Algonquian Language Tool

© 2024 Algonquian Language Revitalization Project

Translations of 'hear'
kuputawushI hear you
kuputawurumuwI hear yall
kuputawurumunWe hear you
kuputawYou hear me
kuputawumunYou hear us
nuputamI hear a NI
nuputawômI hear a NA
kuputawurumunWe hear yall
kuputawumuwYall hear me
kuputawumunYall hear us
nuputamumunWe hear a NI
nuputawômunWe hear a NA
kuputamYou hear a NI
kuputawômYou hear a NA
nuputawuqA NA hears me
nuputawukomunA NA hears us
kuputawuqA NA hears you
kuputamumuwYall hear a NI
kuputawômuwYall hear a NA
nuputamunI hear that NI
nuputawI hear that NA
kuputawukomuwA NA hears yall
nuputamumuwI hear some NIs
nuputawômuwI hear some NAs
nuputamunánWe hear that NI
nuputawôwunWe hear that NA
wuputamuwA NA hears a NI
wuputawA NA hears a NA
kuputamumunWe-inc hear a NI
kuputawômunWe-inc hear a NA
kuputamunYou hear that NI
kuputawYou hear that NA
nuputamunáwôwashI hear those NIs
nuputawôwuwôwakI hear those NAs
nuputawukomuwSome NAs hear me
nuputawukomunSome NAs hear us
nuputawukowThat NA hears me
nuputawukowunThat NA hears us
nuputamumunWe hear some NIs
nuputawômunWe hear some NAs
kuputawukomunA NA hears us-inc
kuputawurowI do not hear you
kuputawukomuwSome NAs hear you
kuputawukowThat NA hears you
kuputamunáwYall hear that NI
kuputawôwuwYall hear that NA
kuputamumuwYou hear some NIs
kuputawômuwYou hear some NAs
nuputawukowuwThose NAs hear me
nuputawukowunThose NAs hear us
nuputamunánônashWe hear those NIs
nuputawôwunônakWe hear those NAs
kuputawurowumuwI do not hear yall
kuputawukomuwSome NAs hear yall
kuputawukowuwThat NA hears yall
kuputawukowuwThose NAs hear you
kuputawurowumunWe do not hear you
kuputamumuwYall hear some NIs
kuputawômuwYall hear some NAs
kuputawuwYou do not hear me
kuputawuwumunYou do not hear us
kuputamunáwôwashYou hear those NIs
kuputawôwuwôwakYou hear those NAs
nuputamuwI do not hear a NI
nuputawôwI do not hear a NA
wuputamunA NA hears that NI
wuputawA NA hears that NA
wuputamuwuwSome NAs hear a NI
wuputawôwuwSome NAs hear a NA
wuputamuwThat NA hears a NI
wuputawThat NA hears a NA
kuputawukowuwThose NAs hear yall
kuputawurowumunWe do not hear yall
kuputamunánWe-inc hear that NI
kuputawôwunWe-inc hear that NA
kuputawuwumuwYall do not hear me
kuputawuwumunYall do not hear us
kuputamunáwôwashYall hear those NIs
kuputawôwuwôwakYall hear those NAs
nuputamuwumunWe do not hear a NI
nuputawôwumunWe do not hear a NA
wuputamuwuwA NA hears some NIs
wuputawôwuwA NA hears some NAs
wuputamuwuwThose NAs hear a NI
wuputawôwuwThose NAs hear a NA
kuputawukomunSome NAs hear us-inc
kuputawukowunThat NA hears us-inc
kuputamumunWe-inc hear some NIs
kuputawômunWe-inc hear some NAs
kuputamuwYou do not hear a NI
kuputawôwYou do not hear a NA
wuputamunáwôwashA NA hears those NIs
wuputawôwuwôwakA NA hears those NAs
kuputawukowunThose NAs hear us-inc
kuputamunánônashWe-inc hear those NIs
kuputawôwunônakWe-inc hear those NAs
kuputamuwumuwYall do not hear a NI
kuputawôwumuwYall do not hear a NA
nuputawukowA NA does not hear me
nuputawukowumunA NA does not hear us
nuputamuwunI do not hear that NI
nuputawôwuwI do not hear that NA
wuputamunáwSome NAs hear that NI
wuputawôwuwSome NAs hear that NA
wuputamunThat NA hears that NI
wuputawôwahThat NA hears that NA
kuputawukowA NA does not hear you
nuputamuwumuwI do not hear some NIs
nuputawôwumuwI do not hear some NAs
nuputamuwunánWe do not hear that NI
nuputawôwuwunWe do not hear that NA
wuputamuwuwSome NAs hear some NIs
wuputawôwuwSome NAs hear some NAs
wuputamuwuwThat NA hears some NIs
