Algonquian Language Tool

© 2024 Algonquian Language Revitalization Project

Translations of 'show'
nukuhkotumawI show a NI
nukuhkotumawumunWe show a NI
kukuhkotumawYou show a NI
kukuhkotumawumuwYall show a NI
nukuhkotumawunI show that NI
kunáhturushI show you a NA
kunáhturushI show you a NI
nukuhkotumawumuwI show some NIs
nukuhkotumawunánWe show that NI
wukuhkotumawuwA NA shows a NI
kunáhtururumuwI show yall a NA
kunáhtururumuwI show yall a NI
kunáhtururumunWe show you a NA
kunáhtururumunWe show you a NI
kukuhkotumawumunWe-inc show a NI
kukuhkotumawunYou show that NI
kunáhtusYou show me a NA
kunáhtusYou show me a NI
kunáhtusumunYou show us a NA
kunáhtusumunYou show us a NI
nukuhkotumawunáwôwashI show those NIs
nunáhturômI show a NA a NA
nunáhturômI show a NA a NI
nukuhkotumawumunWe show some NIs
kunáhtururumunWe show yall a NA
kunáhtururumunWe show yall a NI
kukuhkotumawunáwYall show that NI
kunáhtusumuwYall show me a NA
kunáhtusumuwYall show me a NI
kunáhtusumunYall show us a NA
kunáhtusumunYall show us a NI
kukuhkotumawumuwYou show some NIs
nukuhkotumawunánônashWe show those NIs
nunáhturômunWe show a NA a NA
nunáhturômunWe show a NA a NI
kunáhtururunI show you that NA
kunáhtururunI show you that NI
kukuhkotumawumuwYall show some NIs
kukuhkotumawunáwôwashYou show those NIs
kunáhturômYou show a NA a NA
kunáhturômYou show a NA a NI
nunáhturuqA NA shows me a NA
nunáhturuqA NA shows me a NI
nunáhturukomunA NA shows us a NA
nunáhturukomunA NA shows us a NI
nukuhkotumawuwI do not show a NI
wukuhkotumawunA NA shows that NI
wukuhkotumawuwuwSome NAs show a NI
wukuhkotumawuwThat NA shows a NI
kunáhturuqA NA shows you a NA
kunáhturuqA NA shows you a NI
kunáhtururunáwI show yall that NA
kunáhtururunáwI show yall that NI
kunáhturushI show you some NAs
kunáhturushI show you some NIs
kunáhtururunánWe show you that NA
kunáhtururunánWe show you that NI
kukuhkotumawunánWe-inc show that NI
kukuhkotumawunáwôwashYall show those NIs
kunáhturômuwYall show a NA a NA
kunáhturômuwYall show a NA a NI
kunáhtusunYou show me that NA
kunáhtusunYou show me that NI
kunáhtusunánYou show us that NA
kunáhtusunánYou show us that NI
nunáhturôwI show a NA that NA
nunáhturôwI show a NA that NI
nunáhturôwI show that NA a NA
nunáhturôwI show that NA a NI
nukuhkotumawuwumunWe do not show a NI
wukuhkotumawuwuwA NA shows some NIs
wukuhkotumawuwuwThose NAs show a NI
kunáhturukomuwA NA shows yall a NA
kunáhturukomuwA NA shows yall a NI
kunáhtururumuwI show yall some NAs
kunáhtururumuwI show yall some NIs
kunáhtururunakI show you those NAs
kunáhtururunashI show you those NIs
kunáhtururunánWe show yall that NA
kunáhtururunánWe show yall that NI
kunáhtururumunWe show you some NAs
kunáhtururumunWe show you some NIs
kukuhkotumawumunWe-inc show some NIs
kunáhtusunáwYall show me that NA
kunáhtusunáwYall show me that NI
kunáhtusunánYall show us that NA
kunáhtusunánYall show us that NI
kukuhkotumawuwYou do not show a NI
kunáhtusYou show me some NAs
kunáhtusYou show me some NIs
kunáhtusumunYou show us some NAs
kunáhtusumunYou show us some NIs
nunáhturômI show a NA some NAs
nunáhturômI show a NA some NIs
