Algonquian Language Tool

© 2024 Algonquian Language Revitalization Project

Translations of 'leave behind'
kutasqitiyámushI leave you behind
kutasqitiyámurumuwI leave yall behind
kutasqitiyámurumunWe leave you behind
kutasqitiyámYou leave me behind
kutasqitiyámumunYou leave us behind
nutasqitiyámômI leave a NA behind
kutasqitiyámurumunWe leave yall behind
kutasqitiyámumuwYall leave me behind
kutasqitiyámumunYall leave us behind
nutasqitiyámômunWe leave a NA behind
kutasqitiyámômYou leave a NA behind
nutasqitiyámuqA NA leaves me behind
nutasqitiyámukomunA NA leaves us behind
kutasqitiyámuqA NA leaves you behind
kutasqitiyámômuwYall leave a NA behind
nutasqitiyámôwI leave that NA behind
kutasqitiyámukomuwA NA leaves yall behind
nutasqitiyámômuwI leave some NAs behind
nutasqitiyámôwunWe leave that NA behind
asqitiyámôwA NA leaves a NA behind
kutasqitiyámômunWe-inc leave a NA behind
kutasqitiyámôwYou leave that NA behind
nutasqitiyámôwuwôwakI leave those NAs behind
nutasqitiyámukomuwSome NAs leave me behind
nutasqitiyámukomunSome NAs leave us behind
nutasqitiyámukowThat NA leaves me behind
nutasqitiyámukowunThat NA leaves us behind
nutasqitiyámômunWe leave some NAs behind
kutasqitiyámukomunA NA leaves us-inc behind
kutasqitiyámurowI do not leave you behind
kutasqitiyámukomuwSome NAs leave you behind
kutasqitiyámukowThat NA leaves you behind
kutasqitiyámôwuwYall leave that NA behind
kutasqitiyámômuwYou leave some NAs behind
nutasqitiyámukowuwThose NAs leave me behind
nutasqitiyámukowunThose NAs leave us behind
nutasqitiyámôwunônakWe leave those NAs behind
kutasqitiyámurowumuwI do not leave yall behind
kutasqitiyámukomuwSome NAs leave yall behind
kutasqitiyámukowuwThat NA leaves yall behind
kutasqitiyámukowuwThose NAs leave you behind
kutasqitiyámurowumunWe do not leave you behind
kutasqitiyámômuwYall leave some NAs behind
kutasqitiyámuwYou do not leave me behind
kutasqitiyámuwumunYou do not leave us behind
kutasqitiyámôwuwôwakYou leave those NAs behind
nutasqitiyámôwI do not leave a NA behind
asqitiyámôwA NA leaves that NA behind
asqitiyámôwuwSome NAs leave a NA behind
asqitiyámôwThat NA leaves a NA behind
kutasqitiyámukowuwThose NAs leave yall behind
kutasqitiyámurowumunWe do not leave yall behind
kutasqitiyámôwunWe-inc leave that NA behind
kutasqitiyámuwumuwYall do not leave me behind
kutasqitiyámuwumunYall do not leave us behind
kutasqitiyámôwuwôwakYall leave those NAs behind
nutasqitiyámôwumunWe do not leave a NA behind
asqitiyámôwuwA NA leaves some NAs behind
asqitiyámôwuwThose NAs leave a NA behind
kutasqitiyámukomunSome NAs leave us-inc behind
kutasqitiyámukowunThat NA leaves us-inc behind
kutasqitiyámômunWe-inc leave some NAs behind
kutasqitiyámôwYou do not leave a NA behind
asqitiyámôwuwôwakA NA leaves those NAs behind
kutasqitiyámukowunThose NAs leave us-inc behind
kutasqitiyámôwunônakWe-inc leave those NAs behind
kutasqitiyámôwumuwYall do not leave a NA behind
nutasqitiyámukowA NA does not leave me behind
nutasqitiyámukowumunA NA does not leave us behind
