Algonquian Language Tool

© 2024 Algonquian Language Revitalization Project

Translations of 'feed'
kutahsamushI feed you a NA
kutahsamushI feed you a NI
kutahsamurumuwI feed yall a NA
kutahsamurumuwI feed yall a NI
kutahsamurumunWe feed you a NA
kutahsamurumunWe feed you a NI
kutahsamYou feed me a NA
kutahsamYou feed me a NI
kutahsamumunYou feed us a NA
kutahsamumunYou feed us a NI
nutahsamômI feed a NA a NA
nutahsamômI feed a NA a NI
kutahsamurumunWe feed yall a NA
kutahsamurumunWe feed yall a NI
kutahsamumuwYall feed me a NA
kutahsamumuwYall feed me a NI
kutahsamumunYall feed us a NA
kutahsamumunYall feed us a NI
nutahsamômunWe feed a NA a NA
nutahsamômunWe feed a NA a NI
kutahsamurunI feed you that NA
kutahsamurunI feed you that NI
kutahsamômYou feed a NA a NA
kutahsamômYou feed a NA a NI
nutahsamuqA NA feeds me a NA
nutahsamuqA NA feeds me a NI
nutahsamukomunA NA feeds us a NA
nutahsamukomunA NA feeds us a NI
kutahsamuqA NA feeds you a NA
kutahsamuqA NA feeds you a NI
kutahsamurunáwI feed yall that NA
kutahsamurunáwI feed yall that NI
kutahsamushI feed you some NAs
kutahsamushI feed you some NIs
kutahsamurunánWe feed you that NA
kutahsamurunánWe feed you that NI
kutahsamômuwYall feed a NA a NA
kutahsamômuwYall feed a NA a NI
kutahsamunYou feed me that NA
kutahsamunYou feed me that NI
kutahsamunánYou feed us that NA
kutahsamunánYou feed us that NI
nutahsamôwI feed a NA that NA
nutahsamôwI feed a NA that NI
nutahsamôwI feed that NA a NA
nutahsamôwI feed that NA a NI
kutahsamukomuwA NA feeds yall a NA
kutahsamukomuwA NA feeds yall a NI
kutahsamurumuwI feed yall some NAs
kutahsamurumuwI feed yall some NIs
kutahsamurunakI feed you those NAs
kutahsamurunashI feed you those NIs
kutahsamurunánWe feed yall that NA
kutahsamurunánWe feed yall that NI
kutahsamurumunWe feed you some NAs
kutahsamurumunWe feed you some NIs
kutahsamunáwYall feed me that NA
kutahsamunáwYall feed me that NI
kutahsamunánYall feed us that NA
kutahsamunánYall feed us that NI
kutahsamYou feed me some NAs
kutahsamYou feed me some NIs
kutahsamumunYou feed us some NAs
kutahsamumunYou feed us some NIs
nutahsamômI feed a NA some NAs
nutahsamômI feed a NA some NIs
nutahsamômuwI feed some NAs a NA
nutahsamômuwI feed some NAs a NI
nutahsamôwunWe feed a NA that NA
nutahsamôwunWe feed a NA that NI
nutahsamôwunWe feed that NA a NA
nutahsamôwunWe feed that NA a NI
ahsamôwA NA feeds a NA a NA
ahsamôwA NA feeds a NA a NI
kutahsamurunáwôwakI feed yall those NAs
kutahsamurunáwôwashI feed yall those NIs
kutahsamurumunWe feed yall some NAs
kutahsamurumunWe feed yall some NIs
kutahsamurunánônakWe feed you those NAs
kutahsamurunánônashWe feed you those NIs
kutahsamômunWe-inc feed a NA a NA
kutahsamômunWe-inc feed a NA a NI
kutahsamumuwYall feed me some NAs
kutahsamumuwYall feed me some NIs
kutahsamumunYall feed us some NAs
kutahsamumunYall feed us some NIs
kutahsamôwYou feed a NA that NA
kutahsamôwYou feed a NA that NI
kutahsamunakYou feed me those NAs
kutahsamunashYou feed me those NIs
kutahsamôwYou feed that NA a NA
kutahsamôwYou feed that NA a NI
kutahsamunánônakYou feed us those NAs
