© 2024 Algonquian Language Revitalization Project
Translations of 'hear' | |
kuputawush | I hear you |
kuputawurumuw | I hear yall |
kuputawurumun | We hear you |
kuputaw | You hear me |
kuputawumun | You hear us |
nuputam | I hear a NI |
nuputawôm | I hear a NA |
kuputawurumun | We hear yall |
kuputawumuw | Yall hear me |
kuputawumun | Yall hear us |
nuputamumun | We hear a NI |
nuputawômun | We hear a NA |
kuputam | You hear a NI |
kuputawôm | You hear a NA |
nuputawuq | A NA hears me |
nuputawukomun | A NA hears us |
kuputawuq | A NA hears you |
kuputamumuw | Yall hear a NI |
kuputawômuw | Yall hear a NA |
nuputamun | I hear that NI |
nuputaw | I hear that NA |
kuputawukomuw | A NA hears yall |
nuputamumuw | I hear some NIs |
nuputawômuw | I hear some NAs |
nuputamunán | We hear that NI |
nuputawôwun | We hear that NA |
wuputamuw | A NA hears a NI |
wuputaw | A NA hears a NA |
kuputamumun | We-inc hear a NI |
kuputawômun | We-inc hear a NA |
kuputamun | You hear that NI |
kuputaw | You hear that NA |
nuputamunáwôwash | I hear those NIs |
nuputawôwuwôwak | I hear those NAs |
nuputawukomuw | Some NAs hear me |
nuputawukomun | Some NAs hear us |
nuputawukow | That NA hears me |
nuputawukowun | That NA hears us |
nuputamumun | We hear some NIs |
nuputawômun | We hear some NAs |
kuputawukomun | A NA hears us-inc |
kuputawurow | I do not hear you |
kuputawukomuw | Some NAs hear you |
kuputawukow | That NA hears you |
kuputamunáw | Yall hear that NI |
kuputawôwuw | Yall hear that NA |
kuputamumuw | You hear some NIs |
kuputawômuw | You hear some NAs |
nuputawukowuw | Those NAs hear me |
nuputawukowun | Those NAs hear us |
nuputamunánônash | We hear those NIs |
nuputawôwunônak | We hear those NAs |
kuputawurowumuw | I do not hear yall |
kuputawukomuw | Some NAs hear yall |
kuputawukowuw | That NA hears yall |
kuputawukowuw | Those NAs hear you |
kuputawurowumun | We do not hear you |
kuputamumuw | Yall hear some NIs |
kuputawômuw | Yall hear some NAs |
kuputawuw | You do not hear me |
kuputawuwumun | You do not hear us |
kuputamunáwôwash | You hear those NIs |
kuputawôwuwôwak | You hear those NAs |
nuputamuw | I do not hear a NI |
nuputawôw | I do not hear a NA |
wuputamun | A NA hears that NI |
wuputaw | A NA hears that NA |
wuputamuwuw | Some NAs hear a NI |
wuputawôwuw | Some NAs hear a NA |
wuputamuw | That NA hears a NI |
wuputaw | That NA hears a NA |
kuputawukowuw | Those NAs hear yall |
kuputawurowumun | We do not hear yall |
kuputamunán | We-inc hear that NI |
kuputawôwun | We-inc hear that NA |
kuputawuwumuw | Yall do not hear me |
kuputawuwumun | Yall do not hear us |
kuputamunáwôwash | Yall hear those NIs |
kuputawôwuwôwak | Yall hear those NAs |
nuputamuwumun | We do not hear a NI |
nuputawôwumun | We do not hear a NA |
wuputamuwuw | A NA hears some NIs |
wuputawôwuw | A NA hears some NAs |
wuputamuwuw | Those NAs hear a NI |
wuputawôwuw | Those NAs hear a NA |
kuputawukomun | Some NAs hear us-inc |
kuputawukowun | That NA hears us-inc |
kuputamumun | We-inc hear some NIs |
kuputawômun | We-inc hear some NAs |
kuputamuw | You do not hear a NI |
kuputawôw | You do not hear a NA |
wuputamunáwôwash | A NA hears those NIs |
wuputawôwuwôwak | A NA hears those NAs |
kuputawukowun | Those NAs hear us-inc |
kuputamunánônash | We-inc hear those NIs |
kuputawôwunônak | We-inc hear those NAs |
kuputamuwumuw | Yall do not hear a NI |
kuputawôwumuw | Yall do not hear a NA |
nuputawukow | A NA does not hear me |
nuputawukowumun | A NA does not hear us |
nuputamuwun | I do not hear that NI |
nuputawôwuw | I do not hear that NA |
wuputamunáw | Some NAs hear that NI |
wuputawôwuw | Some NAs hear that NA |
wuputamun | That NA hears that NI |
wuputawôwah | That NA hears that NA |
kuputawukow | A NA does not hear you |
nuputamuwumuw | I do not hear some NIs |
nuputawôwumuw | I do not hear some NAs |
nuputamuwunán | We do not hear that NI |
nuputawôwuwun | We do not hear that NA |
wuputamuwuw | Some NAs hear some NIs |
wuputawôwuw | Some NAs hear some NAs |
