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© 2024 Algonquian Language Revitalization Project

Translations of 'put down'
kuponushI put down you
kuponurumuwI put down yall
kuponurumunWe put down you
kuponYou put down me
kuponumunYou put down us
nuponômI put down a NA
nuponI put down a NI
kuponurumunWe put down yall
kuponumuwYall put down me
kuponumunYall put down us
nuponômunWe put down a NA
nuponumunWe put down a NI
kuponômYou put down a NA
kuponYou put down a NI
nuponuqA NA puts down me
nuponukomunA NA puts down us
kuponuqA NA puts down you
kuponômuwYall put down a NA
kuponumuwYall put down a NI
nuponôwI put down that NA
nuponunI put down that NI
kuponukomuwA NA puts down yall
nuponômuwI put down some NAs
nuponumuwI put down some NIs
nuponôwunWe put down that NA
nuponunánWe put down that NI
wuponôwA NA puts down a NA
wuponuwA NA puts down a NI
kuponômunWe-inc put down a NA
kuponumunWe-inc put down a NI
kuponôwYou put down that NA
kuponunYou put down that NI
nuponôwuwôwakI put down those NAs
nuponunáwôwashI put down those NIs
nuponukomuwSome NAs put down me
nuponukomunSome NAs put down us
nuponukowThat NA puts down me
nuponukowunThat NA puts down us
nuponômunWe put down some NAs
nuponumunWe put down some NIs
kuponukomunA NA puts down us-inc
kuponurowI do not put down you
kuponukomuwSome NAs put down you
kuponukowThat NA puts down you
kuponôwuwYall put down that NA
kuponunáwYall put down that NI
kuponômuwYou put down some NAs
kuponumuwYou put down some NIs
nuponukowuwThose NAs put down me
nuponukowunThose NAs put down us
nuponôwunônakWe put down those NAs
nuponunánônashWe put down those NIs
kuponurowumuwI do not put down yall
kuponukomuwSome NAs put down yall
kuponukowuwThat NA puts down yall
kuponukowuwThose NAs put down you
kuponurowumunWe do not put down you
kuponômuwYall put down some NAs
kuponumuwYall put down some NIs
kuponuwYou do not put down me
kuponuwumunYou do not put down us
kuponôwuwôwakYou put down those NAs
kuponunáwôwashYou put down those NIs
nuponôwI do not put down a NA
nuponuwI do not put down a NI
wuponôwA NA puts down that NA
wuponunA NA puts down that NI
wuponôwuwSome NAs put down a NA
wuponuwuwSome NAs put down a NI
wuponôwThat NA puts down a NA
wuponuwThat NA puts down a NI
kuponukowuwThose NAs put down yall
kuponurowumunWe do not put down yall
kuponôwunWe-inc put down that NA
kuponunánWe-inc put down that NI
kuponuwumuwYall do not put down me
kuponuwumunYall do not put down us
kuponôwuwôwakYall put down those NAs
kuponunáwôwashYall put down those NIs
nuponôwumunWe do not put down a NA
nuponuwumunWe do not put down a NI
wuponôwuwA NA puts down some NAs
wuponuwuwA NA puts down some NIs
wuponôwuwThose NAs put down a NA
wuponuwuwThose NAs put down a NI
kuponukomunSome NAs put down us-inc
kuponukowunThat NA puts down us-inc
kuponômunWe-inc put down some NAs
kuponumunWe-inc put down some NIs
kuponôwYou do not put down a NA
kuponuwYou do not put down a NI
wuponôwuwôwakA NA puts down those NAs
wuponunáwôwashA NA puts down those NIs
kuponukowunThose NAs put down us-inc
kuponôwunônakWe-inc put down those NAs
kuponunánônashWe-inc put down those NIs
kuponôwumuwYall do not put down a NA
kuponuwumuwYall do not put down a NI
nuponukowA NA does not put down me
nuponukowumunA NA does not put down us
nuponôwuwI do not put down that NA
nuponuwunI do not put down that NI
wuponôwuwSome NAs put down that NA
wuponunáwSome NAs put down that NI
wuponôwahThat NA puts down that NA
wuponunThat NA puts down that NI
kuponukowA NA does not put down you
nuponôwumuwI do not put down some NAs
nuponuwumuwI do not put down some NIs
nuponôwuwunWe do not put down that NA
nuponuwunánWe do not put down that NI
wuponôwuwSome NAs put down some NAs
wuponuwuwSome NAs put down some NIs