kutahsamunánônashYou feed us those NIs
nutahsamukowA NA feeds me that NA
nutahsamukowA NA feeds me that NI
nutahsamukowunA NA feeds us that NA
nutahsamukowunA NA feeds us that NI
nutahsamôwakI feed a NA those NAs
nutahsamôwashI feed a NA those NIs
nutahsamôwuwI feed those NAs a NA
nutahsamôwuwI feed those NAs a NI
nutahsamukomuwSome NAs feed me a NA
nutahsamukomuwSome NAs feed me a NI
nutahsamukomunSome NAs feed us a NA
nutahsamukomunSome NAs feed us a NI
nutahsamukowThat NA feeds me a NA
nutahsamukowThat NA feeds me a NI
nutahsamukowunThat NA feeds us a NA
nutahsamukowunThat NA feeds us a NI
nutahsamômunWe feed a NA some NAs
nutahsamômunWe feed a NA some NIs
nutahsamômunWe feed some NAs a NA
nutahsamômunWe feed some NAs a NI
kutahsamukomunA NA feeds us-inc a NA
kutahsamukomunA NA feeds us-inc a NI
kutahsamukowA NA feeds you that NA
kutahsamukowA NA feeds you that NI
kutahsamurowI do not feed you a NA
kutahsamurowI do not feed you a NI
kutahsamukomuwSome NAs feed you a NA
kutahsamukomuwSome NAs feed you a NI
kutahsamukowThat NA feeds you a NA
kutahsamukowThat NA feeds you a NI
kutahsamurunánônakWe feed yall those NAs
kutahsamurunánônashWe feed yall those NIs
kutahsamôwuwYall feed a NA that NA
kutahsamôwuwYall feed a NA that NI
kutahsamunáwôwakYall feed me those NAs
kutahsamunáwôwashYall feed me those NIs
kutahsamôwuwYall feed that NA a NA
kutahsamôwuwYall feed that NA a NI
kutahsamunánônakYall feed us those NAs
kutahsamunánônashYall feed us those NIs
kutahsamômYou feed a NA some NAs
kutahsamômYou feed a NA some NIs
kutahsamômuwYou feed some NAs a NA
kutahsamômuwYou feed some NAs a NI
nutahsamuqA NA feeds me some NAs
nutahsamuqA NA feeds me some NIs
nutahsamukomunA NA feeds us some NAs
nutahsamukomunA NA feeds us some NIs
nutahsamônahI feed that NA that NA
nutahsamônI feed that NA that NI
nutahsamukowuwThose NAs feed me a NA
nutahsamukowuwThose NAs feed me a NI
nutahsamukowunThose NAs feed us a NA
nutahsamukowunThose NAs feed us a NI
nutahsamôwunônakWe feed a NA those NAs
nutahsamôwunônashWe feed a NA those NIs
nutahsamôwunWe feed those NAs a NA
nutahsamôwunWe feed those NAs a NI
kutahsamukowuwA NA feeds yall that NA
kutahsamukowuwA NA feeds yall that NI
kutahsamuqA NA feeds you some NAs
kutahsamuqA NA feeds you some NIs
kutahsamurowumuwI do not feed yall a NA
kutahsamurowumuwI do not feed yall a NI
kutahsamukomuwSome NAs feed yall a NA
kutahsamukomuwSome NAs feed yall a NI
kutahsamukowuwThat NA feeds yall a NA
kutahsamukowuwThat NA feeds yall a NI
kutahsamukowuwThose NAs feed you a NA
kutahsamukowuwThose NAs feed you a NI
kutahsamurowumunWe do not feed you a NA
kutahsamurowumunWe do not feed you a NI
kutahsamômuwYall feed a NA some NAs
kutahsamômuwYall feed a NA some NIs
kutahsamômuwYall feed some NAs a NA
kutahsamômuwYall feed some NAs a NI
kutahsamuwYou do not feed me a NA
kutahsamuwYou do not feed me a NI
kutahsamuwumunYou do not feed us a NA
kutahsamuwumunYou do not feed us a NI
kutahsamôwakYou feed a NA those NAs
kutahsamôwashYou feed a NA those NIs
kutahsamôwuwYou feed those NAs a NA
kutahsamôwuwYou feed those NAs a NI
