Algonquian Language Tool

© 2024 Algonquian Language Revitalization Project

Translations of 'call something'
kutahuyushI call you something
kutahuyurumuwI call yall something
kutahuyurumunWe call you something
kutahuyYou call me something
kutahuyumunYou call us something
nutahuyômI call a NA something
kutahuyurumunWe call yall something
kutahuyumuwYall call me something
kutahuyumunYall call us something
nutahuyômunWe call a NA something
kutahuyômYou call a NA something
nutahuyuqA NA calls me something
nutahuyukomunA NA calls us something
kutahuyuqA NA calls you something
kutahuyômuwYall call a NA something
nutahuyôwI call that NA something
kutahuyukomuwA NA calls yall something
nutahuyômuwI call some NAs something
nutahuyôwunWe call that NA something
ahuyôwA NA calls a NA something
kutahuyômunWe-inc call a NA something
kutahuyôwYou call that NA something
nutahuyôwuwôwakI call those NAs something
nutahuyukomuwSome NAs call me something
nutahuyukomunSome NAs call us something
nutahuyukowThat NA calls me something
nutahuyukowunThat NA calls us something
nutahuyômunWe call some NAs something
kutahuyukomunA NA calls us-inc something
kutahuyurowI do not call you something
kutahuyukomuwSome NAs call you something
kutahuyukowThat NA calls you something
kutahuyôwuwYall call that NA something
kutahuyômuwYou call some NAs something
nutahuyukowuwThose NAs call me something
nutahuyukowunThose NAs call us something
nutahuyôwunônakWe call those NAs something
kutahuyurowumuwI do not call yall something
kutahuyukomuwSome NAs call yall something
kutahuyukowuwThat NA calls yall something
kutahuyukowuwThose NAs call you something
kutahuyurowumunWe do not call you something
kutahuyômuwYall call some NAs something
kutahuyuwYou do not call me something
kutahuyuwumunYou do not call us something
kutahuyôwuwôwakYou call those NAs something
nutahuyôwI do not call a NA something
ahuyôwA NA calls that NA something
ahuyôwuwSome NAs call a NA something
ahuyôwThat NA calls a NA something
kutahuyukowuwThose NAs call yall something
kutahuyurowumunWe do not call yall something
kutahuyôwunWe-inc call that NA something
kutahuyuwumuwYall do not call me something
kutahuyuwumunYall do not call us something
kutahuyôwuwôwakYall call those NAs something
nutahuyôwumunWe do not call a NA something
ahuyôwuwA NA calls some NAs something
ahuyôwuwThose NAs call a NA something
kutahuyukomunSome NAs call us-inc something
kutahuyukowunThat NA calls us-inc something
kutahuyômunWe-inc call some NAs something
kutahuyôwYou do not call a NA something
ahuyôwuwôwakA NA calls those NAs something
kutahuyukowunThose NAs call us-inc something
kutahuyôwunônakWe-inc call those NAs something
kutahuyôwumuwYall do not call a NA something
nutahuyukowA NA does not call me something
nutahuyukowumunA NA does not call us something
nutahuyôwuwI do not call that NA something
ahuyôwuwSome NAs call that NA something
ahuyôwahThat NA calls that NA something
kutahuyukowA NA does not call you something
nutahuyôwumuwI do not call some NAs something
nutahuyôwuwunWe do not call that NA something
ahuyôwuwSome NAs call some NAs something
ahuyôwuwThat NA calls some NAs something
ahuyôwuwôwahThose NAs call that NA something
kutahuyukowumuwA NA does not call yall something
kutahuyôwumunWe-inc do not call a NA something
kutahuyôwuwYou do not call that NA something
nutahuyôwuwuwôwakI do not call those NAs something
nutahuyukowumuwSome NAs do not call me something
nutahuyukowumunSome NAs do not call us something
nutahuyôwumunWe do not call some NAs something
ahuyôwuwA NA does not call a NA something
ahuyôwuwôwakSome NAs call those NAs something
ahuyôwuwôwahThat NA calls those NAs something
ahuyôwuwThose NAs call some NAs something
kutahuyukowumuwSome NAs do not call you something
kutahuyôwuwuwYall do not call that NA something
kutahuyôwumuwYou do not call some NAs something
nutahuyukowuwThat NA does not call me something
nutahuyukowuwunThat NA does not call us something
nutahuyukowuwuwThose NAs do not call me something
nutahuyukowuwunThose NAs do not call us something
nutahuyôwuwunônakWe do not call those NAs something
ahuyôwuwôwahThose NAs call those NAs something
kutahuyukowumunA NA does not call us-inc something
kutahuyukowumuwSome NAs do not call yall something
kutahuyukowuwThat NA does not call you something
kutahuyukowuwuwThose NAs do not call you something
kutahuyôwumuwYall do not call some NAs something
kutahuyôwuwuwôwakYou do not call those NAs something
ahuyôwuwuwSome NAs do not call a NA something
kutahuyukowuwuwThat NA does not call yall something
kutahuyukowuwuwThose NAs do not call yall something
kutahuyôwuwunWe-inc do not call that NA something
kutahuyôwuwuwôwakYall do not call those NAs something
ahuyôwuwA NA does not call that NA something
ahuyôwuwThat NA does not call a NA something
ahuyôwuwuwThose NAs do not call a NA something
kutahuyukowumunSome NAs do not call us-inc something
kutahuyôwumunWe-inc do not call some NAs something
ahuyôwuwuwA NA does not call some NAs something
kutahuyukowuwunThat NA does not call us-inc something
kutahuyukowuwunThose NAs do not call us-inc something
kutahuyôwuwunônakWe-inc do not call those NAs something
ahuyôwuwuwôwakA NA does not call those NAs something
ahuyôwuwuwSome NAs do not call that NA something
ahuyôwuwuwSome NAs do not call some NAs something
ahuyôwuwahThat NA does not call that NA something
ahuyôwuwuwôwahThose NAs do not call that NA something
ahuyôwuwuwôwakSome NAs do not call those NAs something
ahuyôwuwuwThat NA does not call some NAs something
ahuyôwuwuwThose NAs do not call some NAs something
ahuyôwuwuwôwahThat NA does not call those NAs something
ahuyôwuwuwôwahThose NAs do not call those NAs something