe do not eat that NI
numohôwuwunWe do not eat that NA
wumicwuwSome NAs eat some NIs
wumohôwuwSome NAs eat some NAs
wumicwuwThat NA eats some NIs
wumohôwuwThat NA eats some NAs
wumicináwThose NAs eat that NI
wumohôwuwôwahThose NAs eat that NA
kumohukowumuwA NA does not eat yall
kumicwumunWe-inc do not eat a NI
kumohôwumunWe-inc do not eat a NA
kumicwunYou do not eat that NI
kumohôwuwYou do not eat that NA
numicwunáwôwashI do not eat those NIs
numohôwuwuwôwakI do not eat those NAs
numohukowumuwSome NAs do not eat me
numohukowumunSome NAs do not eat us
numicwumunWe do not eat some NIs
numohôwumunWe do not eat some NAs
wumicwuwA NA does not eat a NI
wumohôwuwA NA does not eat a NA
wumicináwôwashSome NAs eat those NIs
wumohôwuwôwakSome NAs eat those NAs
wumicináwôwashThat NA eats those NIs
wumohôwuwôwahThat NA eats those NAs
wumicwuwThose NAs eat some NIs
wumohôwuwThose NAs eat some NAs
kumohukowumuwSome NAs do not eat you
kumicwunáwYall do not eat that NI
kumohôwuwuwYall do not eat that NA
kumicwumuwYou do not eat some NIs
kumohôwumuwYou do not eat some NAs
numohukowuwThat NA does not eat me
numohukowuwunThat NA does not eat us
numohukowuwuwThose NAs do not eat me
numohukowuwunThose NAs do not eat us
numicwunánônashWe do not eat those NIs
numohôwuwunônakWe do not eat those NAs
wumicináwôwashThose NAs eat those NIs
wumohôwuwôwahThose NAs eat those NAs
kumohukowumunA NA does not eat us-inc
kumohukowumuwSome NAs do not eat yall
kumohukowuwThat NA does not eat you
kumohukowuwuwThose NAs do not eat you
kumicwumuwYall do not eat some NIs
kumohôwumuwYall do not eat some NAs
kumicwunáwôwashYou do not eat those NIs
kumohôwuwuwôwakYou do not eat those NAs
wumicwuwuwSome NAs do not eat a NI
wumohôwuwuwSome NAs do not eat a NA
kumohukowuwuwThat NA does not eat yall
kumohukowuwuwThose NAs do not eat yall
kumicwunánWe-inc do not eat that NI
kumohôwuwunWe-inc do not eat that NA
kumicwunáwôwashYall do not eat those NIs
kumohôwuwuwôwakYall do not eat those NAs
wumicwunA NA does not eat that NI
wumohôwuwA NA does not eat that NA
wumicwuwThat NA does not eat a NI
wumohôwuwThat NA does not eat a NA
wumicwuwuwThose NAs do not eat a NI
wumohôwuwuwThose NAs do not eat a NA
kumohukowumunSome NAs do not eat us-inc
kumicwumunWe-inc do not eat some NIs
kumohôwumunWe-inc do not eat some NAs
wumicwuwuwA NA does not eat some NIs
wumohôwuwuwA NA does not eat some NAs
kumohukowuwunThat NA does not eat us-inc
kumohukowuwunThose NAs do not eat us-inc
kumicwunánônashWe-inc do not eat those NIs
kumohôwuwunônakWe-inc do not eat those NAs
wumicwunáwôwashA NA does not eat those NIs
wumohôwuwuwôwakA NA does not eat those NAs
wumicwunáwSome NAs do not eat that NI
wumohôwuwuwSome NAs do not eat that NA
wumicwuwuwSome NAs do not eat some NIs
wumohôwuwuwSome NAs do not eat some NAs
wumicwunThat NA does not eat that NI
wumohôwuwahThat NA does not eat that NA
wumicwunáwThose NAs do not eat that NI
wumohôwuwuwôwahThose NAs do not eat that NA
wumicwunáwôwashSome NAs do not eat those NIs
wumohôwuwuwôwakSome NAs do not eat those NAs
wumicwuwuwThat NA does not eat some NIs
wumohôwuwuwThat NA does not eat some NAs
wumicwuwuwThose NAs do not eat some NIs
wumohôwuwuwThose NAs do not eat some NAs
wumicwunáwôwashThat NA does not eat those NIs
wumohôwuwuwôwahThat NA does not eat those NAs
wumicwunáwôwashThose NAs do not eat those NIs
wumohôwuwuwôwahThose NAs do not eat those NAs