Algonquian Language Tool

© 2024 Algonquian Language Revitalization Project

Translations of 'seek'
kucáyáushI seek you
kucáyáurumuwI seek yall
kucáyáurumunWe seek you
kucáyáYou seek me
kucáyáumunYou seek us
nucáyáômI seek a NA
kucáyáurumunWe seek yall
kucáyáumuwYall seek me
kucáyáumunYall seek us
nucáyáômunWe seek a NA
kucáyáômYou seek a NA
nucáyáuqA NA seeks me
nucáyáukomunA NA seeks us
kucáyáuqA NA seeks you
kucáyáômuwYall seek a NA
nucáyáôwI seek that NA
kucáyáukomuwA NA seeks yall
nucáyáômuwI seek some NAs
nucáyáôwunWe seek that NA
wucáyáôwA NA seeks a NA
kucáyáômunWe-inc seek a NA
kucáyáôwYou seek that NA
nucáyáôwuwôwakI seek those NAs
nucáyáukomuwSome NAs seek me
nucáyáukomunSome NAs seek us
nucáyáukowThat NA seeks me
nucáyáukowunThat NA seeks us
nucáyáômunWe seek some NAs
kucáyáukomunA NA seeks us-inc
kucáyáurowI do not seek you
kucáyáukomuwSome NAs seek you
kucáyáukowThat NA seeks you
kucáyáôwuwYall seek that NA
kucáyáômuwYou seek some NAs
nucáyáukowuwThose NAs seek me
nucáyáukowunThose NAs seek us
nucáyáôwunônakWe seek those NAs
kucáyáurowumuwI do not seek yall
kucáyáukomuwSome NAs seek yall
kucáyáukowuwThat NA seeks yall
kucáyáukowuwThose NAs seek you
kucáyáurowumunWe do not seek you
kucáyáômuwYall seek some NAs
kucáyáuwYou do not seek me
kucáyáuwumunYou do not seek us
kucáyáôwuwôwakYou seek those NAs
nucáyáôwI do not seek a NA
wucáyáôwA NA seeks that NA
wucáyáôwuwSome NAs seek a NA
wucáyáôwThat NA seeks a NA
kucáyáukowuwThose NAs seek yall
kucáyáurowumunWe do not seek yall
kucáyáôwunWe-inc seek that NA
kucáyáuwumuwYall do not seek me
kucáyáuwumunYall do not seek us
kucáyáôwuwôwakYall seek those NAs
nucáyáôwumunWe do not seek a NA
wucáyáôwuwA NA seeks some NAs
wucáyáôwuwThose NAs seek a NA
kucáyáukomunSome NAs seek us-inc
kucáyáukowunThat NA seeks us-inc
kucáyáômunWe-inc seek some NAs
kucáyáôwYou do not seek a NA
wucáyáôwuwôwakA NA seeks those NAs
kucáyáukowunThose NAs seek us-inc
kucáyáôwunônakWe-inc seek those NAs
kucáyáôwumuwYall do not seek a NA
nucáyáukowA NA does not seek me
nucáyáukowumunA NA does not seek us
nucáyáôwuwI do not seek that NA
wucáyáôwuwSome NAs seek that NA
wucáyáôwahThat NA seeks that NA
kucáyáukowA NA does not seek you
nucáyáôwumuwI do not seek some NAs
nucáyáôwuwunWe do not seek that NA
wucáyáôwuwSome NAs seek some NAs
wucáyáôwuwThat NA seeks some NAs
wucáyáôwuwôwahThose NAs seek that NA
kucáyáukowumuwA NA does not seek yall
kucáyáôwumunWe-inc do not seek a NA
kucáyáôwuwYou do not seek that NA
nucáyáôwuwuwôwakI do not seek those NAs
nucáyáukowumuwSome NAs do not seek me
nucáyáukowumunSome NAs do not seek us
nucáyáôwumunWe do not seek some NAs
wucáyáôwuwA NA does not seek a NA
wucáyáôwuwôwakSome NAs seek those NAs
wucáyáôwuwôwahThat NA seeks those NAs
wucáyáôwuwThose NAs seek some NAs
kucáyáukowumuwSome NAs do not seek you
kucáyáôwuwuwYall do not seek that NA
kucáyáôwumuwYou do not seek some NAs
nucáyáukowuwThat NA does not seek me
nucáyáukowuwunThat NA does not seek us
nucáyáukowuwuwThose NAs do not seek me
nucáyáukowuwunThose NAs do not seek us
nucáyáôwuwunônakWe do not seek those NAs
wucáyáôwuwôwahThose NAs seek those NAs
kucáyáukowumunA NA does not seek us-inc
kucáyáukowumuwSome NAs do not seek yall
kucáyáukowuwThat NA does not seek you
kucáyáukowuwuwThose NAs do not seek you
kucáyáôwumuwYall do not seek some NAs
kucáyáôwuwuwôwakYou do not seek those NAs
wucáyáôwuwuwSome NAs do not seek a NA
kucáyáukowuwuwThat NA does not seek yall
kucáyáukowuwuwThose NAs do not seek yall
kucáyáôwuwunWe-inc do not seek that NA
kucáyáôwuwuwôwakYall do not seek those NAs
wucáyáôwuwA NA does not seek that NA
wucáyáôwuwThat NA does not seek a NA
wucáyáôwuwuwThose NAs do not seek a NA
kucáyáukowumunSome NAs do not seek us-inc
kucáyáôwumunWe-inc do not seek some NAs
wucáyáôwuwuwA NA does not seek some NAs
kucáyáukowuwunThat NA does not seek us-inc
kucáyáukowuwunThose NAs do not seek us-inc
kucáyáôwuwunônakWe-inc do not seek those NAs
wucáyáôwuwuwôwakA NA does not seek those NAs
wucáyáôwuwuwSome NAs do not seek that NA
wucáyáôwuwuwSome NAs do not seek some NAs
wucáyáôwuwahThat NA does not seek that NA
wucáyáôwuwuwôwahThose NAs do not seek that NA
wucáyáôwuwuwôwakSome NAs do not seek those NAs
wucáyáôwuwuwThat NA does not seek some NAs
wucáyáôwuwuwThose NAs do not seek some NAs
wucáyáôwuwuwôwahThat NA does not seek those NAs
wucáyáôwuwuwôwahThose NAs do not seek those NAs