© 2024 Algonquian Language Revitalization Project
Translations of 'paint' | |
nutarakunum | I paint a NI |
nutarakunumumun | We paint a NI |
kutarakunum | You paint a NI |
kutarakunumumuw | Yall paint a NI |
nutarakunumun | I paint that NI |
nutarakunumumuw | I paint some NIs |
nutarakunumunán | We paint that NI |
arakunumuw | A NA paints a NI |
kutarakunumumun | We-inc paint a NI |
kutarakunumun | You paint that NI |
nutarakunumunáwôwash | I paint those NIs |
nutarakunumumun | We paint some NIs |
kutarakunumunáw | Yall paint that NI |
kutarakunumumuw | You paint some NIs |
nutarakunumunánônash | We paint those NIs |
kutarakunumumuw | Yall paint some NIs |
kutarakunumunáwôwash | You paint those NIs |
nutarakunumuw | I do not paint a NI |
arakunumun | A NA paints that NI |
arakunumuwuw | Some NAs paint a NI |
arakunumuw | That NA paints a NI |
kutarakunumunán | We-inc paint that NI |
kutarakunumunáwôwash | Yall paint those NIs |
nutarakunumuwumun | We do not paint a NI |
arakunumuwuw | A NA paints some NIs |
arakunumuwuw | Those NAs paint a NI |
kutarakunumumun | We-inc paint some NIs |
kutarakunumuw | You do not paint a NI |
arakunumunáwôwash | A NA paints those NIs |
kutarakunumunánônash | We-inc paint those NIs |
kutarakunumuwumuw | Yall do not paint a NI |
nutarakunumuwun | I do not paint that NI |
arakunumunáw | Some NAs paint that NI |
arakunumun | That NA paints that NI |
nutarakunumuwumuw | I do not paint some NIs |
nutarakunumuwunán | We do not paint that NI |
arakunumuwuw | Some NAs paint some NIs |
arakunumuwuw | That NA paints some NIs |
arakunumunáw | Those NAs paint that NI |
kutarakunumuwumun | We-inc do not paint a NI |
kutarakunumuwun | You do not paint that NI |
nutarakunumuwunáwôwash | I do not paint those NIs |
nutarakunumuwumun | We do not paint some NIs |
arakunumuwuw | A NA does not paint a NI |
arakunumunáwôwash | Some NAs paint those NIs |
arakunumunáwôwash | That NA paints those NIs |
arakunumuwuw | Those NAs paint some NIs |
kutarakunumuwunáw | Yall do not paint that NI |
kutarakunumuwumuw | You do not paint some NIs |
nutarakunumuwunánônash | We do not paint those NIs |
arakunumunáwôwash | Those NAs paint those NIs |
kutarakunumuwumuw | Yall do not paint some NIs |
kutarakunumuwunáwôwash | You do not paint those NIs |
arakunumuwuwuw | Some NAs do not paint a NI |
kutarakunumuwunán | We-inc do not paint that NI |
kutarakunumuwunáwôwash | Yall do not paint those NIs |
arakunumuwun | A NA does not paint that NI |
arakunumuwuw | That NA does not paint a NI |
arakunumuwuwuw | Those NAs do not paint a NI |
kutarakunumuwumun | We-inc do not paint some NIs |
arakunumuwuwuw | A NA does not paint some NIs |
kutarakunumuwunánônash | We-inc do not paint those NIs |
arakunumuwunáwôwash | A NA does not paint those NIs |
arakunumuwunáw | Some NAs do not paint that NI |
arakunumuwuwuw | Some NAs do not paint some NIs |
arakunumuwun | That NA does not paint that NI |
arakunumuwunáw | Those NAs do not paint that NI |
arakunumuwunáwôwash | Some NAs do not paint those NIs |
arakunumuwuwuw | That NA does not paint some NIs |
arakunumuwuwuw | Those NAs do not paint some NIs |
arakunumuwunáwôwash | That NA does not paint those NIs |
arakunumuwunáwôwash | Those NAs do not paint those NIs |
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