© 2024 Algonquian Language Revitalization Project
Translations of 'eat' | |
numits | I eat |
numitsumun | We eat |
kumits | You eat |
kumitsumuw | Yall eat |
kumohush | I eat you |
wumitsuw | A NA eats |
kumohurumuw | I eat yall |
kumohurumun | We eat you |
kumitsumun | We-inc eat |
kumoh | You eat me |
kumohumun | You eat us |
numicm | I eat a NI |
numohôm | I eat a NA |
kumohurumun | We eat yall |
kumohumuw | Yall eat me |
kumohumun | Yall eat us |
numicmun | We eat a NI |
numohômun | We eat a NA |
kumicm | You eat a NI |
kumohôm | You eat a NA |
numohuq | A NA eats me |
numohukomun | A NA eats us |
numitsuw | I do not eat |
wumitsuw | Some NAs eat |
wumitsuw | That NA eats |
kumohuq | A NA eats you |
kumicmuw | Yall eat a NI |
kumohômuw | Yall eat a NA |
numicin | I eat that NI |
numohôw | I eat that NA |
numitsuwumun | We do not eat |
wumitsuwak | Those NAs eat |
kumohukomuw | A NA eats yall |
kumitsuw | You do not eat |
numicmuw | I eat some NIs |
numohômuw | I eat some NAs |
numicinán | We eat that NI |
numohôwun | We eat that NA |
wumicw | A NA eats a NI |
wumohôw | A NA eats a NA |
kumicmun | We-inc eat a NI |
kumohômun | We-inc eat a NA |
kumitsuwumuw | Yall do not eat |
kumicin | You eat that NI |
kumohôw | You eat that NA |
numicináwôwash | I eat those NIs |
numohôwuwôwak | I eat those NAs |
numohukomuw | Some NAs eat me |
numohukomun | Some NAs eat us |
numohukow | That NA eats me |
numohukowun | That NA eats us |
numicmun | We eat some NIs |
numohômun | We eat some NAs |
kumohukomun | A NA eats us-inc |
kumohurow | I do not eat you |
kumohukomuw | Some NAs eat you |
kumohukow | That NA eats you |
kumicináw | Yall eat that NI |
kumohôwuw | Yall eat that NA |
kumicmuw | You eat some NIs |
kumohômuw | You eat some NAs |
numohukowuw | Those NAs eat me |
numohukowun | Those NAs eat us |
numicinánônash | We eat those NIs |
numohôwunônak | We eat those NAs |
kumohurowumuw | I do not eat yall |
kumohukomuw | Some NAs eat yall |
kumohukowuw | That NA eats yall |
kumohukowuw | Those NAs eat you |
kumohurowumun | We do not eat you |
kumitsuwumun | We-inc do not eat |
kumicmuw | Yall eat some NIs |
kumohômuw | Yall eat some NAs |
kumohuw | You do not eat me |
kumohuwumun | You do not eat us |
kumicináwôwash | You eat those NIs |
kumohôwuwôwak | You eat those NAs |
numicw | I do not eat a NI |
numohôw | I do not eat a NA |
wumitsuwuw | A NA does not eat |
wumicin | A NA eats that NI |
wumohôw | A NA eats that NA |
wumicwuw | Some NAs eat a NI |
wumohôwuw | Some NAs eat a NA |
wumicw | That NA eats a NI |
wumohôw | That NA eats a NA |
kumohukowuw | Those NAs eat yall |
kumohurowumun | We do not eat yall |
kumicinán | We-inc eat that NI |
kumohôwun | We-inc eat that NA |
kumohuwumuw | Yall do not eat me |
kumohuwumun | Yall do not eat us |
kumicináwôwash | Yall eat those NIs |
kumohôwuwôwak | Yall eat those NAs |
numicwumun | We do not eat a NI |
numohôwumun | We do not eat a NA |
wumicwuw | A NA eats some NIs |
wumohôwuw | A NA eats some NAs |
wumicwuw | Those NAs eat a NI |
wumohôwuw | Those NAs eat a NA |
kumohukomun | Some NAs eat us-inc |
kumohukowun | That NA eats us-inc |
kumicmun | We-inc eat some NIs |
kumohômun | We-inc eat some NAs |
kumicw | You do not eat a NI |
kumohôw | You do not eat a NA |
wumicináwôwash | A NA eats those NIs |
wumohôwuwôwak | A NA eats those NAs |
wumitsuwuw | Some NAs do not eat |
kumohukowun | Those NAs eat us-inc |
kumicinánônash | We-inc eat those NIs |
kumohôwunônak | We-inc eat those NAs |
kumicwumuw | Yall do not eat a NI |
kumohôwumuw | Yall do not eat a NA |
numohukow | A NA does not eat me |
numohukowumun | A NA does not eat us |
numicwun | I do not eat that NI |
numohôwuw | I do not eat that NA |
wumicináw | Some NAs eat that NI |
wumohôwuw | Some NAs eat that NA |
wumitsuwuw | That NA does not eat |
wumicin | That NA eats that NI |
wumohôwah | That NA eats that NA |
wumitsuwuwak | Those NAs do not eat |
kumohukow | A NA does not eat you |