nunáhturômuwI show some NAs a NA
nunáhturômuwI show some NAs a NI
nunáhturôwunWe show a NA that NA
nunáhturôwunWe show a NA that NI
nunáhturôwunWe show that NA a NA
nunáhturôwunWe show that NA a NI
wukuhkotumawunáwôwashA NA shows those NIs
wunáhturôwA NA shows a NA a NA
wunáhturôwA NA shows a NA a NI
kunáhtururunáwôwakI show yall those NAs
kunáhtururunáwôwashI show yall those NIs
kunáhtururumunWe show yall some NAs
kunáhtururumunWe show yall some NIs
kunáhtururunánônakWe show you those NAs
kunáhtururunánônashWe show you those NIs
kukuhkotumawunánônashWe-inc show those NIs
kunáhturômunWe-inc show a NA a NA
kunáhturômunWe-inc show a NA a NI
kukuhkotumawuwumuwYall do not show a NI
kunáhtusumuwYall show me some NAs
kunáhtusumuwYall show me some NIs
kunáhtusumunYall show us some NAs
kunáhtusumunYall show us some NIs
kunáhturôwYou show a NA that NA
kunáhturôwYou show a NA that NI
kunáhturôwYou show that NA a NA
kunáhturôwYou show that NA a NI
kunáhtusunakYou show me those NAs
kunáhtusunashYou show me those NIs
kunáhtusunánônakYou show us those NAs
kunáhtusunánônashYou show us those NIs
nunáhturukowA NA shows me that NA
nunáhturukowA NA shows me that NI
nunáhturukowunA NA shows us that NA
nunáhturukowunA NA shows us that NI
nukuhkotumawuwunI do not show that NI
nunáhturôwakI show a NA those NAs
nunáhturôwashI show a NA those NIs
nunáhturôwuwI show those NAs a NA
nunáhturôwuwI show those NAs a NI
nunáhturukomuwSome NAs show me a NA
nunáhturukomuwSome NAs show me a NI
nunáhturukomunSome NAs show us a NA
nunáhturukomunSome NAs show us a NI
nunáhturukowThat NA shows me a NA
nunáhturukowThat NA shows me a NI
nunáhturukowunThat NA shows us a NA
nunáhturukowunThat NA shows us a NI
nunáhturômunWe show a NA some NAs
nunáhturômunWe show a NA some NIs
nunáhturômunWe show some NAs a NA
nunáhturômunWe show some NAs a NI
wukuhkotumawunáwSome NAs show that NI
wukuhkotumawunThat NA shows that NI
kunáhturukomunA NA shows us-inc a NA
kunáhturukomunA NA shows us-inc a NI
kunáhturukowA NA shows you that NA
kunáhturukowA NA shows you that NI
kunáhtururowI do not show you a NA
kunáhtururowI do not show you a NI
kunáhturukomuwSome NAs show you a NA
kunáhturukomuwSome NAs show you a NI
kunáhturukowThat NA shows you a NA
kunáhturukowThat NA shows you a NI
kunáhtururunánônakWe show yall those NAs
kunáhtururunánônashWe show yall those NIs
kunáhturôwuwYall show a NA that NA
kunáhturôwuwYall show a NA that NI
kunáhturôwuwYall show that NA a NA
kunáhturôwuwYall show that NA a NI
kunáhtusunáwôwakYall show me those NAs
kunáhtusunáwôwashYall show me those NIs
kunáhtusunánônakYall show us those NAs
kunáhtusunánônashYall show us those NIs
kunáhturômYou show a NA some NAs
kunáhturômYou show a NA some NIs
kunáhturômuwYou show some NAs a NA
kunáhturômuwYou show some NAs a NI
nunáhturuqA NA shows me some NAs
nunáhturuqA NA shows me some NIs
nunáhturukomunA NA shows us some NAs
nunáhturukomunA NA shows us some NIs
nukuhkotumawuwumuwI do not show some NIs
nunáhturônahI show that NA that NA
nunáhturônI show that NA that NI
nunáhturukowuwThose NAs show me a NA
nunáhturukowuwThose NAs show me a NI
