© 2024 Algonquian Language Revitalization Project
Translations of 'put down' | |
kuponush | I put down you |
kuponurumuw | I put down yall |
kuponurumun | We put down you |
kupon | You put down me |
kuponumun | You put down us |
nuponôm | I put down a NA |
nupon | I put down a NI |
kuponurumun | We put down yall |
kuponumuw | Yall put down me |
kuponumun | Yall put down us |
nuponômun | We put down a NA |
nuponumun | We put down a NI |
kuponôm | You put down a NA |
kupon | You put down a NI |
nuponuq | A NA puts down me |
nuponukomun | A NA puts down us |
kuponuq | A NA puts down you |
kuponômuw | Yall put down a NA |
kuponumuw | Yall put down a NI |
nuponôw | I put down that NA |
nuponun | I put down that NI |
kuponukomuw | A NA puts down yall |
nuponômuw | I put down some NAs |
nuponumuw | I put down some NIs |
nuponôwun | We put down that NA |
nuponunán | We put down that NI |
wuponôw | A NA puts down a NA |
wuponuw | A NA puts down a NI |
kuponômun | We-inc put down a NA |
kuponumun | We-inc put down a NI |
kuponôw | You put down that NA |
kuponun | You put down that NI |
nuponôwuwôwak | I put down those NAs |
nuponunáwôwash | I put down those NIs |
nuponukomuw | Some NAs put down me |
nuponukomun | Some NAs put down us |
nuponukow | That NA puts down me |
nuponukowun | That NA puts down us |
nuponômun | We put down some NAs |
nuponumun | We put down some NIs |
kuponukomun | A NA puts down us-inc |
kuponurow | I do not put down you |
kuponukomuw | Some NAs put down you |
kuponukow | That NA puts down you |
kuponôwuw | Yall put down that NA |
kuponunáw | Yall put down that NI |
kuponômuw | You put down some NAs |
kuponumuw | You put down some NIs |
nuponukowuw | Those NAs put down me |
nuponukowun | Those NAs put down us |
nuponôwunônak | We put down those NAs |
nuponunánônash | We put down those NIs |
kuponurowumuw | I do not put down yall |
kuponukomuw | Some NAs put down yall |
kuponukowuw | That NA puts down yall |
kuponukowuw | Those NAs put down you |
kuponurowumun | We do not put down you |
kuponômuw | Yall put down some NAs |
kuponumuw | Yall put down some NIs |
kuponuw | You do not put down me |
kuponuwumun | You do not put down us |
kuponôwuwôwak | You put down those NAs |
kuponunáwôwash | You put down those NIs |
nuponôw | I do not put down a NA |
nuponuw | I do not put down a NI |
wuponôw | A NA puts down that NA |
wuponun | A NA puts down that NI |
wuponôwuw | Some NAs put down a NA |
wuponuwuw | Some NAs put down a NI |
wuponôw | That NA puts down a NA |
wuponuw | That NA puts down a NI |
kuponukowuw | Those NAs put down yall |
kuponurowumun | We do not put down yall |
kuponôwun | We-inc put down that NA |
kuponunán | We-inc put down that NI |
kuponuwumuw | Yall do not put down me |
kuponuwumun | Yall do not put down us |
kuponôwuwôwak | Yall put down those NAs |
kuponunáwôwash | Yall put down those NIs |
nuponôwumun | We do not put down a NA |
nuponuwumun | We do not put down a NI |
wuponôwuw | A NA puts down some NAs |
wuponuwuw | A NA puts down some NIs |
wuponôwuw | Those NAs put down a NA |
wuponuwuw | Those NAs put down a NI |
kuponukomun | Some NAs put down us-inc |
kuponukowun | That NA puts down us-inc |
kuponômun | We-inc put down some NAs |
kuponumun | We-inc put down some NIs |
kuponôw | You do not put down a NA |
kuponuw | You do not put down a NI |
wuponôwuwôwak | A NA puts down those NAs |
wuponunáwôwash | A NA puts down those NIs |
kuponukowun | Those NAs put down us-inc |
kuponôwunônak | We-inc put down those NAs |
kuponunánônash | We-inc put down those NIs |
kuponôwumuw | Yall do not put down a NA |
kuponuwumuw | Yall do not put down a NI |
nuponukow | A NA does not put down me |
nuponukowumun | A NA does not put down us |
nuponôwuw | I do not put down that NA |
nuponuwun | I do not put down that NI |
wuponôwuw | Some NAs put down that NA |
wuponunáw | Some NAs put down that NI |
wuponôwah | That NA puts down that NA |
wuponun | That NA puts down that NI |
kuponukow | A NA does not put down you |
nuponôwumuw | I do not put down some NAs |
nuponuwumuw | I do not put down some NIs |
nuponôwuwun | We do not put down that NA |
nuponuwunán | We do not put down that NI |
wuponôwuw | Some NAs put down some NAs |
wuponuwuw | Some NAs put down some NIs |