nutahsamukowakA NA feeds me those NAs
nutahsamukowashA NA feeds me those NIs
nutahsamukowunônakA NA feeds us those NAs
nutahsamukowunônashA NA feeds us those NIs
nutahsamôwI do not feed a NA a NA
nutahsamôwI do not feed a NA a NI
nutahsamôwuwI feed some NAs that NA
nutahsamôwuwI feed some NAs that NI
nutahsamôwI feed that NA some NAs
nutahsamôwI feed that NA some NIs
nutahsamônánônahWe feed that NA that NA
nutahsamônánWe feed that NA that NI
ahsamôwA NA feeds a NA that NA
ahsamôwA NA feeds a NA that NI
ahsamôwA NA feeds that NA a NA
ahsamôwA NA feeds that NA a NI
ahsamôwuwSome NAs feed a NA a NA
ahsamôwuwSome NAs feed a NA a NI
ahsamôwThat NA feeds a NA a NA
ahsamôwThat NA feeds a NA a NI
kutahsamukomuwA NA feeds yall some NAs
kutahsamukomuwA NA feeds yall some NIs
kutahsamukowakA NA feeds you those NAs
kutahsamukowashA NA feeds you those NIs
kutahsamukowuwThose NAs feed yall a NA
kutahsamukowuwThose NAs feed yall a NI
kutahsamurowumunWe do not feed yall a NA
kutahsamurowumunWe do not feed yall a NI
kutahsamôwunWe-inc feed a NA that NA
kutahsamôwunWe-inc feed a NA that NI
kutahsamôwunWe-inc feed that NA a NA
kutahsamôwunWe-inc feed that NA a NI
kutahsamuwumuwYall do not feed me a NA
kutahsamuwumuwYall do not feed me a NI
kutahsamuwumunYall do not feed us a NA
kutahsamuwumunYall do not feed us a NI
kutahsamôwuwôwakYall feed a NA those NAs
kutahsamôwuwôwashYall feed a NA those NIs
kutahsamôwuwYall feed those NAs a NA
kutahsamôwuwYall feed those NAs a NI
kutahsamônahYou feed that NA that NA
kutahsamônYou feed that NA that NI
nutahsamômuwI feed some NAs some NAs
nutahsamômuwI feed some NAs some NIs
nutahsamônahI feed that NA those NAs
nutahsamônashI feed that NA those NIs
nutahsamônáwôwahI feed those NAs that NA
nutahsamônáwI feed those NAs that NI
nutahsamukowuwSome NAs feed me that NA
nutahsamukowuwSome NAs feed me that NI
nutahsamukowunSome NAs feed us that NA
nutahsamukowunSome NAs feed us that NI
nutahsamukonahThat NA feeds me that NA
nutahsamukonThat NA feeds me that NI
nutahsamukonánônahThat NA feeds us that NA
nutahsamukonánThat NA feeds us that NI
nutahsamôwumunWe do not feed a NA a NA
nutahsamôwumunWe do not feed a NA a NI
nutahsamôwunWe feed some NAs that NA
nutahsamôwunWe feed some NAs that NI
nutahsamôwunWe feed that NA some NAs
nutahsamôwunWe feed that NA some NIs
ahsamôwA NA feeds a NA some NAs
ahsamôwA NA feeds a NA some NIs
ahsamôwuwA NA feeds some NAs a NA
ahsamôwuwA NA feeds some NAs a NI
ahsamôwuwThose NAs feed a NA a NA
ahsamôwuwThose NAs feed a NA a NI
kutahsamukowunA NA feeds us-inc that NA
kutahsamukowunA NA feeds us-inc that NI
kutahsamukowuwôwakA NA feeds yall those NAs
kutahsamukowuwôwashA NA feeds yall those NIs
kutahsamurowunI do not feed you that NA
kutahsamurowunI do not feed you that NI
kutahsamukomunSome NAs feed us-inc a NA
kutahsamukomunSome NAs feed us-inc a NI
kutahsamukowuwSome NAs feed you that NA
kutahsamukowuwSome NAs feed you that NI
kutahsamukowunThat NA feeds us-inc a NA
kutahsamukowunThat NA feeds us-inc a NI
kutahsamukonahThat NA feeds you that NA
kutahsamukonThat NA feeds you that NI