nunáhturukowunThose NAs show us a NA
nunáhturukowunThose NAs show us a NI
nukuhkotumawuwunánWe do not show that NI
nunáhturôwunônakWe show a NA those NAs
nunáhturôwunônashWe show a NA those NIs
nunáhturôwunWe show those NAs a NA
nunáhturôwunWe show those NAs a NI
wukuhkotumawuwuwSome NAs show some NIs
wukuhkotumawuwuwThat NA shows some NIs
wukuhkotumawunáwThose NAs show that NI
kunáhturukowuwA NA shows yall that NA
kunáhturukowuwA NA shows yall that NI
kunáhturuqA NA shows you some NAs
kunáhturuqA NA shows you some NIs
kunáhtururowumuwI do not show yall a NA
kunáhtururowumuwI do not show yall a NI
kunáhturukomuwSome NAs show yall a NA
kunáhturukomuwSome NAs show yall a NI
kunáhturukowuwThat NA shows yall a NA
kunáhturukowuwThat NA shows yall a NI
kunáhturukowuwThose NAs show you a NA
kunáhturukowuwThose NAs show you a NI
kunáhtururowumunWe do not show you a NA
kunáhtururowumunWe do not show you a NI
kukuhkotumawuwumunWe-inc do not show a NI
kunáhturômuwYall show a NA some NAs
kunáhturômuwYall show a NA some NIs
kunáhturômuwYall show some NAs a NA
kunáhturômuwYall show some NAs a NI
kukuhkotumawuwunYou do not show that NI
kunáhtusuwYou do not show me a NA
kunáhtusuwYou do not show me a NI
kunáhtusuwumunYou do not show us a NA
kunáhtusuwumunYou do not show us a NI
kunáhturôwakYou show a NA those NAs
kunáhturôwashYou show a NA those NIs
kunáhturôwuwYou show those NAs a NA
kunáhturôwuwYou show those NAs a NI
nunáhturukowakA NA shows me those NAs
nunáhturukowashA NA shows me those NIs
nunáhturukowunônakA NA shows us those NAs
nunáhturukowunônashA NA shows us those NIs
nukuhkotumawuwunáwôwashI do not show those NIs
nunáhturôwI do not show a NA a NA
nunáhturôwI do not show a NA a NI
nunáhturôwuwI show some NAs that NA
nunáhturôwuwI show some NAs that NI
nunáhturôwI show that NA some NAs
nunáhturôwI show that NA some NIs
nukuhkotumawuwumunWe do not show some NIs
nunáhturônánônahWe show that NA that NA
nunáhturônánWe show that NA that NI
wukuhkotumawuwuwA NA does not show a NI
wunáhturôwA NA shows a NA that NA
wunáhturôwA NA shows a NA that NI
wunáhturôwA NA shows that NA a NA
wunáhturôwA NA shows that NA a NI
wukuhkotumawunáwôwashSome NAs show those NIs
wunáhturôwuwSome NAs show a NA a NA
wunáhturôwuwSome NAs show a NA a NI
wukuhkotumawunáwôwashThat NA shows those NIs
wunáhturôwThat NA shows a NA a NA
wunáhturôwThat NA shows a NA a NI
wukuhkotumawuwuwThose NAs show some NIs
kunáhturukomuwA NA shows yall some NAs
kunáhturukomuwA NA shows yall some NIs
kunáhturukowakA NA shows you those NAs
kunáhturukowashA NA shows you those NIs
kunáhturukowuwThose NAs show yall a NA
kunáhturukowuwThose NAs show yall a NI
kunáhtururowumunWe do not show yall a NA
kunáhtururowumunWe do not show yall a NI
kunáhturôwunWe-inc show a NA that NA
kunáhturôwunWe-inc show a NA that NI
kunáhturôwunWe-inc show that NA a NA
kunáhturôwunWe-inc show that NA a NI
kukuhkotumawuwunáwYall do not show that NI
kunáhtusuwumuwYall do not show me a NA
kunáhtusuwumuwYall do not show me a NI
kunáhtusuwumunYall do not show us a NA
kunáhtusuwumunYall do not show us a NI
kunáhturôwuwôwakYall show a NA those NAs
