Algonquian Language Tool

© 2024 Algonquian Language Revitalization Project

Translations of 'get'
nutahtawI get a NI
nutahtawumunWe get a NI
kutahtawYou get a NI
kutahtawumuwYall get a NI
nutahtawunI get that NI
nutahtawumuwI get some NIs
nutahtawunánWe get that NI
ahtawuwA NA gets a NI
kutahtawumunWe-inc get a NI
kutahtawunYou get that NI
nutahtawunáwôwashI get those NIs
nutahtawumunWe get some NIs
kutahtawunáwYall get that NI
kutahtawumuwYou get some NIs
nutahtawunánônashWe get those NIs
kutahtawumuwYall get some NIs
kutahtawunáwôwashYou get those NIs
nutahtawuwI do not get a NI
ahtawunA NA gets that NI
ahtawuwuwSome NAs get a NI
ahtawuwThat NA gets a NI
kutahtawunánWe-inc get that NI
kutahtawunáwôwashYall get those NIs
nutahtawuwumunWe do not get a NI
ahtawuwuwA NA gets some NIs
ahtawuwuwThose NAs get a NI
kutahtawumunWe-inc get some NIs
kutahtawuwYou do not get a NI
ahtawunáwôwashA NA gets those NIs
kutahtawunánônashWe-inc get those NIs
kutahtawuwumuwYall do not get a NI
nutahtawuwunI do not get that NI
ahtawunáwSome NAs get that NI
ahtawunThat NA gets that NI
nutahtawuwumuwI do not get some NIs
nutahtawuwunánWe do not get that NI
ahtawuwuwSome NAs get some NIs
ahtawuwuwThat NA gets some NIs
ahtawunáwThose NAs get that NI
kutahtawuwumunWe-inc do not get a NI
kutahtawuwunYou do not get that NI
nutahtawuwunáwôwashI do not get those NIs
nutahtawuwumunWe do not get some NIs
ahtawuwuwA NA does not get a NI
ahtawunáwôwashSome NAs get those NIs
ahtawunáwôwashThat NA gets those NIs
ahtawuwuwThose NAs get some NIs
kutahtawuwunáwYall do not get that NI
kutahtawuwumuwYou do not get some NIs
nutahtawuwunánônashWe do not get those NIs
ahtawunáwôwashThose NAs get those NIs
kutahtawuwumuwYall do not get some NIs
kutahtawuwunáwôwashYou do not get those NIs
ahtawuwuwuwSome NAs do not get a NI
kutahtawuwunánWe-inc do not get that NI
kutahtawuwunáwôwashYall do not get those NIs
ahtawuwunA NA does not get that NI
ahtawuwuwThat NA does not get a NI
ahtawuwuwuwThose NAs do not get a NI
kutahtawuwumunWe-inc do not get some NIs
ahtawuwuwuwA NA does not get some NIs
kutahtawuwunánônashWe-inc do not get those NIs
ahtawuwunáwôwashA NA does not get those NIs
ahtawuwunáwSome NAs do not get that NI
ahtawuwuwuwSome NAs do not get some NIs
ahtawuwunThat NA does not get that NI
ahtawuwunáwThose NAs do not get that NI
ahtawuwunáwôwashSome NAs do not get those NIs
ahtawuwuwuwThat NA does not get some NIs
ahtawuwuwuwThose NAs do not get some NIs
ahtawuwunáwôwashThat NA does not get those NIs
ahtawuwunáwôwashThose NAs do not get those NIs