kutahsamômunWe-inc feed a NA some NAs
kutahsamômunWe-inc feed a NA some NIs
kutahsamômunWe-inc feed some NAs a NA
kutahsamômunWe-inc feed some NAs a NI
kutahsamônáwôwahYall feed that NA that NA
kutahsamônáwYall feed that NA that NI
kutahsamôwYou do not feed a NA a NA
kutahsamôwYou do not feed a NA a NI
kutahsamôwuwYou feed some NAs that NA
kutahsamôwuwYou feed some NAs that NI
kutahsamôwYou feed that NA some NAs
kutahsamôwYou feed that NA some NIs
nutahsamôwuwôwakI feed some NAs those NAs
nutahsamôwuwôwashI feed some NAs those NIs
nutahsamôwuwI feed those NAs some NAs
nutahsamôwuwI feed those NAs some NIs
nutahsamukomuwSome NAs feed me some NAs
nutahsamukomuwSome NAs feed me some NIs
nutahsamukomunSome NAs feed us some NAs
nutahsamukomunSome NAs feed us some NIs
nutahsamukowThat NA feeds me some NAs
nutahsamukowThat NA feeds me some NIs
nutahsamukowunThat NA feeds us some NAs
nutahsamukowunThat NA feeds us some NIs
nutahsamukonáwôwahThose NAs feed me that NA
nutahsamukonáwThose NAs feed me that NI
nutahsamukonánônahThose NAs feed us that NA
nutahsamukonánThose NAs feed us that NI
nutahsamômunWe feed some NAs some NAs
nutahsamômunWe feed some NAs some NIs
nutahsamônánônahWe feed that NA those NAs
nutahsamônánônashWe feed that NA those NIs
nutahsamônánônahWe feed those NAs that NA
nutahsamônánWe feed those NAs that NI
ahsamôwakA NA feeds a NA those NAs
ahsamôwashA NA feeds a NA those NIs
ahsamôwuwA NA feeds those NAs a NA
ahsamôwuwA NA feeds those NAs a NI
kutahsamukomunA NA feeds us-inc some NAs
kutahsamukomunA NA feeds us-inc some NIs
kutahsamurowunáwI do not feed yall that NA
kutahsamurowunáwI do not feed yall that NI
kutahsamurowI do not feed you some NAs
kutahsamurowI do not feed you some NIs
kutahsamukowuwSome NAs feed yall that NA
kutahsamukowuwSome NAs feed yall that NI
kutahsamukomuwSome NAs feed you some NAs
kutahsamukomuwSome NAs feed you some NIs
kutahsamukonáwôwahThat NA feeds yall that NA
kutahsamukonáwThat NA feeds yall that NI
kutahsamukowThat NA feeds you some NAs
kutahsamukowThat NA feeds you some NIs
kutahsamukowunThose NAs feed us-inc a NA
kutahsamukowunThose NAs feed us-inc a NI
kutahsamukonáwôwahThose NAs feed you that NA
kutahsamukonáwThose NAs feed you that NI
kutahsamurowunánWe do not feed you that NA
kutahsamurowunánWe do not feed you that NI
kutahsamôwunônakWe-inc feed a NA those NAs
kutahsamôwunônashWe-inc feed a NA those NIs
kutahsamôwunWe-inc feed those NAs a NA
kutahsamôwunWe-inc feed those NAs a NI
kutahsamôwumuwYall do not feed a NA a NA
kutahsamôwumuwYall do not feed a NA a NI
kutahsamôwuwYall feed some NAs that NA
kutahsamôwuwYall feed some NAs that NI
kutahsamôwuwYall feed that NA some NAs
kutahsamôwuwYall feed that NA some NIs
kutahsamuwunYou do not feed me that NA
kutahsamuwunYou do not feed me that NI
kutahsamuwunánYou do not feed us that NA
kutahsamuwunánYou do not feed us that NI
kutahsamômuwYou feed some NAs some NAs
kutahsamômuwYou feed some NAs some NIs
kutahsamônahYou feed that NA those NAs
kutahsamônashYou feed that NA those NIs
kutahsamônáwôwahYou feed those NAs that NA
