© 2024 Algonquian Language Revitalization Project
Translations of 'get' | |
nutahtaw | I get a NI |
nutahtawumun | We get a NI |
kutahtaw | You get a NI |
kutahtawumuw | Yall get a NI |
nutahtawun | I get that NI |
nutahtawumuw | I get some NIs |
nutahtawunán | We get that NI |
ahtawuw | A NA gets a NI |
kutahtawumun | We-inc get a NI |
kutahtawun | You get that NI |
nutahtawunáwôwash | I get those NIs |
nutahtawumun | We get some NIs |
kutahtawunáw | Yall get that NI |
kutahtawumuw | You get some NIs |
nutahtawunánônash | We get those NIs |
kutahtawumuw | Yall get some NIs |
kutahtawunáwôwash | You get those NIs |
nutahtawuw | I do not get a NI |
ahtawun | A NA gets that NI |
ahtawuwuw | Some NAs get a NI |
ahtawuw | That NA gets a NI |
kutahtawunán | We-inc get that NI |
kutahtawunáwôwash | Yall get those NIs |
nutahtawuwumun | We do not get a NI |
ahtawuwuw | A NA gets some NIs |
ahtawuwuw | Those NAs get a NI |
kutahtawumun | We-inc get some NIs |
kutahtawuw | You do not get a NI |
ahtawunáwôwash | A NA gets those NIs |
kutahtawunánônash | We-inc get those NIs |
kutahtawuwumuw | Yall do not get a NI |
nutahtawuwun | I do not get that NI |
ahtawunáw | Some NAs get that NI |
ahtawun | That NA gets that NI |
nutahtawuwumuw | I do not get some NIs |
nutahtawuwunán | We do not get that NI |
ahtawuwuw | Some NAs get some NIs |
ahtawuwuw | That NA gets some NIs |
ahtawunáw | Those NAs get that NI |
kutahtawuwumun | We-inc do not get a NI |
kutahtawuwun | You do not get that NI |
nutahtawuwunáwôwash | I do not get those NIs |
nutahtawuwumun | We do not get some NIs |
ahtawuwuw | A NA does not get a NI |
ahtawunáwôwash | Some NAs get those NIs |
ahtawunáwôwash | That NA gets those NIs |
ahtawuwuw | Those NAs get some NIs |
kutahtawuwunáw | Yall do not get that NI |
kutahtawuwumuw | You do not get some NIs |
nutahtawuwunánônash | We do not get those NIs |
ahtawunáwôwash | Those NAs get those NIs |
kutahtawuwumuw | Yall do not get some NIs |
kutahtawuwunáwôwash | You do not get those NIs |
ahtawuwuwuw | Some NAs do not get a NI |
kutahtawuwunán | We-inc do not get that NI |
kutahtawuwunáwôwash | Yall do not get those NIs |
ahtawuwun | A NA does not get that NI |
ahtawuwuw | That NA does not get a NI |
ahtawuwuwuw | Those NAs do not get a NI |
kutahtawuwumun | We-inc do not get some NIs |
ahtawuwuwuw | A NA does not get some NIs |
kutahtawuwunánônash | We-inc do not get those NIs |
ahtawuwunáwôwash | A NA does not get those NIs |
ahtawuwunáw | Some NAs do not get that NI |
ahtawuwuwuw | Some NAs do not get some NIs |
ahtawuwun | That NA does not get that NI |
ahtawuwunáw | Those NAs do not get that NI |
ahtawuwunáwôwash | Some NAs do not get those NIs |
ahtawuwuwuw | That NA does not get some NIs |
ahtawuwuwuw | Those NAs do not get some NIs |
ahtawuwunáwôwash | That NA does not get those NIs |
ahtawuwunáwôwash | Those NAs do not get those NIs |
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