Algonquian Language Tool

© 2024 Algonquian Language Revitalization Project

Translations of 'learn'
nunuhtuhtawI learn a NI
nunuhtuhtawumunWe learn a NI
kunuhtuhtawYou learn a NI
kunuhtuhtawumuwYall learn a NI
nunuhtuhtawunI learn that NI
nunuhtuhtawumuwI learn some NIs
nunuhtuhtawunánWe learn that NI
wunuhtuhtawuwA NA learns a NI
kunuhtuhtawumunWe-inc learn a NI
kunuhtuhtawunYou learn that NI
nunuhtuhtawunáwôwashI learn those NIs
nunuhtuhtawumunWe learn some NIs
kunuhtuhtawunáwYall learn that NI
kunuhtuhtawumuwYou learn some NIs
nunuhtuhtawunánônashWe learn those NIs
kunuhtuhtawumuwYall learn some NIs
kunuhtuhtawunáwôwashYou learn those NIs
nunuhtuhtawuwI do not learn a NI
wunuhtuhtawunA NA learns that NI
wunuhtuhtawuwuwSome NAs learn a NI
wunuhtuhtawuwThat NA learns a NI
kunuhtuhtawunánWe-inc learn that NI
kunuhtuhtawunáwôwashYall learn those NIs
nunuhtuhtawuwumunWe do not learn a NI
wunuhtuhtawuwuwA NA learns some NIs
wunuhtuhtawuwuwThose NAs learn a NI
kunuhtuhtawumunWe-inc learn some NIs
kunuhtuhtawuwYou do not learn a NI
wunuhtuhtawunáwôwashA NA learns those NIs
kunuhtuhtawunánônashWe-inc learn those NIs
kunuhtuhtawuwumuwYall do not learn a NI
nunuhtuhtawuwunI do not learn that NI
wunuhtuhtawunáwSome NAs learn that NI
wunuhtuhtawunThat NA learns that NI
nunuhtuhtawuwumuwI do not learn some NIs
nunuhtuhtawuwunánWe do not learn that NI
wunuhtuhtawuwuwSome NAs learn some NIs
wunuhtuhtawuwuwThat NA learns some NIs
wunuhtuhtawunáwThose NAs learn that NI
kunuhtuhtawuwumunWe-inc do not learn a NI
kunuhtuhtawuwunYou do not learn that NI
nunuhtuhtawuwunáwôwashI do not learn those NIs
nunuhtuhtawuwumunWe do not learn some NIs
wunuhtuhtawuwuwA NA does not learn a NI
wunuhtuhtawunáwôwashSome NAs learn those NIs
wunuhtuhtawunáwôwashThat NA learns those NIs
wunuhtuhtawuwuwThose NAs learn some NIs
kunuhtuhtawuwunáwYall do not learn that NI
kunuhtuhtawuwumuwYou do not learn some NIs
nunuhtuhtawuwunánônashWe do not learn those NIs
wunuhtuhtawunáwôwashThose NAs learn those NIs
kunuhtuhtawuwumuwYall do not learn some NIs
kunuhtuhtawuwunáwôwashYou do not learn those NIs
wunuhtuhtawuwuwuwSome NAs do not learn a NI
kunuhtuhtawuwunánWe-inc do not learn that NI
kunuhtuhtawuwunáwôwashYall do not learn those NIs
wunuhtuhtawuwunA NA does not learn that NI
wunuhtuhtawuwuwThat NA does not learn a NI
wunuhtuhtawuwuwuwThose NAs do not learn a NI
kunuhtuhtawuwumunWe-inc do not learn some NIs
wunuhtuhtawuwuwuwA NA does not learn some NIs
kunuhtuhtawuwunánônashWe-inc do not learn those NIs
wunuhtuhtawuwunáwôwashA NA does not learn those NIs
wunuhtuhtawuwunáwSome NAs do not learn that NI
wunuhtuhtawuwuwuwSome NAs do not learn some NIs
wunuhtuhtawuwunThat NA does not learn that NI
wunuhtuhtawuwunáwThose NAs do not learn that NI
wunuhtuhtawuwunáwôwashSome NAs do not learn those NIs
wunuhtuhtawuwuwuwThat NA does not learn some NIs
wunuhtuhtawuwuwuwThose NAs do not learn some NIs
wunuhtuhtawuwunáwôwashThat NA does not learn those NIs
wunuhtuhtawuwunáwôwashThose NAs do not learn those NIs