kutahsamônáwYou feed those NAs that NI
nutahsamukowA NA does not feed me a NA
nutahsamukowA NA does not feed me a NI
nutahsamukowumunA NA does not feed us a NA
nutahsamukowumunA NA does not feed us a NI
nutahsamôwuwI do not feed a NA that NA
nutahsamôwuwI do not feed a NA that NI
nutahsamôwuwI do not feed that NA a NA
nutahsamôwuwI do not feed that NA a NI
nutahsamônáwôwahI feed those NAs those NAs
nutahsamônáwôwashI feed those NAs those NIs
nutahsamukowuwôwakSome NAs feed me those NAs
nutahsamukowuwôwashSome NAs feed me those NIs
nutahsamukowunônakSome NAs feed us those NAs
nutahsamukowunônashSome NAs feed us those NIs
nutahsamukonahThat NA feeds me those NAs
nutahsamukonashThat NA feeds me those NIs
nutahsamukonánônahThat NA feeds us those NAs
nutahsamukonánônashThat NA feeds us those NIs
nutahsamukowuwThose NAs feed me some NAs
nutahsamukowuwThose NAs feed me some NIs
nutahsamukowunThose NAs feed us some NAs
nutahsamukowunThose NAs feed us some NIs
nutahsamôwunônakWe feed some NAs those NAs
nutahsamôwunônashWe feed some NAs those NIs
nutahsamôwunWe feed those NAs some NAs
nutahsamôwunWe feed those NAs some NIs
ahsamôwahA NA feeds that NA that NA
ahsamôwA NA feeds that NA that NI
ahsamôwuwSome NAs feed a NA that NA
ahsamôwuwSome NAs feed a NA that NI
ahsamôwuwSome NAs feed that NA a NA
ahsamôwuwSome NAs feed that NA a NI
ahsamôwahThat NA feeds a NA that NA
ahsamôwThat NA feeds a NA that NI
ahsamôwahThat NA feeds that NA a NA
ahsamôwahThat NA feeds that NA a NI
kutahsamukowA NA does not feed you a NA
kutahsamukowA NA does not feed you a NI
kutahsamukowunônakA NA feeds us-inc those NAs
kutahsamukowunônashA NA feeds us-inc those NIs
kutahsamurowumuwI do not feed yall some NAs
kutahsamurowumuwI do not feed yall some NIs
kutahsamurowunakI do not feed you those NAs
kutahsamurowunashI do not feed you those NIs
kutahsamukomuwSome NAs feed yall some NAs
kutahsamukomuwSome NAs feed yall some NIs
kutahsamukowuwôwakSome NAs feed you those NAs
kutahsamukowuwôwashSome NAs feed you those NIs
kutahsamukowuwThat NA feeds yall some NAs
kutahsamukowuwThat NA feeds yall some NIs
kutahsamukonahThat NA feeds you those NAs
kutahsamukonashThat NA feeds you those NIs
kutahsamukonáwôwahThose NAs feed yall that NA
kutahsamukonáwThose NAs feed yall that NI
kutahsamukowuwThose NAs feed you some NAs
kutahsamukowuwThose NAs feed you some NIs
kutahsamurowunánWe do not feed yall that NA
kutahsamurowunánWe do not feed yall that NI
kutahsamurowumunWe do not feed you some NAs
kutahsamurowumunWe do not feed you some NIs
kutahsamônánônahWe-inc feed that NA that NA
kutahsamônánWe-inc feed that NA that NI
kutahsamuwunáwYall do not feed me that NA
kutahsamuwunáwYall do not feed me that NI
kutahsamuwunánYall do not feed us that NA
kutahsamuwunánYall do not feed us that NI
kutahsamômuwYall feed some NAs some NAs
kutahsamômuwYall feed some NAs some NIs
kutahsamônáwôwahYall feed that NA those NAs
kutahsamônáwôwashYall feed that NA those NIs
kutahsamônáwôwahYall feed those NAs that NA
kutahsamônáwYall feed those NAs that NI
kutahsamuwYou do not feed me some NAs