kunáhturôwuwôwashYall show a NA those NIs
kunáhturôwuwYall show those NAs a NA
kunáhturôwuwYall show those NAs a NI
kukuhkotumawuwumuwYou do not show some NIs
kunáhturônahYou show that NA that NA
kunáhturônYou show that NA that NI
nunáhturômuwI show some NAs some NAs
nunáhturômuwI show some NAs some NIs
nunáhturônahI show that NA those NAs
nunáhturônashI show that NA those NIs
nunáhturônáwôwahI show those NAs that NA
nunáhturônáwI show those NAs that NI
nunáhturukowuwSome NAs show me that NA
nunáhturukowuwSome NAs show me that NI
nunáhturukowunSome NAs show us that NA
nunáhturukowunSome NAs show us that NI
nunáhturukonahThat NA shows me that NA
nunáhturukonThat NA shows me that NI
nunáhturukonánônahThat NA shows us that NA
nunáhturukonánThat NA shows us that NI
nukuhkotumawuwunánônashWe do not show those NIs
nunáhturôwumunWe do not show a NA a NA
nunáhturôwumunWe do not show a NA a NI
nunáhturôwunWe show some NAs that NA
nunáhturôwunWe show some NAs that NI
nunáhturôwunWe show that NA some NAs
nunáhturôwunWe show that NA some NIs
wunáhturôwA NA shows a NA some NAs
wunáhturôwA NA shows a NA some NIs
wunáhturôwuwA NA shows some NAs a NA
wunáhturôwuwA NA shows some NAs a NI
wukuhkotumawunáwôwashThose NAs show those NIs
wunáhturôwuwThose NAs show a NA a NA
wunáhturôwuwThose NAs show a NA a NI
kunáhturukowunA NA shows us-inc that NA
kunáhturukowunA NA shows us-inc that NI
kunáhturukowuwôwakA NA shows yall those NAs
kunáhturukowuwôwashA NA shows yall those NIs
kunáhtururowunI do not show you that NA
kunáhtururowunI do not show you that NI
kunáhturukomunSome NAs show us-inc a NA
kunáhturukomunSome NAs show us-inc a NI
kunáhturukowuwSome NAs show you that NA
kunáhturukowuwSome NAs show you that NI
kunáhturukowunThat NA shows us-inc a NA
kunáhturukowunThat NA shows us-inc a NI
kunáhturukonahThat NA shows you that NA
kunáhturukonThat NA shows you that NI
kunáhturômunWe-inc show a NA some NAs
kunáhturômunWe-inc show a NA some NIs
kunáhturômunWe-inc show some NAs a NA
kunáhturômunWe-inc show some NAs a NI
kukuhkotumawuwumuwYall do not show some NIs
kunáhturônáwôwahYall show that NA that NA
kunáhturônáwYall show that NA that NI
kukuhkotumawuwunáwôwashYou do not show those NIs
kunáhturôwYou do not show a NA a NA
kunáhturôwYou do not show a NA a NI
kunáhturôwuwYou show some NAs that NA
kunáhturôwuwYou show some NAs that NI
kunáhturôwYou show that NA some NAs
kunáhturôwYou show that NA some NIs
nunáhturôwuwôwakI show some NAs those NAs
nunáhturôwuwôwashI show some NAs those NIs
nunáhturôwuwI show those NAs some NAs
nunáhturôwuwI show those NAs some NIs
nunáhturukomuwSome NAs show me some NAs
nunáhturukomuwSome NAs show me some NIs
nunáhturukomunSome NAs show us some NAs
nunáhturukomunSome NAs show us some NIs
nunáhturukowThat NA shows me some NAs
nunáhturukowThat NA shows me some NIs
nunáhturukowunThat NA shows us some NAs
nunáhturukowunThat NA shows us some NIs
nunáhturukonáwôwahThose NAs show me that NA
nunáhturukonáwThose NAs show me that NI
nunáhturukonánônahThose NAs show us that NA
nunáhturukonánThose NAs show us that NI
nunáhturômunWe show some NAs some NAs
nunáhturômunWe show some NAs some NIs