wuputawôwuwThat NA hears some NAs
wuputamunáwThose NAs hear that NI
wuputawôwuwôwahThose NAs hear that NA
kuputawukowumuwA NA does not hear yall
kuputamuwumunWe-inc do not hear a NI
kuputawôwumunWe-inc do not hear a NA
kuputamuwunYou do not hear that NI
kuputawôwuwYou do not hear that NA
nuputamuwunáwôwashI do not hear those NIs
nuputawôwuwuwôwakI do not hear those NAs
nuputawukowumuwSome NAs do not hear me
nuputawukowumunSome NAs do not hear us
nuputamuwumunWe do not hear some NIs
nuputawôwumunWe do not hear some NAs
wuputamuwuwA NA does not hear a NI
wuputawôwuwA NA does not hear a NA
wuputamunáwôwashSome NAs hear those NIs
wuputawôwuwôwakSome NAs hear those NAs
wuputamunáwôwashThat NA hears those NIs
wuputawôwuwôwahThat NA hears those NAs
wuputamuwuwThose NAs hear some NIs
wuputawôwuwThose NAs hear some NAs
kuputawukowumuwSome NAs do not hear you
kuputamuwunáwYall do not hear that NI
kuputawôwuwuwYall do not hear that NA
kuputamuwumuwYou do not hear some NIs
kuputawôwumuwYou do not hear some NAs
nuputawukowuwThat NA does not hear me
nuputawukowuwunThat NA does not hear us
nuputawukowuwuwThose NAs do not hear me
nuputawukowuwunThose NAs do not hear us
nuputamuwunánônashWe do not hear those NIs
nuputawôwuwunônakWe do not hear those NAs
wuputamunáwôwashThose NAs hear those NIs
wuputawôwuwôwahThose NAs hear those NAs
kuputawukowumunA NA does not hear us-inc
kuputawukowumuwSome NAs do not hear yall
kuputawukowuwThat NA does not hear you
kuputawukowuwuwThose NAs do not hear you
kuputamuwumuwYall do not hear some NIs
kuputawôwumuwYall do not hear some NAs
kuputamuwunáwôwashYou do not hear those NIs
kuputawôwuwuwôwakYou do not hear those NAs
wuputamuwuwuwSome NAs do not hear a NI
wuputawôwuwuwSome NAs do not hear a NA
kuputawukowuwuwThat NA does not hear yall
kuputawukowuwuwThose NAs do not hear yall
kuputamuwunánWe-inc do not hear that NI
kuputawôwuwunWe-inc do not hear that NA
kuputamuwunáwôwashYall do not hear those NIs
kuputawôwuwuwôwakYall do not hear those NAs
wuputamuwunA NA does not hear that NI
wuputawôwuwA NA does not hear that NA
wuputamuwuwThat NA does not hear a NI
wuputawôwuwThat NA does not hear a NA
wuputamuwuwuwThose NAs do not hear a NI
wuputawôwuwuwThose NAs do not hear a NA
kuputawukowumunSome NAs do not hear us-inc
kuputamuwumunWe-inc do not hear some NIs
kuputawôwumunWe-inc do not hear some NAs
wuputamuwuwuwA NA does not hear some NIs
wuputawôwuwuwA NA does not hear some NAs
kuputawukowuwunThat NA does not hear us-inc
kuputawukowuwunThose NAs do not hear us-inc
kuputamuwunánônashWe-inc do not hear those NIs
kuputawôwuwunônakWe-inc do not hear those NAs
wuputamuwunáwôwashA NA does not hear those NIs
wuputawôwuwuwôwakA NA does not hear those NAs
wuputamuwunáwSome NAs do not hear that NI
wuputawôwuwuwSome NAs do not hear that NA
wuputamuwuwuwSome NAs do not hear some NIs
wuputawôwuwuwSome NAs do not hear some NAs
wuputamuwunThat NA does not hear that NI
wuputawôwuwahThat NA does not hear that NA
wuputamuwunáwThose NAs do not hear that NI
wuputawôwuwuwôwahThose NAs do not hear that NA
wuputamuwunáwôwashSome NAs do not hear those NIs
wuputawôwuwuwôwakSome NAs do not hear those NAs
wuputamuwuwuwThat NA does not hear some NIs
wuputawôwuwuwThat NA does not hear some NAs
wuputamuwuwuwThose NAs do not hear some NIs
wuputawôwuwuwThose NAs do not hear some NAs
wuputamuwunáwôwashThat NA does not hear those NIs
wuputawôwuwuwôwahThat NA does not hear those NAs
wuputamuwunáwôwashThose NAs do not hear those NIs
wuputawôwuwuwôwahThose NAs do not hear those NAs