kutahsamuwYou do not feed me some NIs
kutahsamuwumunYou do not feed us some NAs
kutahsamuwumunYou do not feed us some NIs
kutahsamôwuwôwakYou feed some NAs those NAs
kutahsamôwuwôwashYou feed some NAs those NIs
kutahsamôwuwYou feed those NAs some NAs
kutahsamôwuwYou feed those NAs some NIs
nutahsamôwI do not feed a NA some NAs
nutahsamôwI do not feed a NA some NIs
nutahsamôwumuwI do not feed some NAs a NA
nutahsamôwumuwI do not feed some NAs a NI
nutahsamukonáwôwahThose NAs feed me those NAs
nutahsamukonáwôwashThose NAs feed me those NIs
nutahsamukonánônahThose NAs feed us those NAs
nutahsamukonánônashThose NAs feed us those NIs
nutahsamôwuwunWe do not feed a NA that NA
nutahsamôwuwunWe do not feed a NA that NI
nutahsamôwuwunWe do not feed that NA a NA
nutahsamôwuwunWe do not feed that NA a NI
nutahsamônánônahWe feed those NAs those NAs
nutahsamônánônashWe feed those NAs those NIs
ahsamôwuwA NA feeds some NAs that NA
ahsamôwuwA NA feeds some NAs that NI
ahsamôwA NA feeds that NA some NAs
ahsamôwA NA feeds that NA some NIs
ahsamôwuwSome NAs feed a NA some NAs
ahsamôwuwSome NAs feed a NA some NIs
ahsamôwuwSome NAs feed some NAs a NA
ahsamôwuwSome NAs feed some NAs a NI
ahsamôwThat NA feeds a NA some NAs
ahsamôwThat NA feeds a NA some NIs
ahsamôwuwThat NA feeds some NAs a NA
ahsamôwuwThat NA feeds some NAs a NI
ahsamôwuwôwahThose NAs feed a NA that NA
ahsamôwuwThose NAs feed a NA that NI
ahsamôwuwôwahThose NAs feed that NA a NA
ahsamôwuwôwahThose NAs feed that NA a NI
kutahsamukowumuwA NA does not feed yall a NA
kutahsamukowumuwA NA does not feed yall a NI
kutahsamurowunáwôwakI do not feed yall those NAs
kutahsamurowunáwôwashI do not feed yall those NIs
kutahsamukowunSome NAs feed us-inc that NA
kutahsamukowunSome NAs feed us-inc that NI
kutahsamukowuwôwakSome NAs feed yall those NAs
kutahsamukowuwôwashSome NAs feed yall those NIs
kutahsamukonánônahThat NA feeds us-inc that NA
kutahsamukonánThat NA feeds us-inc that NI
kutahsamukonáwôwahThat NA feeds yall those NAs
kutahsamukonáwôwashThat NA feeds yall those NIs
kutahsamukowuwThose NAs feed yall some NAs
kutahsamukowuwThose NAs feed yall some NIs
kutahsamukonáwôwahThose NAs feed you those NAs
kutahsamukonáwôwashThose NAs feed you those NIs
kutahsamurowumunWe do not feed yall some NAs
kutahsamurowumunWe do not feed yall some NIs
kutahsamurowunánônakWe do not feed you those NAs
kutahsamurowunánônashWe do not feed you those NIs
kutahsamôwumunWe-inc do not feed a NA a NA
kutahsamôwumunWe-inc do not feed a NA a NI
kutahsamôwunWe-inc feed some NAs that NA
kutahsamôwunWe-inc feed some NAs that NI
kutahsamôwunWe-inc feed that NA some NAs
kutahsamôwunWe-inc feed that NA some NIs
kutahsamuwumuwYall do not feed me some NAs
kutahsamuwumuwYall do not feed me some NIs
kutahsamuwumunYall do not feed us some NAs
kutahsamuwumunYall do not feed us some NIs
kutahsamôwuwôwakYall feed some NAs those NAs
kutahsamôwuwôwashYall feed some NAs those NIs
kutahsamôwuwYall feed those NAs some NAs
kutahsamôwuwYall feed those NAs some NIs
kutahsamôwuwYou do not feed a NA that NA
kutahsamôwuwYou do not feed a NA that NI