nunáhturônánônahWe show that NA those NAs
nunáhturônánônashWe show that NA those NIs
nunáhturônánônahWe show those NAs that NA
nunáhturônánWe show those NAs that NI
wunáhturôwakA NA shows a NA those NAs
wunáhturôwashA NA shows a NA those NIs
wunáhturôwuwA NA shows those NAs a NA
wunáhturôwuwA NA shows those NAs a NI
wukuhkotumawuwuwuwSome NAs do not show a NI
kunáhturukomunA NA shows us-inc some NAs
kunáhturukomunA NA shows us-inc some NIs
kunáhtururowunáwI do not show yall that NA
kunáhtururowunáwI do not show yall that NI
kunáhtururowI do not show you some NAs
kunáhtururowI do not show you some NIs
kunáhturukowuwSome NAs show yall that NA
kunáhturukowuwSome NAs show yall that NI
kunáhturukomuwSome NAs show you some NAs
kunáhturukomuwSome NAs show you some NIs
kunáhturukonáwôwahThat NA shows yall that NA
kunáhturukonáwThat NA shows yall that NI
kunáhturukowThat NA shows you some NAs
kunáhturukowThat NA shows you some NIs
kunáhturukowunThose NAs show us-inc a NA
kunáhturukowunThose NAs show us-inc a NI
kunáhturukonáwôwahThose NAs show you that NA
kunáhturukonáwThose NAs show you that NI
kunáhtururowunánWe do not show you that NA
kunáhtururowunánWe do not show you that NI
kukuhkotumawuwunánWe-inc do not show that NI
kunáhturôwunônakWe-inc show a NA those NAs
kunáhturôwunônashWe-inc show a NA those NIs
kunáhturôwunWe-inc show those NAs a NA
kunáhturôwunWe-inc show those NAs a NI
kukuhkotumawuwunáwôwashYall do not show those NIs
kunáhturôwumuwYall do not show a NA a NA
kunáhturôwumuwYall do not show a NA a NI
kunáhturôwuwYall show some NAs that NA
kunáhturôwuwYall show some NAs that NI
kunáhturôwuwYall show that NA some NAs
kunáhturôwuwYall show that NA some NIs
kunáhtusuwunYou do not show me that NA
kunáhtusuwunYou do not show me that NI
kunáhtusuwunánYou do not show us that NA
kunáhtusuwunánYou do not show us that NI
kunáhturômuwYou show some NAs some NAs
kunáhturômuwYou show some NAs some NIs
kunáhturônahYou show that NA those NAs
kunáhturônashYou show that NA those NIs
kunáhturônáwôwahYou show those NAs that NA
kunáhturônáwYou show those NAs that NI
nunáhturukowA NA does not show me a NA
nunáhturukowA NA does not show me a NI
nunáhturukowumunA NA does not show us a NA
nunáhturukowumunA NA does not show us a NI
nunáhturôwuwI do not show a NA that NA
nunáhturôwuwI do not show a NA that NI
nunáhturôwuwI do not show that NA a NA
nunáhturôwuwI do not show that NA a NI
nunáhturônáwôwahI show those NAs those NAs
nunáhturônáwôwashI show those NAs those NIs
nunáhturukowuwôwakSome NAs show me those NAs
nunáhturukowuwôwashSome NAs show me those NIs
nunáhturukowunônakSome NAs show us those NAs
nunáhturukowunônashSome NAs show us those NIs
nunáhturukonahThat NA shows me those NAs
nunáhturukonashThat NA shows me those NIs
nunáhturukonánônahThat NA shows us those NAs
nunáhturukonánônashThat NA shows us those NIs
nunáhturukowuwThose NAs show me some NAs
nunáhturukowuwThose NAs show me some NIs
nunáhturukowunThose NAs show us some NAs
nunáhturukowunThose NAs show us some NIs
nunáhturôwunônakWe show some NAs those NAs
nunáhturôwunônashWe show some NAs those NIs
