© 2024 Algonquian Language Revitalization Project
Translations of 'buy' | |
nutáhtoh | I buy a NI |
nutáhtohumun | We buy a NI |
kutáhtoh | You buy a NI |
kutáhtohumuw | Yall buy a NI |
nutáhtohun | I buy that NI |
nutáhtohumuw | I buy some NIs |
nutáhtohunán | We buy that NI |
wutáhtohuw | A NA buys a NI |
kutáhtohumun | We-inc buy a NI |
kutáhtohun | You buy that NI |
nutáhtohunáwôwash | I buy those NIs |
nutáhtohumun | We buy some NIs |
kutáhtohunáw | Yall buy that NI |
kutáhtohumuw | You buy some NIs |
nutáhtohunánônash | We buy those NIs |
kutáhtohumuw | Yall buy some NIs |
kutáhtohunáwôwash | You buy those NIs |
nutáhtohuw | I do not buy a NI |
wutáhtohun | A NA buys that NI |
wutáhtohuwuw | Some NAs buy a NI |
wutáhtohuw | That NA buys a NI |
kutáhtohunán | We-inc buy that NI |
kutáhtohunáwôwash | Yall buy those NIs |
nutáhtohuwumun | We do not buy a NI |
wutáhtohuwuw | A NA buys some NIs |
wutáhtohuwuw | Those NAs buy a NI |
kutáhtohumun | We-inc buy some NIs |
kutáhtohuw | You do not buy a NI |
wutáhtohunáwôwash | A NA buys those NIs |
kutáhtohunánônash | We-inc buy those NIs |
kutáhtohuwumuw | Yall do not buy a NI |
nutáhtohuwun | I do not buy that NI |
wutáhtohunáw | Some NAs buy that NI |
wutáhtohun | That NA buys that NI |
nutáhtohuwumuw | I do not buy some NIs |
nutáhtohuwunán | We do not buy that NI |
wutáhtohuwuw | Some NAs buy some NIs |
wutáhtohuwuw | That NA buys some NIs |
wutáhtohunáw | Those NAs buy that NI |
kutáhtohuwumun | We-inc do not buy a NI |
kutáhtohuwun | You do not buy that NI |
nutáhtohuwunáwôwash | I do not buy those NIs |
nutáhtohuwumun | We do not buy some NIs |
wutáhtohuwuw | A NA does not buy a NI |
wutáhtohunáwôwash | Some NAs buy those NIs |
wutáhtohunáwôwash | That NA buys those NIs |
wutáhtohuwuw | Those NAs buy some NIs |
kutáhtohuwunáw | Yall do not buy that NI |
kutáhtohuwumuw | You do not buy some NIs |
nutáhtohuwunánônash | We do not buy those NIs |
wutáhtohunáwôwash | Those NAs buy those NIs |
kutáhtohuwumuw | Yall do not buy some NIs |
kutáhtohuwunáwôwash | You do not buy those NIs |
wutáhtohuwuwuw | Some NAs do not buy a NI |
kutáhtohuwunán | We-inc do not buy that NI |
kutáhtohuwunáwôwash | Yall do not buy those NIs |
wutáhtohuwun | A NA does not buy that NI |
wutáhtohuwuw | That NA does not buy a NI |
wutáhtohuwuwuw | Those NAs do not buy a NI |
kutáhtohuwumun | We-inc do not buy some NIs |
wutáhtohuwuwuw | A NA does not buy some NIs |
kutáhtohuwunánônash | We-inc do not buy those NIs |
wutáhtohuwunáwôwash | A NA does not buy those NIs |
wutáhtohuwunáw | Some NAs do not buy that NI |
wutáhtohuwuwuw | Some NAs do not buy some NIs |
wutáhtohuwun | That NA does not buy that NI |
wutáhtohuwunáw | Those NAs do not buy that NI |
wutáhtohuwunáwôwash | Some NAs do not buy those NIs |
wutáhtohuwuwuw | That NA does not buy some NIs |
wutáhtohuwuwuw | Those NAs do not buy some NIs |
wutáhtohuwunáwôwash | That NA does not buy those NIs |
wutáhtohuwunáwôwash | Those NAs do not buy those NIs |
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