kutahsamuwunakYou do not feed me those NAs
kutahsamuwunashYou do not feed me those NIs
kutahsamôwuwYou do not feed that NA a NA
kutahsamôwuwYou do not feed that NA a NI
kutahsamuwunánônakYou do not feed us those NAs
kutahsamuwunánônashYou do not feed us those NIs
kutahsamônáwôwahYou feed those NAs those NAs
kutahsamônáwôwashYou feed those NAs those NIs
nutahsamôwuwakI do not feed a NA those NAs
nutahsamôwuwashI do not feed a NA those NIs
nutahsamôwuwuwI do not feed those NAs a NA
nutahsamôwuwuwI do not feed those NAs a NI
nutahsamukowumuwSome NAs do not feed me a NA
nutahsamukowumuwSome NAs do not feed me a NI
nutahsamukowumunSome NAs do not feed us a NA
nutahsamukowumunSome NAs do not feed us a NI
nutahsamôwumunWe do not feed a NA some NAs
nutahsamôwumunWe do not feed a NA some NIs
nutahsamôwumunWe do not feed some NAs a NA
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kutahsamukowunáwôwashThose NAs do not feed yall those NIs
kutahsamôwumunWe-inc do not feed some NAs some NAs
kutahsamôwumunWe-inc do not feed some NAs some NIs
kutahsamôwunánônahWe-inc do not feed that NA those NAs
kutahsamôwunánônashWe-inc do not feed that NA those NIs
kutahsamôwunánônahWe-inc do not feed those NAs that NA
kutahsamôwunánWe-inc do not feed those NAs that NI
kutahsamôwunáwôwahYall do not feed those NAs those NAs
kutahsamôwunáwôwashYall do not feed those NAs those NIs
ahsamôwuwuwA NA does not feed some NAs some NAs
ahsamôwuwuwA NA does not feed some NAs some NIs
ahsamôwuwahA NA does not feed that NA those NAs
ahsamôwuwashA NA does not feed that NA those NIs
ahsamôwuwuwôwahA NA does not feed those NAs that NA
ahsamôwuwuwA NA does not feed those NAs that NI
ahsamôwuwuwôwahSome NAs do not feed that NA that NA
ahsamôwuwuwSome NAs do not feed that NA that NI
ahsamôwuwahThat NA does not feed a NA those NAs
ahsamôwuwashThat NA does not feed a NA those NIs
ahsamôwuwuwôwahThat NA does not feed those NAs a NA
ahsamôwuwuwôwahThat NA does not feed those NAs a NI
ahsamôwuwuwôwahThose NAs do not feed a NA those NAs
ahsamôwuwuwôwashThose NAs do not feed a NA those NIs
ahsamôwuwuwôwahThose NAs do not feed those NAs a NA
ahsamôwuwuwôwahThose NAs do not feed those NAs a NI
kutahsamukowuwunônakSome NAs do not feed us-inc those NAs
kutahsamukowuwunônashSome NAs do not feed us-inc those NIs
kutahsamukowuwunThat NA does not feed us-inc some NAs
kutahsamukowuwunThat NA does not feed us-inc some NIs
kutahsamukowuwunThose NAs do not feed us-inc some NAs
kutahsamukowuwunThose NAs do not feed us-inc some NIs
kutahsamôwuwunônakWe-inc do not feed some NAs those NAs
kutahsamôwuwunônashWe-inc do not feed some NAs those NIs
kutahsamôwuwunWe-inc do not feed those NAs some NAs
kutahsamôwuwunWe-inc do not feed those NAs some NIs
ahsamôwuwuwôwakA NA does not feed some NAs those NAs
ahsamôwuwuwôwashA NA does not feed some NAs those NIs
ahsamôwuwuwA NA does not feed those NAs some NAs
ahsamôwuwuwA NA does not feed those NAs some NIs
ahsamôwuwuwSome NAs do not feed some NAs that NA
ahsamôwuwuwSome NAs do not feed some NAs that NI
ahsamôwuwuwSome NAs do not feed that NA some NAs