wuponôwuwThat NA puts down some NAs
wuponuwuwThat NA puts down some NIs
wuponôwuwôwahThose NAs put down that NA
wuponunáwThose NAs put down that NI
kuponukowumuwA NA does not put down yall
kuponôwumunWe-inc do not put down a NA
kuponuwumunWe-inc do not put down a NI
kuponôwuwYou do not put down that NA
kuponuwunYou do not put down that NI
nuponôwuwuwôwakI do not put down those NAs
nuponuwunáwôwashI do not put down those NIs
nuponukowumuwSome NAs do not put down me
nuponukowumunSome NAs do not put down us
nuponôwumunWe do not put down some NAs
nuponuwumunWe do not put down some NIs
wuponôwuwA NA does not put down a NA
wuponuwuwA NA does not put down a NI
wuponôwuwôwakSome NAs put down those NAs
wuponunáwôwashSome NAs put down those NIs
wuponôwuwôwahThat NA puts down those NAs
wuponunáwôwashThat NA puts down those NIs
wuponôwuwThose NAs put down some NAs
wuponuwuwThose NAs put down some NIs
kuponukowumuwSome NAs do not put down you
kuponôwuwuwYall do not put down that NA
kuponuwunáwYall do not put down that NI
kuponôwumuwYou do not put down some NAs
kuponuwumuwYou do not put down some NIs
nuponukowuwThat NA does not put down me
nuponukowuwunThat NA does not put down us
nuponukowuwuwThose NAs do not put down me
nuponukowuwunThose NAs do not put down us
nuponôwuwunônakWe do not put down those NAs
nuponuwunánônashWe do not put down those NIs
wuponôwuwôwahThose NAs put down those NAs
wuponunáwôwashThose NAs put down those NIs
kuponukowumunA NA does not put down us-inc
kuponukowumuwSome NAs do not put down yall
kuponukowuwThat NA does not put down you
kuponukowuwuwThose NAs do not put down you
kuponôwumuwYall do not put down some NAs
kuponuwumuwYall do not put down some NIs
kuponôwuwuwôwakYou do not put down those NAs
kuponuwunáwôwashYou do not put down those NIs
wuponôwuwuwSome NAs do not put down a NA
wuponuwuwuwSome NAs do not put down a NI
kuponukowuwuwThat NA does not put down yall
kuponukowuwuwThose NAs do not put down yall
kuponôwuwunWe-inc do not put down that NA
kuponuwunánWe-inc do not put down that NI
kuponôwuwuwôwakYall do not put down those NAs
kuponuwunáwôwashYall do not put down those NIs
wuponôwuwA NA does not put down that NA
wuponuwunA NA does not put down that NI
wuponôwuwThat NA does not put down a NA
wuponuwuwThat NA does not put down a NI
wuponôwuwuwThose NAs do not put down a NA
wuponuwuwuwThose NAs do not put down a NI
kuponukowumunSome NAs do not put down us-inc
kuponôwumunWe-inc do not put down some NAs
kuponuwumunWe-inc do not put down some NIs
wuponôwuwuwA NA does not put down some NAs
wuponuwuwuwA NA does not put down some NIs
kuponukowuwunThat NA does not put down us-inc
kuponukowuwunThose NAs do not put down us-inc
kuponôwuwunônakWe-inc do not put down those NAs
kuponuwunánônashWe-inc do not put down those NIs
wuponôwuwuwôwakA NA does not put down those NAs
wuponuwunáwôwashA NA does not put down those NIs
wuponôwuwuwSome NAs do not put down that NA
wuponuwunáwSome NAs do not put down that NI
wuponôwuwuwSome NAs do not put down some NAs
wuponuwuwuwSome NAs do not put down some NIs
wuponôwuwahThat NA does not put down that NA
wuponuwunThat NA does not put down that NI
wuponôwuwuwôwahThose NAs do not put down that NA
wuponuwunáwThose NAs do not put down that NI
wuponôwuwuwôwakSome NAs do not put down those NAs
wuponuwunáwôwashSome NAs do not put down those NIs
wuponôwuwuwThat NA does not put down some NAs
wuponuwuwuwThat NA does not put down some NIs
wuponôwuwuwThose NAs do not put down some NAs
wuponuwuwuwThose NAs do not put down some NIs
wuponôwuwuwôwahThat NA does not put down those NAs
wuponuwunáwôwashThat NA does not put down those NIs
wuponôwuwuwôwahThose NAs do not put down those NAs
wuponuwunáwôwashThose NAs do not put down those NIs