wuputamuwuw | That NA hears some NIs |
wuputawôwuw | That NA hears some NAs |
wuputamunáw | Those NAs hear that NI |
wuputawôwuwôwah | Those NAs hear that NA |
kuputawukowumuw | A NA does not hear yall |
kuputamuwumun | We-inc do not hear a NI |
kuputawôwumun | We-inc do not hear a NA |
kuputamuwun | You do not hear that NI |
kuputawôwuw | You do not hear that NA |
nuputamuwunáwôwash | I do not hear those NIs |
nuputawôwuwuwôwak | I do not hear those NAs |
nuputawukowumuw | Some NAs do not hear me |
nuputawukowumun | Some NAs do not hear us |
nuputamuwumun | We do not hear some NIs |
nuputawôwumun | We do not hear some NAs |
wuputamuwuw | A NA does not hear a NI |
wuputawôwuw | A NA does not hear a NA |
wuputamunáwôwash | Some NAs hear those NIs |
wuputawôwuwôwak | Some NAs hear those NAs |
wuputamunáwôwash | That NA hears those NIs |
wuputawôwuwôwah | That NA hears those NAs |
wuputamuwuw | Those NAs hear some NIs |
wuputawôwuw | Those NAs hear some NAs |
kuputawukowumuw | Some NAs do not hear you |
kuputamuwunáw | Yall do not hear that NI |
kuputawôwuwuw | Yall do not hear that NA |
kuputamuwumuw | You do not hear some NIs |
kuputawôwumuw | You do not hear some NAs |
nuputawukowuw | That NA does not hear me |
nuputawukowuwun | That NA does not hear us |
nuputawukowuwuw | Those NAs do not hear me |
nuputawukowuwun | Those NAs do not hear us |
nuputamuwunánônash | We do not hear those NIs |
nuputawôwuwunônak | We do not hear those NAs |
wuputamunáwôwash | Those NAs hear those NIs |
wuputawôwuwôwah | Those NAs hear those NAs |
kuputawukowumun | A NA does not hear us-inc |
kuputawukowumuw | Some NAs do not hear yall |
kuputawukowuw | That NA does not hear you |
kuputawukowuwuw | Those NAs do not hear you |
kuputamuwumuw | Yall do not hear some NIs |
kuputawôwumuw | Yall do not hear some NAs |
kuputamuwunáwôwash | You do not hear those NIs |
kuputawôwuwuwôwak | You do not hear those NAs |
wuputamuwuwuw | Some NAs do not hear a NI |
wuputawôwuwuw | Some NAs do not hear a NA |
kuputawukowuwuw | That NA does not hear yall |
kuputawukowuwuw | Those NAs do not hear yall |
kuputamuwunán | We-inc do not hear that NI |
kuputawôwuwun | We-inc do not hear that NA |
kuputamuwunáwôwash | Yall do not hear those NIs |
kuputawôwuwuwôwak | Yall do not hear those NAs |
wuputamuwun | A NA does not hear that NI |
wuputawôwuw | A NA does not hear that NA |
wuputamuwuw | That NA does not hear a NI |
wuputawôwuw | That NA does not hear a NA |
wuputamuwuwuw | Those NAs do not hear a NI |
wuputawôwuwuw | Those NAs do not hear a NA |
kuputawukowumun | Some NAs do not hear us-inc |
kuputamuwumun | We-inc do not hear some NIs |
kuputawôwumun | We-inc do not hear some NAs |
wuputamuwuwuw | A NA does not hear some NIs |
wuputawôwuwuw | A NA does not hear some NAs |
kuputawukowuwun | That NA does not hear us-inc |
kuputawukowuwun | Those NAs do not hear us-inc |
kuputamuwunánônash | We-inc do not hear those NIs |
kuputawôwuwunônak | We-inc do not hear those NAs |
wuputamuwunáwôwash | A NA does not hear those NIs |
wuputawôwuwuwôwak | A NA does not hear those NAs |
wuputamuwunáw | Some NAs do not hear that NI |
wuputawôwuwuw | Some NAs do not hear that NA |
wuputamuwuwuw | Some NAs do not hear some NIs |
wuputawôwuwuw | Some NAs do not hear some NAs |
wuputamuwun | That NA does not hear that NI |
wuputawôwuwah | That NA does not hear that NA |
wuputamuwunáw | Those NAs do not hear that NI |
wuputawôwuwuwôwah | Those NAs do not hear that NA |
wuputamuwunáwôwash | Some NAs do not hear those NIs |
wuputawôwuwuwôwak | Some NAs do not hear those NAs |
wuputamuwuwuw | That NA does not hear some NIs |
wuputawôwuwuw | That NA does not hear some NAs |
wuputamuwuwuw | Those NAs do not hear some NIs |
wuputawôwuwuw | Those NAs do not hear some NAs |
wuputamuwunáwôwash | That NA does not hear those NIs |
wuputawôwuwuwôwah | That NA does not hear those NAs |
wuputamuwunáwôwash | Those NAs do not hear those NIs |
wuputawôwuwuwôwah | Those NAs do not hear those NAs |
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