nutasqitiyámôwuwI do not leave that NA behind
asqitiyámôwuwSome NAs leave that NA behind
asqitiyámôwahThat NA leaves that NA behind
kutasqitiyámukowA NA does not leave you behind
nutasqitiyámôwumuwI do not leave some NAs behind
nutasqitiyámôwuwunWe do not leave that NA behind
asqitiyámôwuwSome NAs leave some NAs behind
asqitiyámôwuwThat NA leaves some NAs behind
asqitiyámôwuwôwahThose NAs leave that NA behind
kutasqitiyámukowumuwA NA does not leave yall behind
kutasqitiyámôwumunWe-inc do not leave a NA behind
kutasqitiyámôwuwYou do not leave that NA behind
nutasqitiyámôwuwuwôwakI do not leave those NAs behind
nutasqitiyámukowumuwSome NAs do not leave me behind
nutasqitiyámukowumunSome NAs do not leave us behind
nutasqitiyámôwumunWe do not leave some NAs behind
asqitiyámôwuwA NA does not leave a NA behind
asqitiyámôwuwôwakSome NAs leave those NAs behind
asqitiyámôwuwôwahThat NA leaves those NAs behind
asqitiyámôwuwThose NAs leave some NAs behind
kutasqitiyámukowumuwSome NAs do not leave you behind
kutasqitiyámôwuwuwYall do not leave that NA behind
kutasqitiyámôwumuwYou do not leave some NAs behind
nutasqitiyámukowuwThat NA does not leave me behind
nutasqitiyámukowuwunThat NA does not leave us behind
nutasqitiyámukowuwuwThose NAs do not leave me behind
nutasqitiyámukowuwunThose NAs do not leave us behind
nutasqitiyámôwuwunônakWe do not leave those NAs behind
asqitiyámôwuwôwahThose NAs leave those NAs behind
kutasqitiyámukowumunA NA does not leave us-inc behind
kutasqitiyámukowumuwSome NAs do not leave yall behind
kutasqitiyámukowuwThat NA does not leave you behind
kutasqitiyámukowuwuwThose NAs do not leave you behind
kutasqitiyámôwumuwYall do not leave some NAs behind
kutasqitiyámôwuwuwôwakYou do not leave those NAs behind
asqitiyámôwuwuwSome NAs do not leave a NA behind
kutasqitiyámukowuwuwThat NA does not leave yall behind
kutasqitiyámukowuwuwThose NAs do not leave yall behind
kutasqitiyámôwuwunWe-inc do not leave that NA behind
kutasqitiyámôwuwuwôwakYall do not leave those NAs behind
asqitiyámôwuwA NA does not leave that NA behind
asqitiyámôwuwThat NA does not leave a NA behind
asqitiyámôwuwuwThose NAs do not leave a NA behind
kutasqitiyámukowumunSome NAs do not leave us-inc behind
kutasqitiyámôwumunWe-inc do not leave some NAs behind
asqitiyámôwuwuwA NA does not leave some NAs behind
kutasqitiyámukowuwunThat NA does not leave us-inc behind
kutasqitiyámukowuwunThose NAs do not leave us-inc behind
kutasqitiyámôwuwunônakWe-inc do not leave those NAs behind
asqitiyámôwuwuwôwakA NA does not leave those NAs behind
asqitiyámôwuwuwSome NAs do not leave that NA behind
asqitiyámôwuwuwSome NAs do not leave some NAs behind
asqitiyámôwuwahThat NA does not leave that NA behind
asqitiyámôwuwuwôwahThose NAs do not leave that NA behind
asqitiyámôwuwuwôwakSome NAs do not leave those NAs behind
asqitiyámôwuwuwThat NA does not leave some NAs behind
asqitiyámôwuwuwThose NAs do not leave some NAs behind
asqitiyámôwuwuwôwahThat NA does not leave those NAs behind
asqitiyámôwuwuwôwahThose NAs do not leave those NAs behind