wuponôwuw | That NA puts down some NAs |
wuponuwuw | That NA puts down some NIs |
wuponôwuwôwah | Those NAs put down that NA |
wuponunáw | Those NAs put down that NI |
kuponukowumuw | A NA does not put down yall |
kuponôwumun | We-inc do not put down a NA |
kuponuwumun | We-inc do not put down a NI |
kuponôwuw | You do not put down that NA |
kuponuwun | You do not put down that NI |
nuponôwuwuwôwak | I do not put down those NAs |
nuponuwunáwôwash | I do not put down those NIs |
nuponukowumuw | Some NAs do not put down me |
nuponukowumun | Some NAs do not put down us |
nuponôwumun | We do not put down some NAs |
nuponuwumun | We do not put down some NIs |
wuponôwuw | A NA does not put down a NA |
wuponuwuw | A NA does not put down a NI |
wuponôwuwôwak | Some NAs put down those NAs |
wuponunáwôwash | Some NAs put down those NIs |
wuponôwuwôwah | That NA puts down those NAs |
wuponunáwôwash | That NA puts down those NIs |
wuponôwuw | Those NAs put down some NAs |
wuponuwuw | Those NAs put down some NIs |
kuponukowumuw | Some NAs do not put down you |
kuponôwuwuw | Yall do not put down that NA |
kuponuwunáw | Yall do not put down that NI |
kuponôwumuw | You do not put down some NAs |
kuponuwumuw | You do not put down some NIs |
nuponukowuw | That NA does not put down me |
nuponukowuwun | That NA does not put down us |
nuponukowuwuw | Those NAs do not put down me |
nuponukowuwun | Those NAs do not put down us |
nuponôwuwunônak | We do not put down those NAs |
nuponuwunánônash | We do not put down those NIs |
wuponôwuwôwah | Those NAs put down those NAs |
wuponunáwôwash | Those NAs put down those NIs |
kuponukowumun | A NA does not put down us-inc |
kuponukowumuw | Some NAs do not put down yall |
kuponukowuw | That NA does not put down you |
kuponukowuwuw | Those NAs do not put down you |
kuponôwumuw | Yall do not put down some NAs |
kuponuwumuw | Yall do not put down some NIs |
kuponôwuwuwôwak | You do not put down those NAs |
kuponuwunáwôwash | You do not put down those NIs |
wuponôwuwuw | Some NAs do not put down a NA |
wuponuwuwuw | Some NAs do not put down a NI |
kuponukowuwuw | That NA does not put down yall |
kuponukowuwuw | Those NAs do not put down yall |
kuponôwuwun | We-inc do not put down that NA |
kuponuwunán | We-inc do not put down that NI |
kuponôwuwuwôwak | Yall do not put down those NAs |
kuponuwunáwôwash | Yall do not put down those NIs |
wuponôwuw | A NA does not put down that NA |
wuponuwun | A NA does not put down that NI |
wuponôwuw | That NA does not put down a NA |
wuponuwuw | That NA does not put down a NI |
wuponôwuwuw | Those NAs do not put down a NA |
wuponuwuwuw | Those NAs do not put down a NI |
kuponukowumun | Some NAs do not put down us-inc |
kuponôwumun | We-inc do not put down some NAs |
kuponuwumun | We-inc do not put down some NIs |
wuponôwuwuw | A NA does not put down some NAs |
wuponuwuwuw | A NA does not put down some NIs |
kuponukowuwun | That NA does not put down us-inc |
kuponukowuwun | Those NAs do not put down us-inc |
kuponôwuwunônak | We-inc do not put down those NAs |
kuponuwunánônash | We-inc do not put down those NIs |
wuponôwuwuwôwak | A NA does not put down those NAs |
wuponuwunáwôwash | A NA does not put down those NIs |
wuponôwuwuw | Some NAs do not put down that NA |
wuponuwunáw | Some NAs do not put down that NI |
wuponôwuwuw | Some NAs do not put down some NAs |
wuponuwuwuw | Some NAs do not put down some NIs |
wuponôwuwah | That NA does not put down that NA |
wuponuwun | That NA does not put down that NI |
wuponôwuwuwôwah | Those NAs do not put down that NA |
wuponuwunáw | Those NAs do not put down that NI |
wuponôwuwuwôwak | Some NAs do not put down those NAs |
wuponuwunáwôwash | Some NAs do not put down those NIs |
wuponôwuwuw | That NA does not put down some NAs |
wuponuwuwuw | That NA does not put down some NIs |
wuponôwuwuw | Those NAs do not put down some NAs |
wuponuwuwuw | Those NAs do not put down some NIs |
wuponôwuwuwôwah | That NA does not put down those NAs |
wuponuwunáwôwash | That NA does not put down those NIs |
wuponôwuwuwôwah | Those NAs do not put down those NAs |
wuponuwunáwôwash | Those NAs do not put down those NIs |
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