nunáhturôwunWe show those NAs some NAs
nunáhturôwunWe show those NAs some NIs
wukuhkotumawuwunA NA does not show that NI
wunáhturôwahA NA shows that NA that NA
wunáhturôwA NA shows that NA that NI
wunáhturôwuwSome NAs show a NA that NA
wunáhturôwuwSome NAs show a NA that NI
wunáhturôwuwSome NAs show that NA a NA
wunáhturôwuwSome NAs show that NA a NI
wukuhkotumawuwuwThat NA does not show a NI
wunáhturôwahThat NA shows a NA that NA
wunáhturôwThat NA shows a NA that NI
wunáhturôwahThat NA shows that NA a NA
wunáhturôwahThat NA shows that NA a NI
wukuhkotumawuwuwuwThose NAs do not show a NI
kunáhturukowA NA does not show you a NA
kunáhturukowA NA does not show you a NI
kunáhturukowunônakA NA shows us-inc those NAs
kunáhturukowunônashA NA shows us-inc those NIs
kunáhtururowumuwI do not show yall some NAs
kunáhtururowumuwI do not show yall some NIs
kunáhtururowunakI do not show you those NAs
kunáhtururowunashI do not show you those NIs
kunáhturukomuwSome NAs show yall some NAs
kunáhturukomuwSome NAs show yall some NIs
kunáhturukowuwôwakSome NAs show you those NAs
kunáhturukowuwôwashSome NAs show you those NIs
kunáhturukowuwThat NA shows yall some NAs
kunáhturukowuwThat NA shows yall some NIs
kunáhturukonahThat NA shows you those NAs
kunáhturukonashThat NA shows you those NIs
kunáhturukonáwôwahThose NAs show yall that NA
kunáhturukonáwThose NAs show yall that NI
kunáhturukowuwThose NAs show you some NAs
kunáhturukowuwThose NAs show you some NIs
kunáhtururowunánWe do not show yall that NA
kunáhtururowunánWe do not show yall that NI
kunáhtururowumunWe do not show you some NAs
kunáhtururowumunWe do not show you some NIs
kukuhkotumawuwumunWe-inc do not show some NIs
kunáhturônánônahWe-inc show that NA that NA
kunáhturônánWe-inc show that NA that NI
kunáhtusuwunáwYall do not show me that NA
kunáhtusuwunáwYall do not show me that NI
kunáhtusuwunánYall do not show us that NA
kunáhtusuwunánYall do not show us that NI
kunáhturômuwYall show some NAs some NAs
kunáhturômuwYall show some NAs some NIs
kunáhturônáwôwahYall show that NA those NAs
kunáhturônáwôwashYall show that NA those NIs
kunáhturônáwôwahYall show those NAs that NA
kunáhturônáwYall show those NAs that NI
kunáhtusuwYou do not show me some NAs
kunáhtusuwYou do not show me some NIs
kunáhtusuwumunYou do not show us some NAs
kunáhtusuwumunYou do not show us some NIs
kunáhturôwuwôwakYou show some NAs those NAs
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wunáhturôwuwuwSome NAs do not show some NAs a NI
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wunáhturôwuwahThat NA does not show that NA a NI
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wunáhturôwuwuwSome NAs do not show those NAs a NI
wunáhturôwuwThat NA does not show a NA some NAs
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wunáhturôwuwuwThat NA does not show some NAs a NA
wunáhturôwuwuwThat NA does not show some NAs a NI
wunáhturôwuwuwThose NAs do not show a NA some NAs
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wunáhturôwuwuwThose NAs do not show some NAs a NA
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