numicwumuw | I do not eat some NIs |
numohôwumuw | I do not eat some NAs |
numicwunán | We do not eat that NI |
numohôwuwun | We do not eat that NA |
wumicwuw | Some NAs eat some NIs |
wumohôwuw | Some NAs eat some NAs |
wumicwuw | That NA eats some NIs |
wumohôwuw | That NA eats some NAs |
wumicináw | Those NAs eat that NI |
wumohôwuwôwah | Those NAs eat that NA |
kumohukowumuw | A NA does not eat yall |
kumicwumun | We-inc do not eat a NI |
kumohôwumun | We-inc do not eat a NA |
kumicwun | You do not eat that NI |
kumohôwuw | You do not eat that NA |
numicwunáwôwash | I do not eat those NIs |
numohôwuwuwôwak | I do not eat those NAs |
numohukowumuw | Some NAs do not eat me |
numohukowumun | Some NAs do not eat us |
numicwumun | We do not eat some NIs |
numohôwumun | We do not eat some NAs |
wumicwuw | A NA does not eat a NI |
wumohôwuw | A NA does not eat a NA |
wumicináwôwash | Some NAs eat those NIs |
wumohôwuwôwak | Some NAs eat those NAs |
wumicináwôwash | That NA eats those NIs |
wumohôwuwôwah | That NA eats those NAs |
wumicwuw | Those NAs eat some NIs |
wumohôwuw | Those NAs eat some NAs |
kumohukowumuw | Some NAs do not eat you |
kumicwunáw | Yall do not eat that NI |
kumohôwuwuw | Yall do not eat that NA |
kumicwumuw | You do not eat some NIs |
kumohôwumuw | You do not eat some NAs |
numohukowuw | That NA does not eat me |
numohukowuwun | That NA does not eat us |
numohukowuwuw | Those NAs do not eat me |
numohukowuwun | Those NAs do not eat us |
numicwunánônash | We do not eat those NIs |
numohôwuwunônak | We do not eat those NAs |
wumicináwôwash | Those NAs eat those NIs |
wumohôwuwôwah | Those NAs eat those NAs |
kumohukowumun | A NA does not eat us-inc |
kumohukowumuw | Some NAs do not eat yall |
kumohukowuw | That NA does not eat you |
kumohukowuwuw | Those NAs do not eat you |
kumicwumuw | Yall do not eat some NIs |
kumohôwumuw | Yall do not eat some NAs |
kumicwunáwôwash | You do not eat those NIs |
kumohôwuwuwôwak | You do not eat those NAs |
wumicwuwuw | Some NAs do not eat a NI |
wumohôwuwuw | Some NAs do not eat a NA |
kumohukowuwuw | That NA does not eat yall |
kumohukowuwuw | Those NAs do not eat yall |
kumicwunán | We-inc do not eat that NI |
kumohôwuwun | We-inc do not eat that NA |
kumicwunáwôwash | Yall do not eat those NIs |
kumohôwuwuwôwak | Yall do not eat those NAs |
wumicwun | A NA does not eat that NI |
wumohôwuw | A NA does not eat that NA |
wumicwuw | That NA does not eat a NI |
wumohôwuw | That NA does not eat a NA |
wumicwuwuw | Those NAs do not eat a NI |
wumohôwuwuw | Those NAs do not eat a NA |
kumohukowumun | Some NAs do not eat us-inc |
kumicwumun | We-inc do not eat some NIs |
kumohôwumun | We-inc do not eat some NAs |
wumicwuwuw | A NA does not eat some NIs |
wumohôwuwuw | A NA does not eat some NAs |
kumohukowuwun | That NA does not eat us-inc |
kumohukowuwun | Those NAs do not eat us-inc |
kumicwunánônash | We-inc do not eat those NIs |
kumohôwuwunônak | We-inc do not eat those NAs |
wumicwunáwôwash | A NA does not eat those NIs |
wumohôwuwuwôwak | A NA does not eat those NAs |
wumicwunáw | Some NAs do not eat that NI |
wumohôwuwuw | Some NAs do not eat that NA |
wumicwuwuw | Some NAs do not eat some NIs |
wumohôwuwuw | Some NAs do not eat some NAs |
wumicwun | That NA does not eat that NI |
wumohôwuwah | That NA does not eat that NA |
wumicwunáw | Those NAs do not eat that NI |
wumohôwuwuwôwah | Those NAs do not eat that NA |
wumicwunáwôwash | Some NAs do not eat those NIs |
wumohôwuwuwôwak | Some NAs do not eat those NAs |
wumicwuwuw | That NA does not eat some NIs |
wumohôwuwuw | That NA does not eat some NAs |
wumicwuwuw | Those NAs do not eat some NIs |
wumohôwuwuw | Those NAs do not eat some NAs |
wumicwunáwôwash | That NA does not eat those NIs |
wumohôwuwuwôwah | That NA does not eat those NAs |
wumicwunáwôwash | Those NAs do not eat those NIs |
wumohôwuwuwôwah | Those NAs do not eat those NAs |
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