ahsamôwuwuwSome NAs do not feed that NA some NIs
ahsamôwunahThat NA does not feed that NA that NA
ahsamôwunahThat NA does not feed that NA that NI
ahsamôwunáwôwahThose NAs do not feed that NA that NA
ahsamôwunáwôwahThose NAs do not feed that NA that NI
kutahsamukowunánônahThat NA does not feed us-inc those NAs
kutahsamukowunánônashThat NA does not feed us-inc those NIs
kutahsamukowunánônahThose NAs do not feed us-inc those NAs
kutahsamukowunánônashThose NAs do not feed us-inc those NIs
kutahsamôwunánônahWe-inc do not feed those NAs those NAs
kutahsamôwunánônashWe-inc do not feed those NAs those NIs
ahsamôwuwuwôwahA NA does not feed those NAs those NAs
ahsamôwuwuwôwashA NA does not feed those NAs those NIs
ahsamôwuwuwSome NAs do not feed some NAs some NAs
ahsamôwuwuwSome NAs do not feed some NAs some NIs
ahsamôwuwuwôwahSome NAs do not feed that NA those NAs
ahsamôwuwuwôwashSome NAs do not feed that NA those NIs
ahsamôwuwuwôwahSome NAs do not feed those NAs that NA
ahsamôwuwuwSome NAs do not feed those NAs that NI
ahsamôwuwuwôwahThat NA does not feed some NAs that NA
ahsamôwuwuwThat NA does not feed some NAs that NI
ahsamôwuwahThat NA does not feed that NA some NAs
ahsamôwuwahThat NA does not feed that NA some NIs
ahsamôwuwuwôwahThose NAs do not feed some NAs that NA
ahsamôwuwuwThose NAs do not feed some NAs that NI
ahsamôwuwuwôwahThose NAs do not feed that NA some NAs
ahsamôwuwuwôwahThose NAs do not feed that NA some NIs
ahsamôwuwuwôwakSome NAs do not feed some NAs those NAs
ahsamôwuwuwôwashSome NAs do not feed some NAs those NIs
ahsamôwuwuwSome NAs do not feed those NAs some NAs
ahsamôwuwuwSome NAs do not feed those NAs some NIs
ahsamôwuwuwThat NA does not feed some NAs some NAs
ahsamôwuwuwThat NA does not feed some NAs some NIs
ahsamôwunahThat NA does not feed that NA those NAs
ahsamôwunahThat NA does not feed that NA those NIs
ahsamôwunáwôwahThat NA does not feed those NAs that NA
ahsamôwunáwôwahThat NA does not feed those NAs that NI
ahsamôwuwuwThose NAs do not feed some NAs some NAs
ahsamôwuwuwThose NAs do not feed some NAs some NIs
ahsamôwunáwôwahThose NAs do not feed that NA those NAs
ahsamôwunáwôwahThose NAs do not feed that NA those NIs
ahsamôwunáwôwahThose NAs do not feed those NAs that NA
ahsamôwunáwôwahThose NAs do not feed those NAs that NI
ahsamôwuwuwôwahSome NAs do not feed those NAs those NAs
ahsamôwuwuwôwashSome NAs do not feed those NAs those NIs
ahsamôwuwuwôwahThat NA does not feed some NAs those NAs
ahsamôwuwuwôwashThat NA does not feed some NAs those NIs
ahsamôwuwuwôwahThat NA does not feed those NAs some NAs
ahsamôwuwuwôwahThat NA does not feed those NAs some NIs
ahsamôwuwuwôwahThose NAs do not feed some NAs those NAs
ahsamôwuwuwôwashThose NAs do not feed some NAs those NIs
ahsamôwuwuwôwahThose NAs do not feed those NAs some NAs
ahsamôwuwuwôwahThose NAs do not feed those NAs some NIs
ahsamôwunáwôwahThat NA does not feed those NAs those NAs
ahsamôwunáwôwahThat NA does not feed those NAs those NIs
ahsamôwunáwôwahThose NAs do not feed those NAs those NAs
ahsamôwunáwôwahThose NAs do not feed those NAs those NIs